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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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  MikeCampbell said:

And what happens if they just.. don't mention them? Flair will already be there and will have already did whatever he is going to do.

TNA sues for breach of contract, maybe? I dunno. But, Bix is right, WWE has mentioned TNA before anyway, on the Hardys' DVD when Jeff went there the first time, and Flair (ironically enough) took a shot at them on one of the legends shows.


That would assume that TNA actually has a written contract relating to their consent of Flair's appearance. Chances of that are?



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True story... a random guy comes up to us after the ROH show and asks if there are any Florida wrestling promotions that would be interested in using him since he feels he is "outgrowing" the Georgia/Alabama fed he is in. Brent Baker can probably give a better recap but the guy didn't look like he was going to set the world on fire. He gave us his business card and I am debating on if I should post his info online.

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  jdw said:
  MikeCampbell said:

And what happens if they just.. don't mention them? Flair will already be there and will have already did whatever he is going to do.

TNA sues for breach of contract, maybe? I dunno. But, Bix is right, WWE has mentioned TNA before anyway, on the Hardys' DVD when Jeff went there the first time, and Flair (ironically enough) took a shot at them on one of the legends shows.


That would assume that TNA actually has a written contract relating to their consent of Flair's appearance. Chances of that are?

100%, as WWE didn't want to use Flair unless there was a contractual agreement in place. Dave didn't report that WWE agreed to mention TNA on their programming, just that it was a major sticking point. Given that TNA never got that mention, as Dave said on his radio show over the weekend "TNA had the winning hand and they were the ones who folded the cards". I suppose TNA gets the consolation prize of one of WWE's performers appearing on one of their DVDs which will likely mean jack shit.

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I take that to mean that there was no written agreement that TNA had to be mentioned. If there was an agreement between the WWE and the TNA, it didn't include it.


Frankly given the way these two do business, I doubt there's a written agreement. More likely, there's a letter from the WWE confirming the understanding between the parties. It would be a stretch that it even is at the level of a Letter Agreement or MOU where both parties signed it.



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Former Women’s Champion Debra “Madusa†Miceli, who worked for WWE as Alundra Blayze, posted a photo of one of her WWE royalty checks on Facebook Monday night. She eventually deleted the post, but here are the details of her royalties from October 1st, 2011 to December 31st 2011…


* The check was for a total of $305,563.46.


* Paid $39,921.21 under a “Direct Video†category. This was for her appearance in WWE’s Top 50 Most Shocking Moments DVD.


* Paid $171,431.78 under the “Video†category. This was for her appearance on the Greatest Superstars of the 90′s DVD.


* Paid $81,014.78 and $9,891.90 more for her appearance in WWE’s Most Shocking DVD.


* Paid $3,303.79 for her appearance on the WrestleMania Box Set.

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Aprils Fools. :rolleyes:


What Meltzer said:




Not legit.


I've discussed actual revenues with people from DVDs that sold better and had their specific names attached to them and unless it's Steve Austin or John Cena, nobody is seeing numbers close to that.


One guy in specific on a DVD that sold 60,000 to 90,000 copies on him personally got $18,000. And most DVDs now are selling in that range.

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  rovert said:

MLW Radio with Konnan and Court Bauer Part 1



Not trying to vague or a prick tease but this is a must listen Part 1 is a pre-podcast chat they decided to put up.


Never knew all the Samoans were going to all jump to WCW in the 90s and cut ties with Vince.

Heh, that was pretty damn great.

Never would have guessed Mike Tenazy & Larry Zybysko were giant pot heads.


Interesting to hear the story on how the deal to bring in Yokozuna to WCW fell apart and that he was gonna play a gangster & team up with Konnan to fight Hall & Nash.

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  Bix said:
  cm funk said:

That looks like units sold and revenue. She cut off the part that would show the % she got from those sales

That makes a lot more sense.




$171,431.78 = some form of sales

25,954 = some form of units sold

$6.61 = per unit sales [this isn't listed]


That makes some general sense.


Dave's number are an interesting example:


90K units at a $6.61 per unit revenue level for the company = $594,469.45


$18K of that is a 3% royalty.


I *think* that would be high if it's given to everyone on the DVD, or even the *several* Top Guys. Take Mania where Rock, Cena, Trip and Taker are your Top Guys on the dvd. 12% gets cut out of the company's pockets. Seems... a bit much, since they are likely giving smaller cuts to *everyone* on it.


