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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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@sek69:Yep, that's my overall point. WWE 100% should be held responsible for not testing before now. There is no justification for that. But if half the roster decides to hop a plane to Vegas to celebrate Billie's birthday, that's not on Vince. They're not taking anything to heart, either. They're risking themselves and their co-workers who may be trying to do the right thing. Vince doesn't care. But neither do many of the talent.

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Hey, I agree the people who do not make any efforts are also taking risks that can hurt other people. I was angry at people doing the same thing in France during the quarantine. (Peyton Royce and Shawn Spears are married, right ?)

My point was about WWE as a whole. I mean, it's just been pilling on and on and on with godawful decisions one after the other during this crisis. Very much underlining of their entire outlook.

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Yea, there's enough idiocy to go around here. 

Also, while the initial idea that this virus was only affecting the elderly has been proven false, we are - based on their general appearance - talking about physically healthy young people who are at the age of feeling invincible, are on insane fitness regimens, and probably eat very well. If you were Tyler Breeze, how scared of this virus would you be? I mean, your job basically involves wrestling other sweaty men on dirty mats, getting on germ-filled planes, and sleeping on germ-filled hotel beds 200+ days a year. "How bad could this Covid be, right?" You're a pro-friggin'-wrestler. 

Its not dissimilar to the way I have thought about my own exposure to it. I work with students with multiple disabilities. Over the course of a school day, I'm getting sweat, drool, snot, and spittle on my hands and arms at times. I wear gloves when I'm helping a student in the bathroom, but I'm still helping a student in the bathroom. Shit's gonna happen (literally). I wash my hands regularly with lots of soap and I disinfect surfaces all the time, but yeah, classrooms and school bathrooms are full of germs. My immune system, when I'm exercising regularly and eating healthy foods, seems pretty strong (as I don't get sick very often). Is it Covid-proof? Of course not...but, initially, I ignorantly believed it was, that Covid was going to get other people, but not me. I mean, I'm 36. I exercise. I eat fruits and vegetables. I'm only 10 pounds overweight, not 40. I'm not really at-risk, right?

So, yeah, there's enough idiocy to go around. Vince's actions are immoral, though, while wrestlers and others going to Vegas just seem arrogant.

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Unfortunately, not a lot of people are as conscious as you or me or anyone else here on the board. Truthfully, my habits haven't really changed since COVID started; I always wash my hands - even moreso since my niece got sick - and I don't go out a lot. I openly admit I don't exercise a whole lot (still only about 5 lbs overweight) and I eat healthy. However, I've avoided encounters with more at-risk people like my grandmother and one of my friends, both diabetic. I'll openly admit as well that I'm a bit part of the problem; I still watch WWE programming every week (although I watch a lot of old school wrestling) and it's not until we bring ourselves collectively as a wrestling community to tell Vince that his shit is unacceptabe that we won't see true change.

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8 minutes ago, DMJ said:

Also, while the initial idea that this virus was only affecting the elderly has been proven false

Are you treating that sentiment as literal? Because I don't think it was ever thought that it literally only affected the elderly. However, 96% of covid deaths are in people 45+, 74% in 65+. People under 45 without underlying conditions make up 0.82% of deaths. Also, the death rate for people under 50 is < 0.5%, and that includes people with underlying conditions and also ignores the biases in testing (ie. severe cases are tested more often than mild and asymptomatic). So yea, covid itself is absolutely only a relevant health risk to seniors with underlying conditions, and to a small degree younger people with underlying conditions.

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Somehow the idea the the elderly would be the most compromised turned into them being the ONLY ones who could be compromised, which boggles my mind. Everyone seemingly understands how colds and flus work, that older and immunocompromised people were at higher risk, yet large swaths of the population turned into some weird anti-vaxxer offshoot.


It's especially worrisome to me since I am a diabetic and my son has had respiratory issues in the past so these idiots are just making things worse for people like us. 

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4 minutes ago, World's Worst Man said:

Are you treating that sentiment as literal? Because I don't think it was ever thought that it literally only affected the elderly. However, 96% of covid deaths are in people 45+, 74% in 65+. People under 45 without underlying conditions make up 0.82% of deaths. Also, the death rate for people under 50 is < 0.5%, and that includes people with underlying conditions and also ignores the biases in testing (ie. severe cases are tested more often than mild and asymptomatic). So yea, covid itself is absolutely only a relevant health risk to seniors with underlying conditions, and to a small degree younger people with underlying conditions.


Also it should be mentioned that while older people are most likely to die from covid, younger healthier people are still getting fucked up by it pretty bad even if they are surviving it. The long term damage it does to the lungs is some nasty stuff.

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25 minutes ago, SirEdger said:

I'll openly admit as well that I'm a bit part of the problem; I still watch WWE programming every week (although I watch a lot of old school wrestling) and it's not until we bring ourselves collectively as a wrestling community to tell Vince that his shit is unacceptabe that we won't see true change.

Who's to say wrestling fans haven't been doing exactly that for a long time now?

Yes, WWE has record-high profits right now (supposedly), but ratings are in the toilet, attendance wasn't great before Covid, etc.

Fans have been turned off in droves, most likely because of a bad product, but it could also be because it's perceived that bad people are running said product.

Being such open, unabashed, unashamed Trumpets in this climate is going to have some sort of effect on how your audience looks at you.

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Look the death rate might be less than 5% here in Brazil but our hospitals are operating at maximum capacity already and that's where the danger lies: if your town can handle 100 people in the ICU, but there are 150 in need of intensive treatment, things will get grim.

Hell, it may be that no one in WWE will have severe symptoms. They might infect others, who will infect others who will infect others. Suddenly, the hospitals are overcrowded and decisions of who to treat will need to be made.

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I think the idea of fans holding WWE accountable may have worked at one time, but it's too little too late. It doesn't work when presenting pro wrestling/sports entertainment is largely a side hustle to Vince's real business now, which is transferring wealth to looters on Wall Street.

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Sadly, like the rest of the country, I think Vince doesn't really give a shit about solutions or options. His mind is clearly focused on getting more people into the tapings, specifically paying fans, and then, as soon as he can, bringing the show back on the road for paying fans outside of Florida. 

Even in states where numbers are rising back to and above previous highs for new daily cases and hospitalizations, the idea of "re-closing" is less popular than it was when the states first closed. There just seems to be a growing belief that we, as a nation, can will this thing away and "muscle it out," basically ignoring it until it goes away. Vince is going to do the same. I mean, he lost Roman months ago, Becky left months ago, Charlotte is now out, Kevin Owens left (not that he was a major player), but he's still got what? 30+ performers to fill time? More when you count NXT? What reason would Vince have to change one thing about the taping schedule? About protecting his employees?


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1 hour ago, sek69 said:

I really hope WWE still isn't hell bent on having shows with real crowds in July like they were prior to all this. 

But I'm pretty sure they are.

I swear when I posted this I didn't see the notice that WWE was in fact pressing on having fans at events ASAP.

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