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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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The Punk documentary is great. I think it is the best that WWE has done and I put Jericho at 2nd. I haven't seen all the DVDs that have been mentioned, but I put Jericho above Austin since some of the stuff seemed to be rehashed from the previous Austin DVD.

Yeah, it was an excellent documentary. Definitely worth checking out. Feel like the matches included was kind of a let down since so many of them were already available on other dvds/blu ray. Still think Bret vs Shawn one is the best of the most recent ones released.

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So who was the "top star" who told Vince the current product sucks balls prior to last Monday's show?

Alberto Del Rio. Dunno how credible it is but it was apparently said on some lucha radio show, or at least that's what I read:


Transcript-spanish: "Le dije a Vince que el guión de la WWE apestaba, que Vince está haciendo lo que quiere y que la WWE está pasando por un mal momento sin hacer nada al respeto, sin escuchar a nadie y que ya no tiene el mismo control que antes". "Todo es una basura, y cuando la WWE se vaya al infierno, será todo culpa de él”. Habíamos 4 personas en el mismo cuarto; Orton, Cena, un oficial de la WWE y yo."


Translate: "I told vince that the script sucked, and that he is not listening to anyone and no longer has the same control as before".


"Everything is garbage, and when the WWE goes to hell, will be all his fault "


There were just 4 people in the room: Orton, Cena, a WWE officer and me".

Also if anyone watched the TNA PPV tonight Devon was revealed as an Aces and Eights guy. The only guy revealed. Also Jeff Hardy won the world title, Chavo/Hernandez won the tag titles, Tara's mystery boyfriend was some jobber from Big Brother & RVD won the X-title.

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The TNA PPV was lots of fun, although the crowd didn't seem that into anything. You'd think that Hernandez/Chavo winning would get a huge pop, but it wasn't anything special. I think the biggest pop of the night was when Chavo namedroped Eddie.


Also, Devon being the Aces and Eights guy got a big "Holy shit" from the guys I was watching with, and the "This is awkward" chant afterward had us rolling.

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Brock/HHH rematch at Mania is so dumb. I can't believe they'd headline the show with two high profile rematches (Cena-Rock being the other rumored one). Then again they did do two Taker-HBK matches and two Taker-HHH matches.


I'm most interested to see who Taker's opponent will be. Cena and Brock are the only opponents who aren't a "step down" from HBK/HHH in credibility. I know Ryback was rumored to get the spot, but I don't really see the point of that. If I had to guess right now I'd say either Wade Barrett or Sheamus.

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Will Punk take the title into Mania, or will Rock lift it from him at the Rumble? I seem to recall the plans were for Rock-Punk at the Rumble.


Anyway, if Punk gets to the Rumble without dropping it, that's 434 straight days with the belt... the longest run since Hogan I.


1474 Hogan I

380 Cena III

371 Savage I

364 Hogan II

358 Diesel

331+ Punk II


Looking at the PPV coming up:


343 Hell in a Cell

364 Survivors

392 TLC

434 Rumble


So kind of pulling for him to get to TLC at least, but Rumble would be even better given Rock and the ability for him to start talking about having the longest reign since Hulk Hogan. :)



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Re-watched Richards/Elgin from ROH Showdown in the Sun. I mean, I know I was tipsy the first time I watched it but holy shit, on re-watch, yeah, that match is nowhere near my MOTYC list anymore. Not after the stuff I've seen from NJPW this year. UGH.

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Does anyone know much about Korean wrestling? Was watching a Korean movie from the 60s recently and they went to a wrestling match.

I think there was a decent amount of Korean women's wrestling in the 70s and early 80s. There's a tape of Korean vs American women's wrestling on the Ginnetty set with English commentary. I was indexing the whole thing so didn't watch in full but I don't remember it being very exciting. Probably stuff to entertain Americans in the army bases.


A few tapes leaked here and there (Lynch) so I imagine there was a semi-active indie scene there in the 90s and 00s. I know a lot of luchadores, mostly lower level guys like Arkangel or seasoned traveller types like Super Crazy, had tours there in or out of their way to Japan. Mascara Magica and Akira Hokuto toured together once or twice when they were married in 94 or 95 or whenever it was.

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I have absolutely no interest in the matches that are speculated for Mania. I am planning on going to Wrestlecon that weekend for DGUSA and Chikara, but it looks like I will probably be skipping out on WrestleMania.

Which speculative matches are you referring too? Because I know that I personally could not give a rat's ass about a John Cena Vs. Rock re-match, that's for sure. Nor a Brock Lesnar Vs. Triple H re-match.


But Punk/Taker or Cena/Taker or Punk/Austin would all interest me.

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