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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Listened to the Lawler eps on Austin's podcast. I really enjoyed the insights about the Kaufman feud, especially Jerry saying he hit Jim Carrey on "Letterman" much harder than he hit Kaufman on the Letterman show because he was legit pissed at Carrey. And also his asking Milos Foreman, "Has this guy [Carrey] even read the script? Doesn't he know that Andy and I were actually good friends?"


I had never heard about the creation of Kamala gimmick - anyone have an image of the Frazetta painting he's talking about? Jerry makes him sound like a big sweet simpleton. "Mr. Lawler, why do you paint a banana on my stomach every night?"

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Guest TheGreatPuma

Yeah, dextar I have thought about it too. It'd be just sooo insane. Though we've had lots of insane happen in wrestling before so you never know.... :o But all indications do seem to have Bryan winning. YES, YES, YES!

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Guest TheGreatPuma

To Dexstar's comment about what would happen if HHH won both clean ..... Yes, I've thought about it too. Oooh man, complete insanity but hey the WWE can and has done lots of insane booking. :o Still, everything is pointing to a Bryan win. YES! YES! YES!

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Been a while since I posted anything about my burgeoning indy career, mostly since none of the shows i've been on have been taped or if they were the footage wasn't released, but here's a match I had last week vs Sir Samurai which took place at a St Patricks Day festival.

Pointless random fact #1 - The camera doesn't pick it up but at around the 3 min mark of the video an angry drunk fat old man tries to climb on the apron before quickly being taken away.

Pointless random fact #2 - The referee is Christina Von Erie's younger brother James

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Undertaker is looking a lot leaner than he was last year. It makes me wonder how a guy of his age and history of injuries is able to workout, let alone stay in respectable shape.


Furthermore, doesn't he swear by Crossfit? A type of training in itself which carries a high risk of injury...


Wonders never cease!

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Watching Superbrawl 1, after Sid jobs to El Gigante a portion of the crowd starts singing, "Kiss Him Goodbye." I was really surprised pre-internet enough people were aware he had signed with WWF to get that going. I also thought the song wasn't really part of the crowd chant lexicon until the Attitude Era.

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I wonder how much of that was WCW being a semi-regional promotion at the time. They visited St. Petersburg more often than Vince, which makes me think each city had a more localized vibe if that makes sense.


Vince promoted a card next door in Tampa the night before. The reason he didn't promote cards in St Pete was that Tampa had a bigger arena.


by 91 a lot of people had access to hotlines and newsletters, and WCW crowds were more diehard/hardcore than WWF ones


Thats true. But I live in the UK and no real access to the hotlines or the sheets at the time and even I knew that Sid was leaving. It was one of the worst kept secrets. Even the Apter mags were reporting Sid's departure.

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I've been watching Survivor Series 92, and Yokozuna vs. Virgil has to be one of my favorite squash matches ever. I've never seen it before and Yoko looks like such a beast. I'm tempted to go on a Yoko spree now, because he looks REALLY good here before his weight got out of control.

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