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I stopped for about 5 minutes on the Universal HD replay of Raw and caught the Miz "Niagara" commercial segment. What an embarrassing, tin-eared piece of crap. I've seen better acting at children's theater and better writing on local TV. I hate to be hyperbolic, but I can't imagine anyone--adults, children, geniuses, idiots, bacteria--finding any value in it.




I thought it was funny

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Yeah, I'm not the biggest Triple H fan out there and he's certainly not Flair or Austin by any means, but the notion that he's some "no talent" who doesn't deserve the success he's had and totally bullshitted/politicked (whatever that even means) his way through an entire career really isn't a viewpoint I'm willing to acknowledge at all. It's nonsense.


And if he really did stop a Scott Steiner push from happening good for him.


Edit: I also don't think the guy is obsessed with the IWC like you guys think he is, though he clearly has a pretty good understanding of what makes them tick.

Yeah, screw having a chance to draw money, better kill it and make a guy look bad and put on a bad match.

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I'm surprised so many people took offense to HHH's comments on RAW. He was a heel in front of a smarky New Jersey crowd getting heat. When he was on Austin's podcast, he didn't knock internet fans. And he's spearheading WWE's attempts to create a brand that appeals entirely to internet fans. Look at his introduction to the NXT Columbus show, he's 1995 Paul Heyman in front of that segment of internet fandom.


I mean, I'm sure he gets annoyed with us because we're pretty goddamned annoying at times, but getting mad because a heel made fun of you is odd. He did a promo last year where he literally vowed to bury Daniel Bryan. They hyped the match by showing a highlight video of him going over guys like Booker and Steiner and Angle and Jericho. He loves using his rep to tweak fans and it works.

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It feels like the WWE's relationship with the internet fans has evolved a bit. Like, at the Rumble, when the fans were still chanting for Daniel Bryan 10 minutes after he was eliminated, it would have been easy to have JBL say, "not surprising that this crowd of losers is still cheering for a guy who already lost." But they didn't take any shots or try to sugar coat things as Reigns was getting destroyed. They just acknowledged that the crowd wanted to see Bryan, Ziggler, or Ambrose win and were pissed off. They didn't edit out the boos the next night on RAW either, they confronted it. They're not as adversarial with us as they used to be.


HHH's comments on the Austin podcast about the "new work" were interesting because it showed that they're aware of the internet fan dynamic they face nowadays. And the NXT house shows this week show that HHH is very aware of how to make internet fans happy. But they think that, big-picture, the money they're going to make with Reigns is worth the smart fan wrath right now.

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I stopped for about 5 minutes on the Universal HD replay of Raw and caught the Miz "Niagara" commercial segment. What an embarrassing, tin-eared piece of crap. I've seen better acting at children's theater and better writing on local TV. I hate to be hyperbolic, but I can't imagine anyone--adults, children, geniuses, idiots, bacteria--finding any value in it.




I thought it was funny



It raised a smile from me too. Of course it was hammy, but that's wrestling's charm half the time.

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Triple H intentionally sabotaging those matches is a pretty baseless theory.


I'm surprised anyone would wish wealth and success upon Steiner anyway, at least going by the positive reaction to Bill Demott's resignation.



Whether you like Scott Steiner as a person or not, it is bullshit for Triple H to ruin someone who was coming in with great fan reactions.

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"Smart fans that don't give a fuck to watch Triple H or Sting wrestle in the first place."


You and Lance Storm are wrong, because this match sure isn't garnered to a casual audience. And yep, you're being worked. 110% and they made it look easy.

This why HHH makes comments about internet fans. To get responses like this.
Thanks man! I'm sure he'll be glad to know someone out there gets it.

Thanks for what?


HHH makes comments so people can talk about how he works people.


It's a hallmark of his, and the Kliq in general.

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Wrestlezone is reporting an all talent meeting is scheduled before Raw. Probably means nothing but I could see it being a situation to try and diffuse the DeMott deal

"Stop bitching on social media and complaining to people outside the company" meeting that will likely be followed by reports of what was said in the meeting.

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Imagine if Brock storms out again tonight?! That would 100% put the Mania match in jeopardy.


Does anybody think it possible in this day and age that Vince would crap his pants and screw Brock over to get the title off him? Presumably, WWE contracts have clauses written into them, to ensure that departing employees or those in contract disputes cannot keep WWE property like title belts, nor can they make unauthorised public appearances with the title. That might be one of the many reasons why Brock didn't turn up at the UFC event with the WWE title, not that he would anyway.

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I thought it was funny


It raised a smile from me too. Of course it was hammy, but that's wrestling's charm half the time.

Ha, fair enough. I was drunk when I posted that and still couldn't find anything to like about it. I usually like hammy best in wrestling when it's not intentional.

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Imagine if Brock storms out again tonight?! That would 100% put the Mania match in jeopardy.


Does anybody think it possible in this day and age that Vince would crap his pants and screw Brock over to get the title off him? Presumably, WWE contracts have clauses written into them, to ensure that departing employees or those in contract disputes cannot keep WWE property like title belts, nor can they make unauthorised public appearances with the title. That might be one of the many reasons why Brock didn't turn up at the UFC event with the WWE title, not that he would anyway.



Title belts are considered intellectual property of the promotion, that was established when Flair showed up with the NWA title, and was the cornerstone of the WWF-WCW lawsuit that originally started with Medusa throwing the women's belt in the trash.

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