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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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I had no idea that Dink the Clown was a ripoff of a ripoff



Todd "Animal" Hecht, a small local wrestler, debuted on 3/12/93 at the Sportatorium as Dink the Clown, claiming to be the nephew of Doink the Clown. He interfered in a loser leaves town match between Killer Tim Brooks and Mike Davis, causing Davis to lose.

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So was WWF not really worried about guys using their WWF names after leaving before the mid-90s. I had never really thought about it but reading the Observers from 92-93 the only guy who seems to have issues other than Nailz is Ultimate Warrior. I know for sure Cousin Junior and Uncle Elmer kept those names after leaving WWF. So did Nailz really fuck it up for everyone?



WWF has sent word that they don't want Jacques Rougeau to use The Mountie name on indies, so he's
being billed as Canadian Law & Order, formerly known as The Mountie. Apparently this stems from
an attempt to look like they're not specifically targeting Kevin "Nailz" Wacholz, who is now being
called The Convict instead of Nailz on indie shows for similar reasons.



And I really wish I could see this:


On 4/29 in Fisherville, VA, they drew 400 fans, but about 150 were deaf children from around the area.
It was an amazing sight with all the sign language heat going back-and-forth. Gibson was signing back
since he's known sign language his entire life since his mother is deaf.

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I think the hundreds of independent Doinks were a bigger reason.

They seemingly never cared about that though, that lasted for years after Doink was out of the WWF. They told indy promoters they couldn't promote Nailz under that name because they were pissed off at him for filing a bullshit lawsuit saying that Vince McMahon sexually assaulted him (and the whole pushing Vince down and choking him thing couldn't have helped) but I suppose that also would have left them open to litigation that they were trying to mess with his career when they didn't do that to other guys.

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And hey since I just came across it here is that disgusting story about Chris Adams ripping out Rod Price's weave:



The most talked about occurrence since Kevin Von Erich's latest escapade took place earlier in the show in a judo jacket match between Chris Adams and Rod Price. Adams ripped Price's surgically implanted hair weave out of his head causing an incredible amount of blood and pain and gobs of flesh came out with the hair and Price needed in excess of 100 stitches afterwards. They are turning the thing into an angle. Adams is contending it was all an accident but Price is said to be furious and they are saying the amount of effort it must have taken to rip all that hair out couldn't have been an accident.

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Larry Z cuts an unbelievable promo on Worldwide 5/21/1994. So good I have to transcribe it:


"You know, I understand Lord Regal is now looking up my background. He's smart enough to do some research, he's finding out about his opponent. Did you find out, Regal, that in front of 50,000 people, I retired my mentor, a man who was the greatest of the greats of his time? Did you do some research, your worship, and find out that I carried that burden for 18 glorious years? And did you do some research into my soul and find out how it feels?


You know I'm not royalty, Mean Gene, let me tell you exactly what I am. I'm a Polak from the hills of Pennsylvania. And I have accomplished my dream twice, I have retired legends, and if you don't believe me, your worship, you just go ask our commissioner. Because he is one of them. You know what the man sees here, Mean Gene, is Larry Zbyszko, mild mannered professional broadcaster for World Championship Wrestling--a great company to work for. But inside that ring, your worship, I can make Vladimir Shevonovsky look like Dr. Billy Graham! And I'm going to do it for the people of Philadelphia, I'm going to do it for my past, and I'm going to do it for the people of America! See ya in Larryland, jerk!"

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Rewatched Rumble 2014 on the network, and as bad as the crowd shit on the show (and it was worse in person) if Roman would have eliminated Batista it would have got a huge pop. Everyone knew Big Dave was going to win, and no one wanted to see it happen. The same thing happening to Roman in 2015 would be something to behold.

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I don't know why but I've always been kind of fascinated by former WCW referee Mike Atkins just disappearing without a trace and even Meltzer doesn't seem to realize why he just disappears overnight one day:



Ref Mike Adkins, who was married to Jody Hamilton's daughter, seems to be gone, leaving just two refs, Nick Patrick and Randy "Pee Wee" Anderson. Since they are running two shows per night, it means one ref has to work the entire show.

I also saw on some Deep South Wrestling (Jody Hamilton's Georgia indy from the late 80s) listings that had Mike Atkins as a wrestler and now I kind of really want to track that down.

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Rewatched Rumble 2014 on the network, and as bad as the crowd shit on the show (and it was worse in person) if Roman would have eliminated Batista it would have got a huge pop. Everyone knew Big Dave was going to win, and no one wanted to see it happen. The same thing happening to Roman in 2015 would be something to behold.


How can the "same thing" possibly happen? The circumstances aren't anything remotely close to what they were last years. Daniel Bryan had had his title stolen by Orton and the Authority, and all semblance of logical wrestling storytelling dictated that he would go to Wrestlemania, get his revenge and take back what was rightfully his. So when he didn't come out at number 30 in the Rumble, the crowd died because the guy they loved was being screwed out of what he was owed, and they as an audience were being screwed out of what they were owed. And then here's this guy Batista who left the company several years ago, as a huge asshole heel mind you, being brought back and put in this spot that he didn't deserve and didn't even make any sense within the storyline they were invested in. So of course they took it out on him.


None of that context applies to Roman Reigns this year. Even if the crowd doesn't fully get behind him the way the company wants, it won't be anything on the level of what happened to Batista. He's not stealing any beloved underdog's spot, he's not disrupting any major storyline for no apparent reason, Roman Reigns winning the Rumble this year actually makes perfect sense and is consistent with how he's been booked.

