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Shoots Review and Preview thread


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The Ricardo shoot interview is a figure of humour among people in NXT and the indies. The idea he would stand down The Shield is the most humorous as his general assessment of his in ring abilities. I have personal knowledge that he didn't quit teaching NXT women he was removed.


He's a total creep. Initially very charming but eventually you get a measure of him. If you think I am off base check out who he associates with in Florida Chasyn Rance: http://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/flyer.do?personId=75813


His issues with Demott and his drills more than have validity though.


I'm most interested in one specific thing he said, which was that the guys who were John Laurinitis guys - Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, Del Rio - were/are suffering because they aren't HHH guys like The Shield and The Wyatts. I just wonder generally how much truth there is to that. Eventually, everyone will be a HHH guy as more NXT wrestlers fill the roster, but does that mean those mentioned are pretty much doomed to the level they are now for good?

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I'm most interested in one specific thing he said, which was that the guys who were John Laurinitis guys - Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, Del Rio - were/are suffering because they aren't HHH guys like The Shield and The Wyatts. I just wonder generally how much truth there is to that. Eventually, everyone will be a HHH guy as more NXT wrestlers fill the roster, but does that mean those mentioned are pretty much doomed to the level they are now for good?

There's obvious truth to it. Going back to the territories Wrestlers and Bookers would have their crew which they would bring in everywhere. Look at 80s WWF invasion of WCW when Hogan signed for WCW. It is about establishing a power base.


I think Sheamus could be really big in 2014 if he got a real push but WWE won't push him ahead of Roman Reigns unless something drastic happens. So yes to answer your question they are doomed to the level they are at. I will say though it is kind hard to parse the HHH guy/Johnny guy thing with the natural course of running a Wrestling promotion Ziggler is 34 and Sheamus is 36 they aren't really young guys anymore. A 29 year old Roman Reigns is a more attractive proposition.


Isn't Sheamus just as much of a HHH guy, though?

That's rather overstated. As the man himself in May said:



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I think Sheamus could be really big in 2014 if he got a real push but WWE won't push him ahead of Roman Reigns unless something drastic happens. So yes to answer your question they are doomed to the level they are at. I will say though it is kind hard to parse the HHH guy/Johnny guy thing with the natural course of running a Wrestling promotion Ziggler is 34 and Sheamus is 36 they aren't really young guys anymore. A 29 year old Roman Reigns is a more attractive proposition.


Wade says that Sheamus isn't well-liked among the wrestlers because of his attitude.

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Wade says that Sheamus isn't well-liked among the wrestlers because of his attitude.

That's true. He's a little bit of a mark for himself for a lack of better word. He infamously held up the putting together of the 2013 All Star Money of the Bank match until late in the afternoon as essentially he insisted on getting all his shit in.


The main rap against Sheamus is not that he works stiff is that he's seemingly unable to work light. Which sucks if you are wrestling him on live events, during long tours and while injured.

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The issue with Sheamus is that he got the Roman Reigns push in the spring of 2012 and didn't get over at the level of his push. It's a shame that WWE booking seems to focus around a few heavily pushed guys, as Sheamus is a perfect example of a wrestler who could get cycled into a main event feud every so often to freshen things up on top a bit.

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Any of the billion Cornette shoots out there go into any great detail re: SMW?


Not really. That's one thing I've always hoped that KC would do with Jim. They did something similar with Gabe, on how he would have booked ROH had he not gotten shitcanned. He's always talked about how he was booking SMW while in the backseat during road trips with WCW, so I think it'd be a cool idea to see what all Jim actually had planned out.

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Ricardo Rodriguez's shoot exposes perhaps one of the biggest cock-for-brains in the history of wrestling. Especially his habit of acting like a grizzled vet going on about "When I broke into the WWE, we had rules in the locker room!" and things like he was there for 15 years and not the last 5. He's really deluded about his importance and role as well. He's amazingly far up his own arse.

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Ricardo Rodriguez's shoot exposes perhaps one of the biggest cock-for-brains in the history of wrestling. Especially his habit of acting like a grizzled 20 vet going on about "When I broke into the WWE, we had rules in the locker room!" and things like he was there for 15 years and not the last 5. He's really deluded about his importance and role as well. He's amazingly far up his own arse.

Not claiming to be a big insider who talks to a lot of people. Just people that I do know and talk to either in NXT or on the Indies saw the trailer and it was a big talking point. He said four things in the trailer that some fella from Dublin (me) knows aren't true. Goodness what other lies lie beneath the rest of the shoot.


I posted on DVDR that Ricardo is a massive creep and got random PM/DMs on Twitter from people who have had dealings with him THANKING me for saying it publicly. There was some weirdness with him and some of the women in NXT. He also chooses to hang round a convicted sex offender. He's very sleazy.

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You'd never believe it, but I recently watched the ICP KC shoot and it was actually pretty good. They don't take themselves seriously in the slightest and they completely understand why wrestling fans really don't like them. They also come across as legitimately loving wrestling and they tell some pretty great stories about being backstage at WCW.


You won't really learn anything new from it, but you might laugh a couple of times.

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I've been hoping for years that someone would do a shoot with Randy Hales. Ideally I thought Highspots should have done a series with him, given all the years he ran USWA, they could do a disc per year of the promotion.


re: Cornette shoots about SMW: The Q&As he did each year during SMW Fanweek give a good insight into where his head was at that moment in time in running SMW. I can hook you up with these if you want them. They were done in 1993, 1994, and 1995. The 1995 one is like 4.5 hours and he talks about behind the scenes stuff in WWF regarding the trial, Jarrett's role, etc. This was also exactly in the height of the USWA/SMW deal. But yes, you are right he's never done a shoot where he specifically sat down & went thru booking decisions that never came to fruition when the promotion shut down. I know the tag titles were supposed to change over Christmas week, Flash Flanagan was coming in as a regular, and they were getting ready to run some interpromotional deal with another Knoxville area indy.

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