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1983 Project General Chatter Thread


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So a linear history if openings and closings? That could take some work but if I get free time I could put something together.

Yeah, just like a history of wrestling from July 1983 forward. Once it's done, it can easily just be updated as things change.


For example, I wasn't paying attention after Maple Leaf Wrestling went from just Toronto to running New York to over expanding and closing doors. What happened after?


Lots of stories like that to fill out.


Plus a list of big tournaments, the NWA World Title history, etc...

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Nothing to do with anything, but going over my past results to compile a history of my AWA, and I found my favorite forgotten AWA house show result :


AWA house show at the Portland Memorial Coliseum, Portland, August 11th



AWA World Title match : Ken Patera © vs. Ron Garvin

The match went to a no contest by blood stoppage on both men


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OOC....I noticed that our territories linear histories are different. Some are much more detailed (like AWA & Mid-Atlantic) while others like mine are more focused on major events and world title changes. Which one do you guys prefer? Should I include all title changes in mine?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey everyone,


I wanted to make a ruling in regards to these two promotions we have that are currently not active. I know we were hyped about the possibilities of Larry and Steve, but it appears as though we won't see them continue. What I want to do is put a timeline on this... on April 1st, we will put these rosters into a draft and move them around to permanent homes. Now with regards to Japan and Mexico, I am looking for ideas on how they could be a part of the draft while not fully holding control of some of the American talents.


Now, over the next two months, if Larry or Steve do pop back up, we want to keep them in. If someone else shows interest and wants to take over a roster, we can go about it that way. If we have someone who wants to come in and run All Japan, lets do that.


On April 1st, I just want to have those rosters put into "permanent" homes after such influx over the past year with that group of wrestlers.


The draft would be randomized between those participating and not. Everyone would receive 2 picks, and then if you want more, you would have to put people up to draft in order to receive more picks. I can explain that a little more once we get to it for those who don't understand.


Can this work or should we do it a different way?

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For me, this totally works. I don't really see myself taking more than 2 guys anyway so that would be fine for me. And besides, this would really boost the free agent market and maybe we could use some bigger unclaimed names as freelancers too? Just spitballin' here.


Maybe that some other guys who were in the 95 project with Grimmas & gordi could jump in?


As for Japan & Mexico, I'll try to find something to help you out.

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gordi shouldn't have to limit himself to the All-Japan roster. Every territory should have a fair chance to pick whoever is available, based on their needs. Who says that someone won't pick up All-Japan before April 1st anyway? Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. :)

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I think the best thing for this project would be to have someone pick up AJPW...




IF nobody steps up by April, maybe it's a sad but reasonable assumption that nobody is going to step up?


In that case, would we be willing to consider letting me build up a super-dream "JWA Reborn" roster, not unlike the insane roster Grimmas has now?


It would be *ridiculous* but at least we wouldn't have Jumbo, Tenryu, Choshu, Fujiwara, etc just sitting there collecting dust.

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If not... do you think, for example, someone like Bam Bam Bigelow might be a reasonable fit as a guy who could have just moved to Japan in the mid-80s?

perfect gaijin.


AJPW/NJPW reformation with Baba and Inoki forming a super team on top would be great.

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Yeah, I am sincere in hoping someone comes along to pick up All Japan... but it's easy to get excited thinking about what could be done with a combined 40-man 1985 Japanese roster. Nothing but dream matches up and down the card!

Would your need for gaijin be the same with such a loaded roster??


I like the jwa idea but right now no one is jumping up so well see how the next two months go.

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Yeah, I am sincere in hoping someone comes along to pick up All Japan... but it's easy to get excited thinking about what could be done with a combined 40-man 1985 Japanese roster. Nothing but dream matches up and down the card!

Would your need for gaijin be the same with such a loaded roster??


I like the jwa idea but right now no one is jumping up so well see how the next two months go.



I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I'd certainly have to assume that with a loaded roster there would be a greatly reduced need for gaijin visitors. Hopefully Andre and Hogan would still come over once or twice a year as special attractions and, say, Steamboat or Owen Hart or Carlos Colon would come across for a tour once in a while just for the joy of booking them... and it would still be nice to be able to use guys like Hansen and Abdullah as special attractions ... and if someone wanted to send guys over because they don't have plans for them or whatever I'll always be down for that...


...but ultimately I don't imagine that a reborn JWA would be reliant on outside wrestlers to main event big shows the way current '85 New Japan is. It would be for fun, rather than out of necessity.

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The idea of the two promotions in Japan coming together is kind of what I meant. Sorry if I upset anyone by saying that Gordi could pick out of All Japan. Would love you to have a Mega Roster as it makes for better readings which is why Lowblow proposed the draft in the first place so people like Jerry Lawler and the RnR Express just don't sit idle.

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In two weeks, if Larry doesn't pop back in, I move Lawler and the Rock N Roll become freelancers until April 1st?


I think they are the top tier in terms of bookable talent for promotions right now.


I think Lalwer as a freelancer for japan Mexico and us could be quite fun and evenjoy a team like the rnr to do the same would be a great element

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