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HHH looked like the worst wrestler of all time in that last segment. Awkward interactions on the mic and with Flair, terrible timing on the big Rollins spot, off on the exchanges with Ambrose on the floor, and comically bad selling of Reigns spear. My god what a terrible wrestler, no wonder the crowd NEVER responds for Evolution at all

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as an aside the teeny bopper type pop the Shield got when they appeared in the backstage bit was quite impressive. The females love these guys

All three of them exude "bad boy" sexy, but each in their own way. Like "The Outsiders". (Pony Boy, not Hall and Nash) They really are that "print money" group that appeals to guys and gals.
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Mattel doesn't watch SmackDown.


Roman Reigns choked Brad Maddox with his tie on SmackDown. Look out for "The Roman Samoan" Joe Anoi'a's indy tour this summer. Maybe Daniel Bryan can bring him back as his tag team partner against the NXTers at SummerSlam...or something vaguely yet equally jaded.

I thought the hit on Bryan was due to Linda's campaign?

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Mmkay… the children choir was cute. Not great. Not creepy. Not horrifying. It was cute. That's the problem with Bray Wyatt. He's cute. He doesn't strike fear in anyone's heart. He should turn babyface tomorrow, it would work infinitely better for me.

Flair, well, it's been about 15 years since his days of being on live TV are over, really. Sad. And yeah, Trip was even sadder. The Wrestlemania great performance looks like a miracle from where we are now. Still curious about the product though.

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Rewatcing the segment and poor Brie obviously missed her cue and had to roll back in the ring so Kane could keep menacing her. It's pretty obvious why they were hesitant to use her in these angles. They even tried to explain it by Bryan saying he feared for her safety

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Flair made it through that segment....but man, it was not good. I don't think he was drunk.....that's just Flair now. I was worried he was going to get emotional. His days of being a regular character are over. There's people out there who clamor for him to be a manager or something.....even people who want him to be in another match.....and I'm just speechless at the idea. This guy really has no business being on live TV or bumping around at his age and condition. Would anyone be shocked if he dropped dead at any moment?


I love Flair, but there's a reason we have the "Flair is a trainwreck" thread here


I thought that was a pretty good RAW. I was probably too distracted/jarred by Flair that I didn't notice HHH being bad in that segment. He was fine. I thought the segment with Jackman was fun stuff. Anyone who complains that that was a "burial" of Sandow is clueless. They've booked him like shit since he won MITB....shit after the Cena match......this was the best moment he's had in quite some time

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Main Event was great again this week. It's consistently been the best show for the last three weeks. Tonight we got Goldust-Del Rio and the continuation of the Rhodes Brothers split, Paige-Alicia Fox, Barrett-Kofi, and Bray-Sheamus. Goldust-Del Rio was decent but was more to put over the Rhodes split. Paige-Alicia was sloppy but pretty physical too. The finish is particularly nasty. Barrett-Kofi wasn't any good, but I can't blame Barrett. Kofi is terrible. The finish was awesome though. Bray-Sheamus was very physical and a pretty good match overall. Bray didn't get much control time and the match transitioned into bomb throwing, but it was good bomb throwing. Both guys were really over and the crowd was really into it. The Usos saved Sheamus from a beatdown post-match. It looks like we might get Wyatts-Usos for the tag titles at ER too.

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Wow that St. Louis crowd absolutely sucked. It was like pulling teeth to get a reaction out of the, Daniel Bryan was over, but even his reaction was more tepid than most weeks.

I hate to judge anything based on that shit crowd, but RVD the second most over babyface??? Time has really caught up with him as he is just so slow and his spots look even worse in slow-mo. Still he was over enough to get Cesaro booed. Did you hear that for the first time in history, Swagger got a pop!!! It was because he was saving RVD. Holy shit, Swagger got a positive reaction. That RVD/Colter segement was brutally bad. This whole triple threat thing is a clusterfuck, but it is in New York so they will be hot for Cesaro & RVD.

I have always loved Barrett in the ring. Outside the catchphrase, I think he is a boring promo, but guess what I don't care because other people love it, which means PUSH CITY BABY! So as glad as he keeps delivering in the ring.

What the fuck Cena? You are going to get Bray Wyatt a donkey just so you can put your foot in it. What the fuck was going on with the donkey there was no conclusion to the story. It was like tonight, the writing team threw its hands up in the air and said everyone write your own promo because usually the backstage segments are boring as fuck, but they are at least coherent. I love Cena in the ring and think he has a dynamic character, but he can blow chunks on the mic sometimes.

The children in lamb masks was pretty badass. They sure are bringing out all the bells and whistles. Also can someone explain to me the booking of last week. Why the fuck did Cena hit the FU on Bray? This was supposed to be the big "Hey Cena, the crowd really does hate you moment", but instead we get Cena overcoming the odds again. It is not that big of a deal that we was put in on a 3-on-1 handicap match when it is not even that much of a disadvantage. If he got mauled, then he can be like what the fuck dude. Instead, it is just like your boss giving you a little extra work before the weekend. It is like well that kinda sucks, but Ill get it done.


Before I forget, Del Rio was fuckin on! My God, why does he not wrestle with the sense of urgency all the time. Great performance by him. He is totally fucked and heatless, but awesome performance. Maybe they can rebrand him.

