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Don't forget the awesome Bret Hart cameo on The Simpsons.

That cameo always made me think.


First, I was convinced it wasn't him (that "The Simpsons" had used his likeness, but not his voice) because his line delivery is so *not* the recognizably Canadian, super straightforward Hitman you heard in the WWE. Also, if I remember his lines correctly, they were more Freddie Blassie than Bret Hart.


Then, as I saw that episode over and over on syndication, I switched my thinking to be that it definitely was him but that he was probably told to read the lines like a lunatic because his typical delivery wasn't "big" enough.

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With all the Seinfeld fans around here, surprised Kramer's description to, and attempt to demonstrate on George, Killer Kowalski's "Squeezing The Fat" spare tire hold during "The Parking Garage" episode hasn't been brought up.

There was also another episode where Jerry says something like, "the Three Stooges without Larry would be like professional wrestling without a referee. You don't really need him, but it wouldn't be the same without him." In the Bizzaro Jerry episode, he mentions that his date's massive hands resembled George "The Animal" Steele's.


Of course, there was also a Baywatch episode featuring the likes of Flair, Vader, Sullivan, Savage and Hogan.

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That cameo always made me think.


First, I was convinced it wasn't him (that "The Simpsons" had used his likeness, but not his voice) because his line delivery is so *not* the recognizably Canadian, super straightforward Hitman you heard in the WWE. Also, if I remember his lines correctly, they were more Freddie Blassie than Bret Hart.


Then, as I saw that episode over and over on syndication, I switched my thinking to be that it definitely was him but that he was probably told to read the lines like a lunatic because his typical delivery wasn't "big" enough.

I love this moment from WOR.


The Frugal Canadian.

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There's the It's Always Sunny "The Gang Wrestles for the Troops" episode where the gang is watching Hulk Hogan and Nikolai Volkoff on a laptop.


Rowdy Roddy Piper appears in the episode too as the Maniac and the gang then wrestles as the Birds of War against Cricket who wrestles as the Talibum and Frank interferes as the Trashman and hits Cricket with a trash can and cuts hits neck wide open and Cricket bleeds while the crowd cheers Frank.

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Just watching 1982's Creepshow and during the second story Stephen King himself is playing the most ridiculously stereotypical cross-eyed country hick ever. He's in a pair of dirty dungarees.


He sits down to watch TV and its WWF: Bob Backlund vs. Sika with Vince very audibly calling the action.


"Backlund working the arm of Samoan Number 1"


Most unexpected!

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  • 3 weeks later...

From the Pitchfork review of the new Wild Beasts album:


You might miss the money quote courtesy of Jake “The Snake” Roberts (“A little fun for me/ And none for you”), but the title is indeed a Ric Flair reference, and so the and so the caricatured imagery of “Nature Boy” makes the song as a whole a laugh at how complexities of class, masculinity, and sex can often be reduced to the heel/babyface duality of pro wrestling. A similar skewering occurs on “Wanderlust”, which thankfully doesn’t aspire to be another pat, “Common People”-style rant about the rich kids fetishizing artistic “authenticity.” Instead, Thorpe questions the reductionism that goes on in both sides and the self-obsession that goes into any artistic pursuit.


Bizarre, never had them pegged as a band who would be into wrestling/make references.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some references I've noticed in Japanese Comic Books.

The World God Only Knows: One of the girls considers Jumbo Tsuruta her idol, going so far as to explain the Misawa vs. Jumbo feud to her class and give a speech on why Pro Wrestling is better then MMA. There is also a date scene at a Pro-Wrestling NOAH show where Misawa and Akiyama are wrestling two generic gaijins.

Hajime no Ippo: This has been publishing sense 1989 (and is really something I can't see pro-wrestling fans disliking on a side note), one of the chapters has a character celebrating Hashimoto finally beating Tenryu.

Gintama: Various jokes centered around Inoki's jaw as well as a male S&M character explaining why he likes Joshi.

One Piece: A recent tournament has Abdullah the Butcher & Tiger Jeet Singh as well as The Funks as tag teams.

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I remember reading a letter to Parade Magazine from someone with the last name Slaughter who actually was a Sgt. bringing up Sgt. Slaughter as a sort of albatross on his back that people notice when he tells people his name.

It could also be a GI Joe refernce, but on an episode of the sci-fi program Babylon 5, Sheridan tells a story about an old commanding officer of his whom he said was nicknamed "Sgt. Slaughter" by his troops. He also did Remus' Sarge voice when saying it.

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If you're a fan of comedy, James Adomian does an absolutely HILARIOUS, SPOT ON Jesse Ventura imitation.


He was on an episode of the podcast Comedy Bang Bang with Jon Daly (Kroll Show) and I was basically crying for 60 straight minutes. Adomian comes on as Ventura and stays in character the whole time (as per usual for the show) and while the majority of his jokes are about Ventura living "off the grid," there is one joke about Butch Reed that is worth listening to the whole thing for.


The imitation is just supernaturally good. Highly, highly, highly recommended.

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