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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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I was just curious when the WON HOF case for Stephanie McMahon starts. She led the creative team that got John Cena over as a top star and did seven consecutive dome shows for Wrestlemania, most of them breaking existing buyrate records. She also has the Austin/Rock and Rock/Hogan shows to her credit. Critically acclaimed feuds like Eddy vs Rey and Michaels vs Jericho have happened under her watch. :) :) :)

She and Vince got Trip over after he initially bombed at the top of the cards (to the point that they took the belt off him in a panic in favor of Show), then she & Mick carried Trip in the Trip vs Foley feud, and then she carried Trip in the Trip vs Rock feud. Then she kept Trip over because she was banging him.


Trip is a HOFer because of her.





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I was just curious when the WON HOF case for Stephanie McMahon starts. She led the creative team that got John Cena over as a top star and did seven consecutive dome shows for Wrestlemania, most of them breaking existing buyrate records. She also has the Austin/Rock and Rock/Hogan shows to her credit. Critically acclaimed feuds like Eddy vs Rey and Michaels vs Jericho have happened under her watch. :) :) :)

I know it's a joke post but if the Network is a success, TV ratings fees double or triple and in her new role she can somehow clean up the reputation that wrestling has got with major corporate sponsors, she could be credited as having reinvented the business and making it much larger than anyone else could ever do.


That might be actually debatable. Weeks ago one of our independent wrestlers/managers was voted into parliament for the second biggest party and while I didn't look into the matter too much I didn't see a single derogatory mention of his background in any articles (maybe Robert S. or Jetlag were "lucky" enough to see one), and quite a number of media articles were published because of his wrestling gig. And this was in Germany, the possibly most anti-pro-wrestling country ever! So I began to think about this and maybe, just maybe has reality tv given us the first generation that might not look down at pro wrestling in the way we are used to. The bar has been lowered so much (*insert South Park James Cameron joke*) that the old sentiments against pro wrestling are outdated like early 20th century anti-sport sentiments.

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I was just curious when the WON HOF case for Stephanie McMahon starts. She led the creative team that got John Cena over as a top star and did seven consecutive dome shows for Wrestlemania, most of them breaking existing buyrate records. She also has the Austin/Rock and Rock/Hogan shows to her credit. Critically acclaimed feuds like Eddy vs Rey and Michaels vs Jericho have happened under her watch. :) :) :)

She and Vince got Trip over after he initially bombed at the top of the cards (to the point that they took the belt off him in a panic in favor of Show), then she & Mick carried Trip in the Trip vs Foley feud, and then she carried Trip in the Trip vs Rock feud. Then she kept Trip over because she was banging him.


Trip is a HOFer because of her.





In a carny business, surely using your feminine wiles to get control of the company over your older brother, who had been groomed for the position since birth, deserves some credit. :)

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I was just curious when the WON HOF case for Stephanie McMahon starts. She led the creative team that got John Cena over as a top star and did seven consecutive dome shows for Wrestlemania, most of them breaking existing buyrate records. She also has the Austin/Rock and Rock/Hogan shows to her credit. Critically acclaimed feuds like Eddy vs Rey and Michaels vs Jericho have happened under her watch. :) :) :)

She and Vince got Trip over after he initially bombed at the top of the cards (to the point that they took the belt off him in a panic in favor of Show), then she & Mick carried Trip in the Trip vs Foley feud, and then she carried Trip in the Trip vs Rock feud. Then she kept Trip over because she was banging him.


Trip is a HOFer because of her.





In a carny business, surely using your feminine wiles to get control of the company over your older brother, who had been groomed for the position since birth, deserves some credit. :)


Holly fuck... I forgot about that. Got control away from here groomed brother for herself and her husband. And made the environment that the Son-Heir left the company while she and her husband make millions a year. ;)



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There were some coworkers talking about wrestling yesterday, and one of them was surprised every time he heard a wrestler was alive, which says something fairly sad about the state of affairs in wrestling these days.


"Really, Goldust is still alive? Wow!"

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I was just curious when the WON HOF case for Stephanie McMahon starts. She led the creative team that got John Cena over as a top star and did seven consecutive dome shows for Wrestlemania, most of them breaking existing buyrate records. She also has the Austin/Rock and Rock/Hogan shows to her credit. Critically acclaimed feuds like Eddy vs Rey and Michaels vs Jericho have happened under her watch. :) :) :)

Also helped rebuild the Women's division from a plethora of Sable/Debra-esque bra and panties matches. Helped build the characters of their top Divas of the '00s, Lita and Trish in different ways (vs. Lita by not being afraid of being a heel, and vs. Trish through a brawl on the level of Tupelo Concession Stand). These things helped remove the stink of bra and panties matches being the main and only thing of the ladies. It only made Finlay's job that much easier.


You can also compare Stephanie to Flair in a lot of ways. Whereas WCW called on Flair when things were going to shit, the WWE did the same thing when HHH-Jericho in 2002 (a tired feud by that point) was bombing. Bringing in Steph worked in a lot of ways (got HHH over in Hogan-like ways when he'd normally be better off as a heel, Jericho over as a heel when he's better as a babyface underdog to HHH, and, more importantly, got the feud over well enough that it closed WrestleMania).


Finally, and this is a Gordy List-type category (someone should do one, someone better than me), but she made workers look better. When Austin did his "stun the McMahons" deal at Raw Homecoming, Steph sold like a champ...and better than the rest of her family members.



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Something that has been lost in all the hype about the network is that Vince's pompadour is making a comeback. This is huge news!

That came back over the summer when Vince got involved in the Bryan angle. Specifically it made its return during Bryan's gauntlet on that one RAW. I myself was shocked it wasn't discussed at the time.

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