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well obviously someone told him to stop using it because he hasn't used it in several weeks and I can't imagine he just got rid of his most over spot voluntarily.


Likely, yes, but that was 411 -> Wrestlezone -> PWInsider, which is a lot of degrees of separation from the original report.

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so Batista did some press from Guardians and seemed to imply his whole babyface return was Vince's idea. He warned him the cheering would last about 12 seconds or so but they went forward anyway. Dave comes across as such a cool down to earth guy in interviews. None of went down from January to Mania was any of his fault


It worked itself out, and he did the smart thing by playing it up from the get-go. If he never comes back, the blue trunks and the wave goodbye was a perfect send-off.

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I feel like people are going to look back on that mini run of Batista's a lot more fondly in a few years, especially since they did the right thing and went with Daniel Bryan at Mania in the end anyway. The Triple Threat was way more interesting than Bryan vs. Orton would have been on it's own.

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well obviously someone told him to stop using it because he hasn't used it in several weeks and I can't imagine he just got rid of his most over spot voluntarily.

Likely, yes, but that was 411 -> Wrestlezone -> PWInsider, which is a lot of degrees of separation from the original report.


Not believing it until Bleacher Report confirms it!


Wrestling Observer reported the giant swing thing a long time ago.


This was in the Newsletter two weeks ago:


If you’re wondering why Cesaro has been kept as a heel and has cooled off so much even with Heyman as manager, it’s been somewhat intentional. Obviously, as noted in plans on who was going to be pushed, Cesaro was slated to be on the verge of a major face push late this summer. The decision was made, and this was before Bryan went down, that Reigns would be getting the big focused face push to the top with Cena, Bryan and Sheamus (who has also cooled down greatly because the way they book their secondary champions almost inherently does so) as the key guys. Cesaro is slated for a face push, but no time soon. The idea is “when we need it,” which would likely be after the big push for Reigns has already fully established him and they need the next rising star. The danger is Cesaro may have cooled off by that point, and really already has. It’s not like if they turn him and push him he doesn’t get over, but whether he reaches the level he could have had they taken advantage of the timing and momentum he had a few months ago, that’s the question.

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WWE have a lot of guys on their roster right now that I really dig. My problem as a fan and a viewer is they keep putting the people I care about & want to get behind in the ring with people I don't care about nor want to see.


Granted, I doubt many of us here are what WWE would consider normal, everyday fans. I haven't been to a live event in years, in example. I do have WWE Network but before the Network, I'm not sure what the last WWE PPV that I paid full price for was. I certainly don't go on the website & order merchandise.


I am curious if that's a mentality that other fans would have though. Like, I'm never, ever going to care about Randy Orton, The Big Show, Kane, etc. ever again...but they don't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. If I were a big Roman Reigns fan, a feud with Randy Orton is exactly the sort of thing that would make me not care about him anymore. A guy being pushed as the next great main eventer, that only has four moves, and you're going to put him in a feud with a guy, that will probably last three PPVs in a row, that does nothing but headlocks. Complete apathy.


At this point, in WWE, it feels like there's only a few ways to get looked at as if you're a big deal: squash people the caliber of Orton, beat John Cena or put on great matches. Instead, you're more likely to trade wins with Orton/Jericho, lose to Cena & if you put on great matches, you'll get cheered like Dolph but it doesn't mean WWE will ever care.

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another great Cena-Cesaro match, those two have great chemistry


And Cesaro brought back the swing, to a huge pop! The last time Cesaro and Cena had a RAW match it was followed by a strong push for Cesaro. Maybe they realized how bad they were dropping the ball and decided to put him back on track?

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Guest Eduardo James

The Cesaro thing is still awkward and clunky. He comes out and defends Heyman and says "even though we parted ways, Paul Heyman is still my friend". Ok....

It's not that weird. It's what Punk and Heyman did before he sicced Lesnar on him.

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Except they never did it. It was "Heyman quit....or was fired" from the announcers.....and it took weeks to get a proper explanation, and they still haven't explained WHY they went their separate ways, if they're such good friends, Heyman is such a great manager, and Cesaro is such a blue chipper

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Bray Wyatt says that Cena's entire ethos is a lie and Cena makes donkey jokes. Cesaro says he get his kicks at K Mart and Cena's tense as hell.

Haven't been watching Raw but I got a good laugh out of this.

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