My guess is that the 3% might be closer to the cut that a performer gets on Their Own Special DVD. Such as the Flair dvd, the Stone Cold, the Bret, the Shawn, the Taker, the Trip dvds. In turn, how they handle a multi person special DVD (Horsemen, Bret vs Shawn, Trip+Shawn DX Last Stand, etc) probably would be a division of that 3%... since it's hard to think that all of the Horsemen were getting a big 3%, and several of them probably were happy to get anything.


Looking at the titles on Madusa's check, one could run over to Graham's site, look up the Greatest Stars dvd that she was on (suspect it's the 90s), and then count up the number of other wrestlers on it in similar roles that she was in... and take a WAG over what % she likely would have gotten.


My second guess is that the WWE contract on dvds like that and Wrestlmania are structured where there's a % "pool" set aside that is split among the performers, rather than each performer getting a % regardless of what DVD they appear on. In other words:


* 5% of Mania-type DVD revenue is set aside for the workers

* 33% is split among the designated Main Eventers

* 67% is split among the other performers on the show


Or something like that.


In turn, a dvd like the Greatest Performers set has a pool that is split up among all the performers on it since there really isn't a 1-to-4 performers who are driving the sales.


It's also possible that some performers who have enough stroke get a straight deal based on *any* dvd they appear on. Hogan strikes me as the only one who could, but it's likely that his original 80s deal (which was likely very favorable to him) would have been replaced by something more standard (though still likely better than standard) when he came back in 2002... or one of his other returns.


Anyway, the revenue on there is kind of interesting in its own right.



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  goodhelmet said:

True story... a random guy comes up to us after the ROH show and asks if there are any Florida wrestling promotions that would be interested in using him since he feels he is "outgrowing" the Georgia/Alabama fed he is in. Brent Baker can probably give a better recap but the guy didn't look like he was going to set the world on fire. He gave us his business card and I am debating on if I should post his info online.


Very true. We're sitting there waiting for some of the traffic to thin out when he comes over and gives us business cards. Tells us he's going nowhere in the fed he's in now and he's looking for something else. Said we should keep an eye out for him because he's going somewhere. Only place I thought he was going was to get lunch! Just don't see this happening.


I think Will had the fortune to pack the business card. I'll leave it up to him to check it out.

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Never in my life have I seen Vince so confused and flustered about something as an announcer as he was trying to explain just how Summerslam 92 was going to air in this UK version of the last Superstars before Summerslam.




I think they had the wrestlers say the air date (Monday in the UK) in the promos for some reason even though the actual date of the show was the Saturday this episode was shown. And it left Vince all sorts of flustered.

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  Al said:
  KrisZ said:

Three Stooges are hosting RAW on Monday.

Brisco, Patterson, who else?


I see what you did there...


But seriously, I don't care how big a part of the show they are, I'm not watching solely based off of knowing those dudes are going to be there. I don't care if Will Sasso is a fan or not, I don't want to see them or them shill their shitty movie.

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Maybe time for a thread on the next Mania....



From Bryan Alvarez at F4W:


At press time, and this could change a billion times and probably will, the direction they are working towards for next year's Wrestlemania is Cena vs. Undertaker with the streak on the line; Steve Austin vs. CM Punk, which both guys have been teasing on Twitter all week; and Rock vs. Brock Lesnar, presumably with Rock challenging for the WWE Title.

I'm thinking that card might draw a bit.



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  jdw said:

Maybe time for a thread on the next Mania....



From Bryan Alvarez at F4W:


At press time, and this could change a billion times and probably will, the direction they are working towards for next year's Wrestlemania is Cena vs. Undertaker with the streak on the line; Steve Austin vs. CM Punk, which both guys have been teasing on Twitter all week; and Rock vs. Brock Lesnar, presumably with Rock challenging for the WWE Title.

I'm thinking that card might draw a bit.




That card would be huge, although once again, it relies mostly on nostalgia acts : Taker (yes, I consider Taker a nostalgia act at this point), Austin (I never thought he would work another match honestly), Rock, Brock. Not exactly fresh new stars, more like dream matches, which is cool for WM I guess.


All that seems really cool on paper, but you need to add the real main event : HHH vs Shawn Michaels.;)

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