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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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2 hours ago, KawadaSmile said:

Also I'd think three times before comparing anything to The Fiend. When I think about it, WWE's downfall can be traced directly at that garbage man Bray Wyatt having basically free reign to do any horrible, poor man's Rob Zombie shit he wanted. It's no coincidence SmackDown is a cut above the rest when Roman was directly responsible for sending that hack fraud to RAW.

Sure, if you ignore the 18 years of precipitous and steady downfall before the Fiend garbage. 

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2 hours ago, MoS said:

I have a hard time believing that this was him trying to make the best of an imposed shitty gimmick. Seems clear to me that all of this was his idea, that Vince never bought it but lied and manipulated him into believing that he actually did, and right now he is shitting on some fans for being too online while spending 18 hours a day on Twitch talking about different coloured socks.

I don't blame him for trying to come up with a creative gimmick, but, like, this might not be as terrible as some of Wyatt's worst, but it's pretty dorky, come on

This. Dave mentioned the whole deal came done to Vince not getting him so you're probably spot on here. 

I get him wanting to prove his ideas were worthwhile, but he's coming off as desperately trying to prove how much Daddy Vince loved him while trying to shit on the people who were pointing out the obvious is where it veers into "things you get dunked on for" territory. 


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Shitting on people for how they decide how to professionally handle being fired in a business that, for better or worse.. and it's worse,, involves social media...is fucking lame. 
If you got fired from your job and wanted a new job, would you make a public ass of yourself shitting on your previous boss? Or would you shift the blame either publicly or in your mind and not burn bridges with both your previous employer or potential future employers?  


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Dude keeps caping for a company that just fired him, which is embarrassing no matter what the company is. If you feel you need so say something, thank them for the opportunity, thank your co workers and move on. Spending hours talking about all the ideas they obviously didn't see any value in makes you look like a high school boy thinking he can still win back the girl that just dumped him.

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He'll be working eventually somewhere and no one will give a flying fuck about what he said or did after he got 'deavored. I don't know which is more funny, him doing this long ass explanations of his character or people judging him so harshly about how he took getting fired.

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On the scale of "wrestlers exposing and embarrassing themselves", Black going into detail about how much thought he put into his character because he was so passionate about what he does, that got shit canned without warning, is literally not even mentionable. Let this man say what he feels like he needs to say. Christ. 

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6 hours ago, strobogo said:

On the scale of "wrestlers exposing and embarrassing themselves", Black going into detail about how much thought he put into his character because he was so passionate about what he does, that got shit canned without warning, is literally not even mentionable. Let this man say what he feels like he needs to say. Christ. 

That being said, I'm looking forward to Tommy, Tommy, Tommy Fucking End being back on the indies, and hopefully not some vampire gimmick.

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15 hours ago, Edwin said:

Stock just went way up.

This company keeps failing up, yes, this empire is crumbling.

If the stock price is the most important thing then yes, the empire is crumbling. Like popping the territory, there are only so many tricks you can pull to elevate the stock price. As long as the product is terrible, eventually it will catch up to them. 

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This stock increase is, as sek mentioned, the dollar store version of Gamestop. I don't want to call it artificial because ultimately the entire stock market game is artificial, but it's not the usual indication of confidence that a stock price increase typically means. Dunno if Wall Street will crack on this one like it did with Gamestop, but I don't imagine they would be thrilled about this. No idea how this makes Vince feel though 

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Causation isn’t correlation and all that relative to stock prices, product be damned. 

The bigger issue is that there isn’t much of a plan forward from a talent perspective. The ESPN influence on the company for pushing brand over talent is a business direction not conducive to product, and they seem to be turning it more into an excuse to run legacy talent or expand programming options instead of making the current talent memorable. That’s not sustainable, especially since the legacy talent is what drives the ability to offer expanded programming. Can’t have one without the other. 

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Three hours is a brutal slog for a weekly TV show no matter who's involved. Smackdown is showing that a show run by  the same people can be compelling week to week, but how effective would the Tales of the Tribal Chief be if they had to pad it out to fill an extra hour every week?

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Seconding the love for WWECW once it stopped trying to be like the original ECW and became proto-NXT

i'd argue a lot of '97 Raw holds up well though, not just early in the year.  It does get dire after Montreal but i'd still point to that as the best year ever for the show overall

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