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I don't know why but I've always been kind of fascinated by former WCW referee Mike Atkins just disappearing without a trace and even Meltzer doesn't seem to realize why he just disappears overnight one day:



Ref Mike Adkins, who was married to Jody Hamilton's daughter, seems to be gone, leaving just two refs, Nick Patrick and Randy "Pee Wee" Anderson. Since they are running two shows per night, it means one ref has to work the entire show.

I also saw on some Deep South Wrestling (Jody Hamilton's Georgia indy from the late 80s) listings that had Mike Atkins as a wrestler and now I kind of really want to track that down.
Glad to see I'm not the only one who always wondered what happened to him. Seems strange that nobody knows, especially if he was Nick Patrick's brother in law.
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Rewatched Rumble 2014 on the network, and as bad as the crowd shit on the show (and it was worse in person) if Roman would have eliminated Batista it would have got a huge pop. Everyone knew Big Dave was going to win, and no one wanted to see it happen. The same thing happening to Roman in 2015 would be something to behold.


How can the "same thing" possibly happen? The circumstances aren't anything remotely close to what they were last years. Daniel Bryan had had his title stolen by Orton and the Authority, and all semblance of logical wrestling storytelling dictated that he would go to Wrestlemania, get his revenge and take back what was rightfully his. So when he didn't come out at number 30 in the Rumble, the crowd died because the guy they loved was being screwed out of what he was owed, and they as an audience were being screwed out of what they were owed. And then here's this guy Batista who left the company several years ago, as a huge asshole heel mind you, being brought back and put in this spot that he didn't deserve and didn't even make any sense within the storyline they were invested in. So of course they took it out on him.


None of that context applies to Roman Reigns this year. Even if the crowd doesn't fully get behind him the way the company wants, it won't be anything on the level of what happened to Batista. He's not stealing any beloved underdog's spot, he's not disrupting any major storyline for no apparent reason, Roman Reigns winning the Rumble this year actually makes perfect sense and is consistent with how he's been booked.




2014: Batista is the guy the company wants to win despite the crowd being adamant they want someone else, fans reject this idea loudly.


2015: Roman is the guy the company wants to win despite not being over at that level, admittedly there's no Daniel Bryan counterpart for the fans to rally around but as mentioned the show's in Philly and they don't need a reason to be belligerent. I'm just going on a limb here and suggesting there's a good chance the corporate approved choice might go over like a lead balloon in this environment.

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I'm not seeing the Reigns backlash everyone else is seeing. Fans seem to respond to him

This prediction of a Roman Reigns backlash is just so weird to me. It's like certain pockets of the internet are just so upset that WWE sees more in Reigns than they do Ambrose that they have just manufactured this whole scenario. Roman Reigns is over. He's not getting negative reactions. Dean Ambrose is not NEARLY as over as Daniel Bryan was going into the Rumble last year so that's another reason it's unlikely to happen. Is Dean Ambrose REALLY a better choice for a Brock Lesnar opponent? Is Ambrose REALLY that much more over than Roman Reigns? I just don't see it outside of a few message boards.

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We're in 2014. I think the crowd will revolt because, frankly, they can, and because it seemed to work last year. This is the Rumble which has people travelling to it to begin with. It's also in the Northeast, which will make it easier. They'll want to make the show about them and if rebelling against Reigns is easiest, that's how they'll do it.

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Changing the topic somewhat, since it's been rumored that Brock is pretty much done with WWE after Mania, if I was in charge I'd be trying to spread rumors that Lesnar was talking about not wanting to lose before going back to MMA and how they were going to have to do some big schmozz finish for the Mania main event. They have to do something to try and keep the crowd for turning him on his match like the one vs. Goldberg.

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Changing the topic somewhat, since it's been rumored that Brock is pretty much done with WWE after Mania, if I was in charge I'd be trying to spread rumors that Lesnar was talking about not wanting to lose before going back to MMA and how they were going to have to do some big schmozz finish for the Mania main event. They have to do something to try and keep the crowd for turning him on his match like the one vs. Goldberg.


And you think the crowd wouldn't turn on him in a heartbeat if they thought he was being a diva who refused to lose, was leaving right after Mania, etc.? I'm not understanding your logic. Maybe I'm missing something?

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We're in 2014. I think the crowd will revolt because, frankly, they can, and because it seemed to work last year. This is the Rumble which has people travelling to it to begin with. It's also in the Northeast, which will make it easier. They'll want to make the show about them and if rebelling against Reigns is easiest, that's how they'll do it.


Yeah, I think we're in an era where the "smart fans" will be in abundance during big shows (Rumble, Mania, post-Mania RAW) and will pretty much boo anyone that they don't deem a super-worker, unless nostalgia is involved. I can easily see the crowd turning on Roman. Instead of Bryan, they'll just chant for someone like Dolph, Ambrose or something. I think the era of pushing someone based on looks is over.

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Changing the topic somewhat, since it's been rumored that Brock is pretty much done with WWE after Mania, if I was in charge I'd be trying to spread rumors that Lesnar was talking about not wanting to lose before going back to MMA and how they were going to have to do some big schmozz finish for the Mania main event. They have to do something to try and keep the crowd for turning him on his match like the one vs. Goldberg.


And you think the crowd wouldn't turn on him in a heartbeat if they thought he was being a diva who refused to lose, was leaving right after Mania, etc.? I'm not understanding your logic. Maybe I'm missing something?


My assumption is that if the fans would cheer his opponent, and not expecting to see the title change, would actually pop for it.

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