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Becky is really charismatic and if I am not mistaken, she used to take acting lessons way back. I haven't seen her appearance in Billions, but she can definitely be a successful movie star Gina Carano style. 

Kevin Owens is also injured. I swear if this leads to them putting the title on Rollins so they can have Owens feud with him on his return, I will make 20 comments in a row just bitching about it. And bitching about Seth. Steph definitely helped cool off Becky but pairing her with her dork fiance also played a role. 

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After years of squashing and derailing every potential star they have it'd be funny if Roman and Becky left them in the lurch. I think Roman's pretty much done with them to be honest and good for him. I think Becky will struggle outside, but I'm glad she's expanding her options. That company will forever piss her potential away.

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2 hours ago, Strummer said:

I believe Becky has a degree in acting. I think she has enough charisma to get by even if she isn't technically sound

I don't know about being a lead actress on a major level, but there's a lot of actresses that have still made decent money and had plenty of acting roles being the lady version of being "Denzel's friend". I could see her also falling into a good niche as "lead tough lady" in straight-to-Blu Ray and straight-to-VOD action movies

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2 hours ago, FMKK said:
I did see a couple of clips of her appearance in Billions. I know nothing about the show so I don't have much context but I thought it was a bit cringey. 

Yeah, it wasn't the most encouraging start. The scene/dialogue had to be near incomprehensible to normal viewers of the show and that was a pretty laboured kip-up for a budding action star. 

Becky's future will be interesting. On the WWE The Bump Youtube show she listed a bunch of film projects she'd like to do so things seem fairly advanced, Wrestling career-wise her hips and shoulders are jacked up if you've noticed she's slowed down a lot and she's 33 and wants to have children too. 

Becky is only one of WWE future issues. Roman Reigns likely won't be back until there's a vaccine. The roster overall is showing it's age/vulnerability with the likes of Kevin Owens (35) having some kind of ankle injury, on Smackdown next week Jeff Hardy (42) with legal issues still pending confronts Sheamus (42) returning from rehabbing spinal stenosis for an extended period of time and if you've noticed hasn't taken many bumps yet. 

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Roman is the one guy I would most like to see outside the WWE system. I remember, in 2015, when he had "taken Bryan's spot" and was cutting Looney Tunes promos and hatred against him was paramount, Meltzer wrote that at some press conference, he had seen Roman and Steve Austin cut impromptu promos on each other, and he said Roman went toe to toe with him and kept up with Austin all the way. I bet he would be able to cut a delightful heel promo in front of a rabid AEW fanbase, for instance. 

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1 minute ago, clintthecrippler said:

I don't know about being a lead actress on a major level, but there's a lot of actresses that have still made decent money and had plenty of acting roles being the lady version of being "Denzel's friend". I could see her also falling into a good niche as "lead tough lady" in straight-to-Blu Ray and straight-to-VOD action movies

Yeah I think she could fit great into the Gina Carano niche. She would need to have Ronda-level bad acting to screw that up.

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Roman is just as likely to leave for Hollywood as Becky, especially with his leukemia. He's got a small part in a Netflix movie later this month. He's a fit for any lower-tier action films Jason Momoa can't get around to doing. As Kawada mentioned, he can also go into football commentary. And he's got a good sound for voice work/narration.

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8 minutes ago, Strummer said:

Just saw the clip of Becky on "Billions". What in the hell did I just watch?!? Never seen the show so maybe unfair but that was indeed cringey.

The same. Cringe as fuck.

Also, in the real world where no one knows what "The Man" refers to in pro-wrestling folklore, a woman calling herself The Man because she's the champ sounds dumb and misogynistic as hell ! :lol:

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Yeah, getting in with Sandler is a golden ticket for continuous work. May not always be the best quality, but the checks will clear.

Roman and Becky will also do VA for the animated wrestling monster movie starring Will Arnett. It was scheduled for an early 2021 release, but I imagine that will be moved back. All the same, both are making moves beyond wrestling and that's the smart way to go.

