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They should keep them all face for now, all are really over, no need to rush it. There is months and maybe years of mileage down the line if they hold off and do the break up properly. Ambrose/Ziggler could be a decent little midcard feud if he does turn I suppose, and Ambrose/Rollins. They should go all the way make him into a really nasty creep if he does turn, threatening families, sneak attacks, sleazing over women, Ambrose is perfect for that role.


That Lesnar EAT SLEEP BREAK THE STREAK VEST is amazing, they need to start selling those in WWE shop.


This Undertaker thing is boring, crowd are starting to get restless. Surely they can think of more interesting ways to build his matches? Every year it is endless, long segments of creepy music and caskets and 'mystical' goings on, it looks frankly ludicrous when he is in there with someone like Brock Lesnar who seems like he can't believe the ridiculousness of what he is having to do for his $4 million a year.

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Meltzer (I think) keeps saying that it'll be better if Ambrose/Rollins turn heel on Reigns than if Reigns turns face on them, but I don't know about that.


The way Rollins keeps stealing the show, they are setting themselves up for another year of rebellious crowds if they try and turn him back into a heel and it will only hurt the Reigns push.

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speaking of merchandise, I am glad that they finally decided to sell a Golddust mask. You would have thought that would be a no brainer


Never could figure out how Taker does this with the empty casket gimmick that all of the sudden contains Taker.


Lesnar with another insane bump landing head first on the casket and didn't phase him one bit. :o

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It's funny, back in the early nineties I hated Takers magic stuff, but now I fucking love it. If you can't just have fun and say "It's magic" then just think, "Taker's doing mind games with the help of the Druids who are David Copperfield, Chriss Angel, and a team of special effects experts who work for him."

And I'm sure Brock is ok, he landed on his marble noggin.

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The Taker/Brock build reminds me of Taker/Michaels WM 26 build. Were Taker kept mocking/owning HBK and then retired him at Mania :lol: If they are scared of Taker taking a big bump before the PPV, then don't make him do faceoffs because they are forced to make him look dominant when he doesn't need it.

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some posters at DVDVR are saying Steph carried the opening segment. Man she was real good but damn Batista and Orton just killed me. People have been saying she's carried all the angles the past few weeks I don't see that. Everyone played their parts well, especially tonight

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Never could figure out how Taker does this with the empty casket gimmick that all of the sudden contains Taker.


There's two ways I've heard


- The casket has a fake bottom. He's underneath the "empty casket" as it's rolled to the ring. It's shown as empty and then closed and he gets into position inside it. I imagine there's a pretty elaborate spring action and lock on the inside and something he can use to grip and pull himself into the proper position




- He's under the ring (why it's always rolled directly sideways against the ring) and enters the casket from there


I've heard both over the years and they've probably used both methods at different times. I'd guess due to his age/condition that they used the first method here, but they have different tricks they use to get guys under the ring in the middle of a show too

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Sean, there are those us -- myself, El-P, some others too -- who have completely given up on it. There's enough footage from the 80s alone probably to last me a lifetime. To be honest, when there's the entirety of any given promotion you care to name from 1985 to watch, I can't see any reason at all to devote any of my wrestling time to watching this week's RAW. Once I've seen all of the 80s sets, all of the 90s yearbooks, every single NWA and WCW PPV, and any other disc here that I happen to have, maybe I'll consider watching RAW again then.


Count me in this group. Once I'm finished with 90s AJPW, I'll probably be putting a lot of time into 80s wrestling both stateside and Japan as well as the 2000-2009 puro project Ditch is doing. From there I have about 5 different directions I could easily go wrestling-wise and I'll probably eventually get to all of them. Not to mention that from what I've seen of current WWE I'll be vastly more entertained by all of the above. Not saying it's awful or anything, just don't dig the wrestling style even if it is loads better than any WWE product I've watched in a long time as far as in-ring goes.

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It was embarrassingly quiet when Taker started throwing punches on Brock.


That's because the crowd was in awe of the spectacle


SummerSlam '94 Undertaker vs Underfaker style



Seriously though, this stuck out to me too. I thought the physical contact was a bit of a misfire for that build. Seems kinda unnecessary - I'd prefer if they'd kept them apart physically right up until Brock charges through the druids to start the match at 'Mania or something. I wonder if part of the lackluster live reaction has to do with many in the crowd just kinda intrinsically knowing that it wasn't going to be any type of wild pull apart brawl. I know watching it I just assumed it would be a couple punches and then stare down, exactly like it was, which is hard to get fired up for.

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