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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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22 minutes ago, strobogo said:

Most of the people cut this year have been NXT/205 people that weren't making money to begin with. NXT contracts seem insultingly low. I can't believe UK hasn't been completely shuttered and gutted, just keeping the Walter/Bate tier guys and cutting everyone else.

By the looks of things, NXT UK money makes NXT money look like Main Roster money, which means it's not any money at all

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6 minutes ago, Boss Rock said:

Totally forgot but Martinez is still recovering from being concussed. That's especially shitty.

Yeah, that one seems pretty suspect. Get brained by a WWE trained wrestler and then get the ax while recovering. 

Also interesting they are pulling all the stops to woo Cole into signing (he was meeting with Vince at Smackdown tonight) then one of his friends gets cut as part of a late Friday night bloodletting. 

Makes me wonder how they can lure any indy names to sign with them now. You can't keep waiving the "someday you'll make main roster money" carrot when they seemingly pull a dozen names out of a hat to randomly cut every month or so. 

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News came out that Renee Young was under a WWE employee contract so her non compete was for a year and unlike the talent non competes it was unpaid. 


Another fun part of all this, since people are getting cut in the middle of programs no one is jobbing their way out of the territory so it kind of removes the "WWE castoff" stigma when they sign elsewhere. 

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Reed is a head-scratcher and just had a title (I guess this explains the quick loss).
Ruff was just a champion a few months ago himself. WTF?

Martinez is another head-scratcher IMO, but it's not like WWE ever knew what they had in her. She'd be a good veteran presence on any other roster.
Fish is surprising but not really.

Can't imagine that enticing Adam Cole to stay though. I wonder if negotiations broke down with Cole, and Fish lost his only lifeline because of it. Who knows...

Update - Rumor: Cole signed a main roster contract? If that's true, I wonder if they let Fish go after that, just like they fucked Zelina over by releasing her man the minute she signed. What a fucking company!

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3 minutes ago, C.S. said:

Can't imagine that enticing Adam Cole to stay though. I wonder if negotiations broke down with Cole, and Fish lost his only lifeline because of it. Who knows...

Cole supposedly goes to wherever Smackdown is being held to meet with Vince, then suddenly news breaks that like half of NXT gets cut right after the show goes off the air. Even if it was just a coincidence, it's certainly not the message you want to send to someone you're trying to keep around. 

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2 hours ago, sek69 said:

Yeah, that one seems pretty suspect. Get brained by a WWE trained wrestler and then get the ax while recovering.


You can argue the merits or lack thereof of any of the talent released, but pride of the performance center Xia Li kicked her fucking head off a couple weeks ago.  WTF

I can only echo others sentiments.....why the fuck would anyone want to work for this company anymore?

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And since this is the empire crumbling thread.....I find it fascinating how everyone, especially people who were there, point to the corporate culture and the disconnect there leading to downfall of WCW (it wasn't just that of course, but it was a contributing factor) and now WWE is going down the same path by handing the keys to the equivalent of a corporate raider

And if this is all happening because Vince views Paul as a failure due to AEW kicking their ass it's doubly hilarious.  He's not the reason Kenny and the Bucks didn't sign, he's not the reason Jericho went there and Mox left, and he's certainly not the reason for all the NXT talent flopping when called up.  Typical Trump Republican Vince can't look in the mirror and has to scapegoat his own failings........inevitably just making things worse in the process

Edited by cm funk
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There's nothing earth shattering about any of them really on the surface, but big picture it's kind of absurd

and it's not even big picture, because WWE at the moment  clearly doesn't have one of those, whatever that is

but again, I need to get a followup on Mercedes Martinez getting released after getting knocked the fuck out by a WWE PC trained worker who apparently has a history of accidentally hitting people with, ya know, the knobby parts of your bones that you're not supposed to hit people in the temple with in a fucking worked fight

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4 hours ago, Johnny Sorrow said:

The biggest name is Fish and he's injury plagued and Q adjacent, right? 

The only real evidence I've seen is that he helped out a Q-Anon charity for a bit - it seems as a favour to Drake. There's nothing beyond that, so I guess he pulled out as soon as he saw the real implications behind it.


10 hours ago, sek69 said:

Cole supposedly goes to wherever Smackdown is being held to meet with Vince, then suddenly news breaks that like half of NXT gets cut right after the show goes off the air. Even if it was just a coincidence, it's certainly not the message you want to send to someone you're trying to keep around. 

Some of the guys were literally advertised for the 205 Live and were there at the Smackdown taping waiting to go out and wrestle. What message does that send regarding job security?


EDIT: oh, boy


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4 hours ago, Johnny Sorrow said:

Sorry, but this round of cuts isn't as Earth-Shattering as the reactions I'm reading would indicate. The biggest name is Fish and he's injury plagued and Q adjacent, right? 

It's not all that shocking when taken in isolation (other than Mercedes being cut while recuperating from being concussed by a PC trainee, as has been noted). But this is what, the fourth round of mass releases due to "budget cuts" in the past five months? Think of the cumulative effect it has on the ones who are still around knowing the ax could fall at any time. If guys like Braun and Bray can get cut for budgetary reasons in the middle of record profits, no one is safe.

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The PWInsider reports makes it sound like they want to go back to Dusty's PC. But like 95% of the cuts in the past few months don't align with that. Unless they just want less than 30 people in the PC. 

Fuck it, let HHH go so he can start his own promotion and we can enjoy the fuckery it would ensue. 

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Look, NXT is toast. It's not just because of AEW, either. It completely lost its luster since 2017, and maybe even sooner (IMO it started cracking around Finn's reign of terror), and being this weird mix of indie-lite wrestling and developmental doesn't work.

It seems it will be completely retooled and rebranded. If it becomes something more similar to FCW, that's good. It's the actual successful developmental brand of the late 00s and early 2010s.

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19 minutes ago, SirEdger said:

So the question to ask now; what do you do with their top stars? Do you get Samoa Joe back to the main roster? What about the O'Reillys, Ciampas & Garganos?

I would bring those guys up and just use them in whatever role you want (I presume mostly tag team guys, but those main roster divisions are pretty barren). 

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Dave's take on WOR this morning was this was Vince's response to NXT failing so badly against AEW. He noted WWE doesn't start fights they think they can lose, and it's clear reading between the lines (and also from Vince's comments at the shareholder meeting) that he clearly thought he was going to be able to stomp them down fast, and seeing them succeed like this clearly is upsetting him. Dave referred to HHH as the "losing General" and now is taking his lumps because of it. 

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My best guess is that they'll keep a handful of veteran hands around to serve as player/coaches in NXT the Reborn since green talent can only learn so much working with each other. Otherwise, they might as well release Ciampa since he has said his neck can't handle the wear and tear of being on the road full-time and he's nowhere near the level of star that they'd give him a reduced schedule.

By the way, FCW was even worse than NXT. That was the era of developmental being stocked almost entirely with bodybuilders and bikini models with a handful of second- and third-generation wrestlers thrown in, the vast majority of whom amounted to absolutely nothing. There's a good chance that's what NXT will revert back to with Johnny Ace back in charge of personnel. The only successful developmental program WWE ever had was early 2000s OVW.

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