I hate to sound so negative because I think the talent and characters are all there, but the angles just have not caught up to the talent level at all.

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Mmkay… the children choir was cute. Not great. Not creepy. Not horrifying. It was cute. That's the problem with Bray Wyatt. He's cute. He doesn't strike fear in anyone's heart. He should turn babyface tomorrow, it would work infinitely better for me.



If you found that segment cute then I think there might be a bigger issue with you because it really didn't come off as some "family friendly kids" segment. Maybe it is me but I don't find a bunch of kids under the age of 10 wearing sheep masks while some kind doing a Cape Fear laugh as "cute".


No offense :)

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Also, they do plan to turn the Wyatts babyface, but not until The Shield turns on Reigns, because they don't want both groups as babyfaces at the same time. I think turning the Wyatts is a mistake. Bray isn't getting cheered because he's loved. He's getting cheered because he's feuding with Cena.

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Main Event was great again this week. It's consistently been the best show for the last three weeks. Tonight we got Goldust-Del Rio and the continuation of the Rhodes Brothers split, Paige-Alicia Fox, Barrett-Kofi, and Bray-Sheamus. Goldust-Del Rio was decent but was more to put over the Rhodes split. Paige-Alicia was sloppy but pretty physical too. The finish is particularly nasty. Barrett-Kofi wasn't any good, but I can't blame Barrett. Kofi is terrible. The finish was awesome though. Bray-Sheamus was very physical and a pretty good match overall. Bray didn't get much control time and the match transitioned into bomb throwing, but it was good bomb throwing. Both guys were really over and the crowd was really into it. The Usos saved Sheamus from a beatdown post-match. It looks like we might get Wyatts-Usos for the tag titles at ER too.


I really enjoy Main Event - and if you miss Raw, they still splice in the storyline updates for the biggest stories in the company. I liked Bray and Sheamus a good bit although I loathe that type of distraction ending where guys getting on the apron result in Sheamus stopping what he was doing and attacking them to set up the finish. It's like being distracted by entrance music being played. The match deserved better.

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If you found that segment cute then I think there might be a bigger issue with you because it really didn't come off as some "family friendly kids" segment. Maybe it is me but I don't find a bunch of kids under the age of 10 wearing sheep masks while some kind doing a Cape Fear laugh as "cute".


No offense :)



None taken.

But seriously, there was absolutely nothing creepy about it to me. It was all too polished and clean to be anything but "cute bullshit" to me. And that's the issue I have with the whole Bray Wyatt act (and modern WWE as a whole). Waylon Mercy was doing the Cape Fear gimmick ten times better and came off actually creepy. Probably because Danny Spivey without the gimmick already looked creepy as fuck, and his whole delivery as this character made it even worse.

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I didn't find it creepy either. Bray Wyatt isn;'t scary in the slightest, he is so gimmicky and corny that it is impossible to take the act seriously. They could have taken it in a really dark, sinister direction, but so far it has just seemed cute and faintly embarassing.




No logical reason the Shield shouldn't go over now


The logical reason is building Randy Orton and Batista back up for their inevitable world title rematches. If they lose this decisively they are afterthoughts.

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I will add this - the middle school kids in my school think Bray Wyatt is creepy as all hell and tell me their younger siblings leave the room when he's on. To me, the gimmick is over with the audience it was intended to get over with. As for us older fans, I think we're supposed to enjoy his in-ring work and, while I'm still not his biggest fan or anything, I thought his Mania match was pretty cool. I don't think anyone over the age of 12 should be afraid of any PG-rated TV character, so that specific criticism is a little silly to me.


I liken it to how I hated and feared the Undertaker in 91' when he was going after my hero Hulk Hogan. My dad watched with us and probably thought it was idiotic and anything but scary. Today, at age 30, its easy for me to say "Well, Taker WAS scary and dark and Wyatt isn't as good," but that's typical "Back in my day..." stuff.

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I have this feeling that Bryan/Kane isn't ending Sunday. Indecisive finish or Stephanie gets involved somehow but I could see them extending this for a little. Can't see them building up Kane only for him to job cleanly right away. A month ago I would have thought no other finish than Bryan winning clean but not sure now. Again hope I'm wrong

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PWI is reporting Batista was going to go against .Bryan at Payback but balked at the idea and decided he wanted to take his promotional break earlier. He thought jobbing at Mania and again at the show would kill any momentum he had. The company still doesn't know who they will put in the slot. Again I just have the feeling they are going to keep the Kane stuff going

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I will add this - the middle school kids in my school think Bray Wyatt is creepy as all hell and tell me their younger siblings leave the room when he's on. To me, the gimmick is over with the audience it was intended to get over with. As for us older fans, I think we're supposed to enjoy his in-ring work and, while I'm still not his biggest fan or anything, I thought his Mania match was pretty cool. I don't think anyone over the age of 12 should be afraid of any PG-rated TV character, so that specific criticism is a little silly to me.


I liken it to how I hated and feared the Undertaker in 91' when he was going after my hero Hulk Hogan. My dad watched with us and probably thought it was idiotic and anything but scary. Today, at age 30, its easy for me to say "Well, Taker WAS scary and dark and Wyatt isn't as good," but that's typical "Back in my day..." stuff.


Great point!!! Also, if Bray had the benefit of blood, he would be the best WWE character in 3 decades.

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