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WWE Survivor Series - War Games - 11/24 - What Do You See?

Timbo Slice

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  On 11/26/2023 at 4:51 AM, KawadaSmile said:

Seth was pissed off and needed to be held back by Cole and Graves, while Drew also took off visibly angry. 

I get Rollins being pissy about Punk, but McIntyre? Have they ever interacted?


I smell a giant work with Punk and Seth. There has never been any logical reason for them to have heat. ("Stop tweeting, Seth" on a Fox show no one watched is flimsy.) A WrestleMania match, on the other hand (or at least Rumble), makes a ton of sense.

With McIntyre, it wouldn't surprise me if it ends up being that he was just selling his anger at his team's loss. 

Update: I still think it's a work to set up a match.

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  On 11/26/2023 at 5:30 AM, Embrodak said:

Damn, I got worked. What a great surprise, a true rarity in this day and age. Coach TK has to regret listening to his legal team right now.


Considering how CM Punk wrecked the vibe in the locker room and was constantly pissing everyone off. It clearly wasn't working out there so he had to go.

This was a great surprise, but let's not talk ourselves into thinking this won't end with Punk either getting hurt again or having another temper tantrum It's just what he does. 

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Saw the last 20 minutes of the PLE.

Punk's return was masterfully done. I hope they squeeze every penny and program out of him while they can before he either gets injured or gets grumpy and starts deluding himself about what his role in the company "should" be.

Holy fuck was Orton over, that was dope to see and listen.

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  On 11/26/2023 at 4:51 AM, KawadaSmile said:

Seth was pissed off and needed to be held back by Cole and Graves, while Drew also took off visibly angry. 

I get Rollins being pissy about Punk, but McIntyre? Have they ever interacted?



Drew walked out before Punk came back apparently. Seth is just angling for a match, like he has transparently been doing since Punk came back on that Fox show, but who cares what Seth thinks or wants

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  On 11/26/2023 at 6:18 AM, Jmare007 said:

Also, this is HHH's biggest W as "guy in charge" since he's held this kind of position. I was with the group that wasn't sure he'd ever be like Vince and put business first over very personal (and valid) issues and he did it with the guy he probably had the biggest personal beef with.



Yeah, this is his first major win, props to him, it was a genuine great moment 

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  On 11/26/2023 at 3:54 AM, strobogo said:

Punk is such a sell out lmao. 



Honestly completely hilarious.

Also, it's crazy that WWE, who absolutely don't need him *at all*, being the hottest they've been in what, 20 years, still had to get him out of spite (because really, after the AEW debacle, I would not have touched him with a ten foot pole when my company is hot as fuck already). The ultimate irony being, if AEW doesn't exist, they probably never het him back. They got current Cody Rhodes because of AEW. Now they get Punk back because of AEW. Again, WWE actually benefits from a healthy competition.

Well, can't wait to see CM Punk wear that "Abortion right is human right" T-shirt in beautiful, progressive Djeddah, the new home of WWE, word of Vince McMahon, the sexual predator boss of CM Punk... 

Now, the real story is, who will be pissed about not getting that Mania main event next year, Cody or Phil ?

Also, gotta say. Kinda sucks for Randy Orton. I mean. "OMG ! Randy Orton is b... CM PUNK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :lol:

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