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AEW Full Gear 2022


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MJF is, to me, clearly the breakout star of AEW, glad to see him with the strap, though it would def be better if he’d gotten it off of CM Punk rather than a kinda cold match with Moxley. And lol at him quoting Corny and CM Punk in the scrum. He may have found the way to stay a heel if he starts using catchphrases and nicknames of the two biggest personae non grata in the company.

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I was wrong about two things and right about one.

I was wrong about the cage match. Totally overdelivered. Apart from the fact they HAD TO get out the the cage because you HAVE TO (no), just an excellent match, I did not think heel Luchasaurus had it in him. Jack Perry is awesome. Was totally wrong on that one. Glad it took place.

I was wrong on Jade vs Nyla, well, half wrong because I did say it could be a car crash. And it was. Also, is Thundercats actually a thing in 2022 ? Last time I checked, it was a shitty cartoon from when I was 9 years old. Did this get a reboot, a movie, a Netflix show ? Sometime, the geek culture really has gone way too far... Anyway. Doing cosplay is nice, but when this means you have to adjust your outfit every two seconds because you're afraid of something happening, not the best idea either. 

And I was right about Elite vs Death Triangle. This is so above pretty much everything anywhere. This is why we needed AEW. Best of 7 ? I'm so there. Felt like AEW again. Omega vs Ospreay at WK is legit one of the greatest dream matches ever too.

Also, CM Punk did get a chant.

The four way was great too. Terrific work, super well laid out, Sammy looked awesome like every pillar did on the show, I was half expecting him to win but I guess the right way is to have Jericho do the job at the actual ROH PPV where the match is the main event and means more. 

The three-way was pretty fun. Nothing earth-shattering. The idea of Wardlow going from this into the main event scene is super dubious to me (although of course, since MJF is the champ, maybe they he regain some of the heat he used to get). He is just not that over at all and although he does a few cool stuff, he did not even look like the bigger or most intimidating guy of the three, Hobbs did. Hopefully Joe getting the belt means some actual cool feuds and matches now. 

Saraya had not worked in 5 years, and she had to stop because of a career injury and was only cleared very recently. So considering the context, I think she did a good job, and Baker was super solid leading the match. I thought it was pretty good, but it tried to reach for something it could not be. Saraya beating Baker (aka the biggest star of their division) after 5 years off is problematic though. That's the only booking flub I see. Would have gone the other way, especially how rusty (not a knock, absolutely understandable) she looked. 

The Double J Special was fun in its dog & poney show clusterfuck glory. Made a good use of Singh, the very first time he wasn't a waste of space. But I hope it's done for Jarrett for now as an on-air talent, he can show up from time to time to do a novelty match. Also, a TNA chant. Holy hell.

The Acclaimed vs Swerve & Lee was quite good, but by this time it was obvious the crowd was tired. Went too long probably. The angle was a repeat of the hammer deal with the Death Triangle, this time with the opposite result. Caster did improve in the last few months, while Bowens does not look as great as he used to (blame the injuries). The split was really well done and Lee should get a good babyface stint while Swerve is a terrific heel already. All good.

Hayter vs Storm was great, despite the crowd being tired at times also. Kinda feel sad for Storm, who has suffered from crappy timing (Hayter should have gotten the belt from Rosa, Storm getting that "interim" belt while Hayter was getting over did her no favors), but they really had one of the best women matches in AEW thus far. Been a fan of Hayter pretty much from the start, I'm glad she finally got the belt, felt super over again.

Mox vs MJF was a great match also, with Mox at the top of his game, working heelishly against that partisan crowd. I'm so glad there was no Firm bullshit at all involved. I can take the Regal swerve, as it was a possibility which at least leads to something cool. MJF also was as good as he ever was, really. Feels like finally a new start with something clear cut after months of Punk stop start. 

Oh, and of course, Akiyama vs Kingston. Eddie sure was something to see. That is when pro-wrestling is more real than real.

Show was too long though. Totally peaked with the second match, then had the 4 way pick it up again. After that point, it was spotty in term of crowd heat. That's the thing with AEW, if you don't have great matches, crowd is not gonna sustain the excitement, and there were sure a string of not so great matches in this show, but also 5 excellent to great ones. Overall, quite the success. But one hour less would be appreciable (yeah, they have too much talent still).


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  On 11/21/2022 at 7:14 PM, El-P said:

Saraya had not worked in 5 years, and she had to stop because of a career injury and was only cleared very recently. So considering the context, I think she did a good job, and Baker was super solid leading the match. I thought it was pretty good, but it tried to reach for something it could not be. Saraya beating Baker (aka the biggest star of their division) after 5 years off is problematic though. That's the only booking flub I see. Would have gone the other way, especially how rusty (not a knock, absolutely understandable) she looked. 


They booked themselves into a corner there. Saraya needed to win because of how long she was away, she needed a feel good moment after years of awful things happening to her. Yet they went with a build that didn't give her that much sympathy, instead opting for hyping her up to GOAT status and devaluing your whole women's roster - that's when they started fucking up. 

It was so easy to give her the same "I don't know if I have what it takes but I'm dying to find out" approach. Wouldn't even need Britt to cut babyface promos and maybe she could have shown ass during the build.

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  On 11/21/2022 at 9:09 PM, KawadaSmile said:

Saraya needed to win because of how long she was away, she needed a feel good moment after years of awful things happening to her.


She really did not though. Coming back was already the feel-good moment. There was no shame in losing to Baker in the context of being back after 5 years and a career ending injury. This is how they would do it in Japan, and it's the right way. They would have a built-in program from the very fact she would need to get back in shape to eventually get the big win.

I'm curious to see where they go from this. She certainly won't win the title, it would be craziness. I'm guessing they go for Baker match #2, which Baker would need to win. Not even sure how many matches Saraya will work, really. At the very least, I'm intrigued about it.

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  On 11/19/2022 at 10:49 PM, urbanecowboy said:

I’ve watched maybe 90 min of AEW since All Out:

-PreShow is going to be very good. 
-Swerve and Lee are splitting up. 
-Joe is gonna lose the title for Wardlow or win it from Hobbs. 
-Jericho is gonna retain & go against Adam Cole at Final Battle. 
-Regal helps Max win the title w/ brass knucks.


Damn good work!

I could see Cole for Final Battle as well, but still wishing for an Aries or Low Ki appearance in the 'former roh champs'

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