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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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No. I could write a fucking novel about how much a failure he is as a worker and a top level guy and how there are probably 50 people that have gotten fired for less than the shit he pulls. I hate the double standard bullshit in companies and he is the prime example of how you can do no wrong when you're a HHH buddy.

I always thought Triple H had something against Orton. Maybe that's just because he books himself to demolish him pretty regularly.

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What about Rock? He mentioned the title in his last promo. How are they going to transition the title to him, and when?

I really think that line was this year's "I'm back and I'm never leaving again!" line. Just something designed to get the crowd to pop like crazy thinking he would figure in plans a little more prominently. The most I can see them doing with the Rock is MAYBE letting him win the Royal Rumble as a surprise entrant and then losing the title match at Wrestlemania to really close the chapter on the character.

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Bryan Alvarez thinks the plan is Punk v. Big Show at SummerSlam. Ugh.

Punk and Show worked well enough two years ago. It was a pretty entertaining program even if Show went over a little too much, maybe. It should be interesting to see how they'd work with the roles reversed. That said I'm not sure if I'd rather see that or the previously rumored Punk vs Tensai. Probably Show.

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We've known for a long time that Rock is working Summerslam. I kept mentioning how terrible of an idea it was for Cena to lose at WM, and so many people were quick to tell me he was working Summerslam. So I suspect he'll be in the main event. Hopefully one of these days, Punk will get an actual main event spot while champion and Cena will be in the semi-main spot.


Also, Bryan Alvarez's predictions are almost always wrong, because he hates life and himself.

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I like Show and Punk, but saying that program worked a couple of years ago is remarkably generous to the point where it borders on saying "any program works." It was the stuff with Show that killed off SES, dropped Punk into obscurity after the heights of the early portion of that year, and pulled back a lot of the insane heat he had been getting after a year of him being the most over douchebag heel in modern memory.

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Sorry, i meant it worked as in they were entertaining working against each other and I thought they had chemistry, and in this specific case, I only brought that up because the poster had groaned heavily just at the thought of them working a Summerslam program and I thought that was a bit of an overreaction. I don't think we'd have a repeat of the end result of the previous program after all. Punk is in a very different place now and Show has a very different role. I can't imagine he keeps the huge push after Summerslam. He's being built up to be fed to Cena and then Punk now.


After that, they should probably feed him to Brodus and then shift him back down the card or into a tag role or something.

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I follow the sheets as much as you Loss, but I don't get the sense Rock is working at SummerSlam. His film schedule is jam packed and they already have Brock vs. Triple H booked for the show. There's been no talk about potential opponents for him before WrestleMania. I think it's more likely that they transition the title on to Brock for Rock to face him at WM 29, than putting the title on Rock first.

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Then why was everyone saying Rock was working Summerslam a few months ago? I am just going based on what people on this board kept saying over and over. Then one day no one was talking about it anymore. This isn't based on the WON.

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Then why was everyone saying Rock was working Summerslam a few months ago? I am just going based on what people on this board kept saying over and over. Then one day no one was talking about it anymore. This isn't based on the WON.

It seemed to be the plan at one point but he keeps getting new movie roles, so I'm not sure he would have the time now.

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Watching a random episode of ECW tv from 2008 and it really hits you in the face what a shitty job WWE does of elevating guys. 4 years later and the only guys who appeared on this show that are in a better position then they were back in 08 are Mark Henry and to a lesser degree Miz.


Guys like Jack Swagger, Cody & Kofi who all atleast had potential to be bigger stars then they've been are still in the same interchangable mid card go no whear spot they've always been in, even worse when you add in other guys like MVP & Morrison who also could have amounted to something but got slotted the same way before quiting the company in frustration.

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Watching a random episode of ECW tv from 2008 and it really hits you in the face what a shitty job WWE does of elevating guys. 4 years later and the only guys who appeared on this show that are in a better position then they were back in 08 are Mark Henry and to a lesser degree Miz.


Guys like Jack Swagger, Cody & Kofi who all atleast had potential to be bigger stars then they've been are still in the same interchangable mid card go no whear spot they've always been in, even worse when you add in other guys like MVP & Morrison who also could have amounted to something but got slotted the same way before quiting the company in frustration.

I think that's just the reality of the consequences of Vince conquering wrestling.


In the 80's he was young, hungry, had a vision and had the cream of the territories to pick from. Guys that were over. Had experience and new what they were doing. There were some mis-steps. some things didn't work out or go according to plan. But his desire to succeed and make money meant that for the most part everyone was pushed to the best of their abilities and it paid off.


In the 90's business was down. He was under pressure and although he had to be dragged kicking and screaming from his prefered method of promoting. Eventually gave chances to people who didn't fit his M.O. Who had talent and that paid off too.


Now in the 00's. Vince is old. Set in his ways. Has no major competion in wrestling and is set for life fianacially. Which makes him reckless and feckless with talent.


Some guys have been made this last decade. But they all seem to be in spite of, instead of, WWE's booking.

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Yeah, he's one of the few guys on the roster that is of interest to me too.


RoH is 9 months into their new television deal and they'e already cutting costs. This is going to be on top of essentially putting out an iPPV this month that's going to do a zero buyrate due to what happened last time. This really seems like the end is on the horizon for them.

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