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1 hour ago, rovert said:

Yeah, it wasn't the most encouraging start. The scene/dialogue had to be near incomprehensible to normal viewers of the show and that was a pretty laboured kip-up for a budding action star. 

Becky's future will be interesting. On the WWE The Bump Youtube show she listed a bunch of film projects she'd like to do so things seem fairly advanced, Wrestling career-wise her hips and shoulders are jacked up if you've noticed she's slowed down a lot and she's 33 and wants to have children too. 

Becky is only one of WWE future issues. Roman Reigns likely won't be back until there's a vaccine. The roster overall is showing it's age/vulnerability with the likes of Kevin Owens (35) having some kind of ankle injury, on Smackdown next week Jeff Hardy (42) with legal issues still pending confronts Sheamus (42) returning from rehabbing spinal stenosis for an extended period of time and if you've noticed hasn't taken many bumps yet. 

Kevin Owens is a smart guy and I'm sure he's aware he's got a lot of miles on the clock. Even if his injury is something he could usually work though, it makes sense to step out, heal your body up, spend time with your kids and take nothing to do with these lame duck shows that are dying a death right now. If he can wait it out until there's an audience again, he'll make himself look like a megastar by getting the first 'return' pop post-Covid. In saying that, KO has had multiple returns and character changes that have started up hot and ended up being booked into oblivion over the last year or so. That's gotta be demoralising.

I didn't know that about Becky's hips and shoulders but I do think she's been noticeably clunky in the ring for the last while. I'm not sure she ever found a ring style that matches with this persona. In fairness to her on the acting front, anyone playing a broad Vince McMahon wrestling character is going to come off cringey put in a different context. I'd like to see her get a try in a different role to see what she can bring. Maybe something a bit more low key, because everyone from wrestling ends up doing bombastic action roles. I could see her in a comedy or a sweet but offbeat drama playing something more like her previous babyface character.

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6 hours ago, FMKK said:

I didn't know that about Becky's hips and shoulders but I do think she's been noticeably clunky in the ring for the last while. I'm not sure she ever found a ring style that matches with this persona. In fairness to her on the acting front, anyone playing a broad Vince McMahon wrestling character is going to come off cringey put in a different context. I'd like to see her get a try in a different role to see what she can bring. Maybe something a bit more low key, because everyone from wrestling ends up doing bombastic action roles. I could see her in a comedy or a sweet but offbeat drama playing something more like her previous babyface character.

The matches that worked best with the character were the big brawls - the Last Woman Standing with Charlotte, the Hell in a Cell with Sasha. I think that's because a lot of the character was about her toughness, and those matches helped her express that with ring work. You can probably analogize a bit to the Austin Attitude Era main event style. I don't think a lot of the women on the roster are well equipped to work that style, nor were the matches booked to go in that direction. 

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11 hours ago, Badlittlekitten said:

I think Becky will struggle outside, but I'm glad she's expanding her options. That company will forever piss her potential away.

Most of the anti-WWE sentiment on this board is valid, but not this.

Becky Lynch is the most pushed female wrestler in the history of the company. She has hardly had her potential "pissed away." 

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9 hours ago, MoS said:

Roman is the one guy I would most like to see outside the WWE system. I remember, in 2015, when he had "taken Bryan's spot" and was cutting Looney Tunes promos and hatred against him was paramount, Meltzer wrote that at some press conference, he had seen Roman and Steve Austin cut impromptu promos on each other, and he said Roman went toe to toe with him and kept up with Austin all the way. I bet he would be able to cut a delightful heel promo in front of a rabid AEW fanbase, for instance. 

He said that Reigns and Cesaro were the two guys who stood out as having all of this personality that doesn't show on TV.

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8 hours ago, C.S. said:

Most of the anti-WWE sentiment on this board is valid, but not this.

Becky Lynch is the most pushed female wrestler in the history of the company. She has hardly had her potential "pissed away." 

Pushing someone is about more than wins and losses. You can hold a championship belt for ten years but it doesn't mean much when the promotion isn't building compelling or credible challengers,  or telling stories for the character to sink their teeth into. You're just treading water. 

