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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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I think Randy Orton is a far less justifiable inclusion.

Well yes, Orton sucks, but at least he still, you know, wrestles in 2012.


Every pay per view match had on PPV in 2012 was no less than good. What is the argument for him sucking?


I wold say the same about 2011 also.


My argument is he sucks as a babyface, promo, and his angles are usually boring. In ring, he's nothing special in my book. He peaked about four or five years ago as an interesting character. He's kind of like Robin to HHH's Batman when it comes to overrated WWE stars.

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I think Randy Orton is a far less justifiable inclusion.

Well yes, Orton sucks, but at least he still, you know, wrestles in 2012.


Every pay per view match had on PPV in 2012 was no less than good. What is the argument for him sucking?


I wold say the same about 2011 also.


My argument is he sucks as a babyface, promo, and his angles are usually boring. In ring, he's nothing special in my book. He peaked about four or five years ago as an interesting character. He's kind of like Robin to HHH's Batman when it comes to overrated WWE stars.


His promos were great last year. The one before Mania where he said he regretted not punting Punk hard enough to snap his neck in 08. The Punk feud had a really goofd natural build, with Punk wanting revenge for Orton costing him his first World Title.


The Christian feud had a good build to it and dealt with Orton being a loose canon.


The Henry feud was the best main event program, WWE has did in ages. Orton made the feud by allowing Henry to destroy him. Losing clean twice in a row. Far as I'm concerned he was the WWE MVP for 2011.

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Looking over the FCW roster page, they really need to either call some folk up or cut some guys. Having a 50 person roster just seems like overkill for a company that only runs 1 or 2 live shows a week and has a 1 hour? tv slot.


Some of the guys are injured. But you are right, they will need to cut some guys soon. They just cut 4 guys a month ago. Probably another 5 will be cut after Mania.

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Hey guys, long time creeper, first time poster. I also creep DVDR but those dicks won't e-mail me a password.. whatever.


Anyway, all I have to add is:


1) I agree with the inclusion of Inoki on this list even if the basis was the wrestling = MMA argument PURELY because I like to perpetuate said argument when nosy friends find Raw on the ol' DVR




2) I'm pretty pumped up that someone just dropped Yngwie Malmsteen's name-- I picked a good ass day to start posting

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So on RAW during a Kane/Big Show match, a masked man wearing a dress shirt stood up in the crowd, ripped off the shirt and then the mask, revealing Shane Douglas. He then got a section of the arena chanting ECW, before hauling ass out of the arena as security started to converge.


Interesting way to promote his Extreme Reunion show.

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Welp, this solves the overcrowding problem


From the observer site


Officials from WWE told Bright House Sports network today, which airs the FCW shows in Florida, that they are closing down the promotion and will not be doing anymore television after the final three shows taped last week air.


WWE officials told Bright House Sports that they are folding the promotion, closing the gym, and moving everyone to Stamford, CT for the time being until they figure out what they are going to do with developmental.


Those in WWE also heard news today and were given the impression the company was going to do developmental out of Conneticut and possibly open a second developmental territory.

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