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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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2 minutes ago, MoS said:

At least they know they have a problem I guess 

....or Uncle Paul is trying to go back to being the hero of the internet fans after getting so publicly owned by his father in law. Because he would have zero control over anything that could actually make a difference like, say, the atrocious camera cuts that make WWE TV a nausea inducing experience or constantly putting younger and more skilled talent on the back burner so they can bring back relics from previous eras. Since all those are Vince calls and by all accounts HHH got sat at the kids' table by Big Daddy Nick, anything he says now comes off as him trying to frame himself as the guy working for the fans. 

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52 minutes ago, strobogo said:

Working the fans into thinking he's working for them isn't doing shit for ratings or HHH's career though so who gives a shit

It's all ego. If it works he can be like "Yeah, I was the one who righted the ship and saved the day" and if the wheels come off completely it's "well I could have saved it but they just wouldn't listen to me", 

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To fair, what is Vince (or anyone on the call) supposed to say there?  He's not going to go on an investor call and be all "AEW is totally kicking our ass and using talent better than we are, my dudes".  It's been their MO for 20+ years to minimize any other potential competitors (remember the "pissant company" line?) and the only difference now is he's saying about a company that actually has competent leadership and financial backing rather than TNA bumblefucking their way through most of the 2000s. 

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So the new WON has two interesting items that appear to be linked: One was mentioning Vince talking about not seeing AEW as a threat while at the same time trying to "take advantage" of them having a bloodbath match on TV,  the other one was that there was a concerted campaign to contact AEW's sponsors (only Domino's replied publicly due to the unintentional humor of their ad popping up after the pizza cutter spot) due to that match. It pretty heavily implied WWE was trying to get AEW in trouble with their sponsors, which is both hilariously petty and entirely in line with their MO in situations like this. 

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People have been digging and it seems more and more evident that the Dominos response was a result (an exception in fact) of a concerted effort by WWE to target AEW's sponsors. It's pretty funny and I have been getting flashbacks to all of Vince's 1996 concerned letters to Time's shareholders published in newspapers lol. As well as his letters to Turner himself of course. With the ratings being what they are, it's not going to hurt AEW as long as they dial it back a bit and don't overdo it. It would be really funny if it ended up giving AEW an unintentional "forbidden fruits of Eden" appeal


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21 hours ago, Jmare007 said:

Nick Khan really gonna end up phasing out Vince. Old man sounds lost as fuck :lol:

Nick Khan sounds really impressive whenever he speaks. I am not sure how old he is, but the chance that he succeeds Vince instead of anyone in his family. It's not just him saying intelligent stuff, he also espouses the kind of philosophy that Vince himself believes in - see him calling sleep competition because they are in the business of competing for eyeballs, and compare it to Vince on Austin's podcast many years ago calling Disney competition

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6 hours ago, sek69 said:

To fair, what is Vince (or anyone on the call) supposed to say there?  He's not going to go on an investor call and be all "AEW is totally kicking our ass and using talent better than we are, my dudes".  It's been their MO for 20+ years to minimize any other potential competitors (remember the "pissant company" line?) and the only difference now is he's saying about a company that actually has competent leadership and financial backing rather than TNA bumblefucking their way through most of the 2000s. 

Surely not "i'm not so sure where their (AEW) investments are...as far as their talent is concerned...but perhaps we can give them some more". Khan basically saved it by steping in and giving a perfect corporate answer.

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46 minutes ago, MoS said:

Nick Khan sounds really impressive whenever he speaks. I am not sure how old he is, but the chance that he succeeds Vince instead of anyone in his family. It's not just him saying intelligent stuff, he also espouses the kind of philosophy that Vince himself believes in - see him calling sleep competition because they are in the business of competing for eyeballs, and compare it to Vince on Austin's podcast many years ago calling Disney competition

His age hasn't been publicly said, but I'd guess he's in his mid 40s to early 50s.

It's clear Khan is being primed for Vince's spot, if he wants it. He has the business acumen Wall Street wants to keep the company stable. Steph stays where she is and becomes the family figurehead. Or, if NBC Universal offers the motherload for WWE, Khan will broker the deal. Not that he was ever going to run the business side of things, but Hunter being pushed to the fringes is fascinating to watch.

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I'm kind of worried about what happens to the tape library if someone other than Hunter gets it. At least we know Hunter respects old school wrestling, someone else may just figure that older content doesnt matter and stop uploading it to the Network/Peacock (or worse yet, remove it).

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12 hours ago, MoS said:

People have been digging and it seems more and more evident that the Dominos response was a result (an exception in fact) of a concerted effort by WWE to target AEW's sponsors. It's pretty funny and I have been getting flashbacks to all of Vince's 1996 concerned letters to Time's shareholders published in newspapers lol. As well as his letters to Turner himself of course. With the ratings being what they are, it's not going to hurt AEW as long as they dial it back a bit and don't overdo it. It would be really funny if it ended up giving AEW an unintentional "forbidden fruits of Eden" appeal 


Enough people noticed the absurdity of a Domino's commercial airing right after Gage using a pizza cutter as a weapon that they surely would have found out even if WWE hadn't said a word. In any event, AEW higher-ups know how the game is played and handing that kind of ammunition to their enemies is a boneheaded move. They should have learned their lesson from the Moxley/Omega lights out match when they got fined by the Maryland State Athletic Commission after someone stooged on them. I agree that they'll be fine in the long run as long as they dial it down, but the trend is in the opposite direction. In just the past six months, we've had an exploding barbed wire deathmatch, a lights out match, a WarGames match, and a Texas death match in addition to Jericho/Gage. At this rate, they'll end up like mid-80s JCP where every big show has blood and gimmicks up and down the card. And presenting yourself as the rebel alternative doesn't work when you're dealing with corporate sponsors who are acutely sensitive to adverse publicity. WWE knows all about that after Snickers forced them to drop Moolah's name from the women's battle royal at WM34.

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1 hour ago, NintendoLogic said:

Enough people noticed the absurdity of a Domino's commercial airing right after Gage using a pizza cutter as a weapon that they surely would have found out even if WWE hadn't said a word. In any event, AEW higher-ups know how the game is played and handing that kind of ammunition to their enemies is a boneheaded move. They should have learned their lesson from the Moxley/Omega lights out match when they got fined by the Maryland State Athletic Commission after someone stooged on them. I agree that they'll be fine in the long run as long as they dial it down, but the trend is in the opposite direction. In just the past six months, we've had an exploding barbed wire deathmatch, a lights out match, a WarGames match, and a Texas death match in addition to Jericho/Gage. At this rate, they'll end up like mid-80s JCP where every big show has blood and gimmicks up and down the card. And presenting yourself as the rebel alternative doesn't work when you're dealing with corporate sponsors who are acutely sensitive to adverse publicity. WWE knows all about that after Snickers forced them to drop Moolah's name from the women's battle royal at WM34.

They should definitely reverse the trend and dial it back yeah. Their biggest storyline doesn't even need blood. 

And they should definitely stay away from signing Bray Wyatt. I am stunned that he was released. He epitomizes what the WWE likes in a character, he has been put over strongly for so long. And he apparently was also getting into comeback shape and was looking good from his social media pics. This came out of nowhere

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