Matt D, I'd say it's a mixture, but mostly the latter. Although the primary problem is they simply stopped caring all that much about the women's division the second Ronda left.

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6 hours ago, Matt D said:

They had a very over act and it didn't work out. In this case, is that the act's fault or is it the company/booking/presentation/agenting, etc. or both? That's the question isn't it?

Has Becky's push not worked out?

I'm ironically spending a bit more time grocery shopping these days, and one of our stores stays open til 10, so I go out with a list between 9-10 when I'm least likely to have human contact (I'd go at 6 am but they reserve the early AM hours for older folks, which is fine by me)

Anyway, in the aisle with cereal which I almost never go down I saw Becky prominently featured on a Wheeties or Cheerios box or something.....that seems kind of big to me.  She was on the cover of the video game....I don't play them anymore but by all accounts a rancid versions of it....but that's not her fault.  2K video game cover is huge.  She's also sold a ton of merch over the last 18 months or so

Have they screwed up her push?  Is she less over than she was in the buildup to WM last year?  100%.  Absolutely. 

That said, they fuck everyone up these days.  She kind of got herself over organically in the beginning, and now that they've given her the push and all the tools/toys that come with it, ironically it's as much of a hinderence as a help.  And I don't have an answer for that, and it must be frustrating if she hasn't fully swallowed the flavor aid like her husband seems to have done.....but it's WWE....she's made out far better than most

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7 hours ago, cm funk said:

Has Becky's push not worked out?

I'm ironically spending a bit more time grocery shopping these days, and one of our stores stays open til 10, so I go out with a list between 9-10 when I'm least likely to have human contact (I'd go at 6 am but they reserve the early AM hours for older folks, which is fine by me)

Anyway, in the aisle with cereal which I almost never go down I saw Becky prominently featured on a Wheeties or Cheerios box or something.....that seems kind of big to me.  She was on the cover of the video game....I don't play them anymore but by all accounts a rancid versions of it....but that's not her fault.  2K video game cover is huge.  She's also sold a ton of merch over the last 18 months or so

Have they screwed up her push?  Is she less over than she was in the buildup to WM last year?  100%.  Absolutely. 

That said, they fuck everyone up these days.  She kind of got herself over organically in the beginning, and now that they've given her the push and all the tools/toys that come with it, ironically it's as much of a hinderence as a help.  And I don't have an answer for that, and it must be frustrating if she hasn't fully swallowed the flavor aid like her husband seems to have done.....but it's WWE....she's made out far better than most

Luke Harper/Brodie Lee was in Jericho's podcast recently and said that CM Punk told him that even when WWE does something good, it could be so much better. Lynch falls into that category.

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I wonder if WWE puts a spin on Roman leaving at all, or if they just forget he ever existed. This isn't a company above being petty about such things, but given the implications as far as his health it would be good for them in the court of public opinion if they just forgot him, instead of making small attempts at humor of which he is the butt of the joke. Bringing up the difficulties in getting him over would only reflect on how badly they did that. 

As far as Hollywood goes for either him or Becky, I could see it happening. If Lynch already has training then with the right people/material she could make a niche for herself. And yeah, if Roman is in with Sandler then he'll probably find steady work, if not with Happy Madison consistently then other production companies.

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Gotta think WWE's mindset is Roman will return. When that will be is the question.

If I'm Vince, I look to have Roman do some cinematic stuff. It can be more controlled with having those on set tested and secluded for a couple of days, to ease health concerns. I know ratings are what they are with the pandemic. But we would be surprised if FOX says to WWE to figure out something with Roman? SD was doing well with their numbers, but have gone down big the past couple of weeks. They need something to spice up the show.

In theory, with how much they seek mainstream attention, WWE should want Roman and Becky to get more opportunities. Especially in these times. While it may take them out of the ring at times, it's more exposure for the company than they'd get if the two are wrestling on Raw and SD every week. But to everyone's point, WWE doesn't want to risk their two biggest stars leaving for Hollywood, especially at the same time.

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