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WWE TV 8/24-8/30


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My old mate just posted the Stewart-Cena-Flair deal on my FB. Creative didn't really give Flair anything to do in that segment, it was weird. He was just out there as a warm body seemingly.

Flair's purpose was basically to give Cena his seal of approval for when he does get his 16th championship and possibly even 17th. Jon Stewart was the representation of what the WWE thinks the hardcore fans feel about the idea of Cena breaking their wrestling god's records and Flair was there to basically say "Shut up and sit down fat boy!" at all of them.

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Yeah it looks like the weather will not affect the show. They have announced a beat the clock deal for team PCB. The winner in the shortest time gets a shot at Nikki. Have to believe Charlotte gets it

Oh boy. The crowds will shit on the whole revolution the minute they realize its all been about providing Charlotte a star making platform at the expense of Sasha Banks.

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Anyone else have any thoughts on this story: http://uproxx.com/prowrestling/2015/08/wwe-nxt-zahra-schreiber-racist-instagram/


Reminds me of a girl I knew in high school. She was dating my good friend and had an interesting butterfly tattoo. She was an older chick and explained to me that she had to have it fixed because it was originally a swastika. Me and my friend being Jewish made it kind of a funny story?


So, part of me says, "Hey, that photo is from 3-4 years ago. Maybe she's changed."


And then I clicked on the links later in the article (https://i.imgur.com/Gtn16mu.jpg and http://36.media.tumblr.com/1646a4eea3762e786d65b9d7e66a51a9/tumblr_nhgjz2xiKI1tg8n0bo1_500.jpg) and I say "Fuck this woman."


I don't want to see her fired just yet. I'd much much much prefer if this story gains steam and the next time she's in front of a live crowd, the NXT fans chant "You're a Nazi!" in unison. That way, her career's not only ruined in the WWE, but hopefully in any number of other promotions.


I say this, too, with full respect to the indie worker "Basket Nazi," who I thought was great when I used to see him at indie shows in Cleveland. It was an obvious gimmick and designed solely to get heat. There was never any doubt that if you went to his home, you wouldn't see Nazi paraphernalia (sp?). It was an insensitive gimmick, but it also was one he knew could only work in untelevised 50-person house shows (he has since stopped using it). This woman, on the other hand, is someone who, just looking at her own words, obviously is a pretty insensitive idiot who finds casual and not-so-casual racism to be not only acceptable but a symbol of her "independence."


She has the right to say and think whatever she wants. That's the beauty of the first amendment. But as I teach my 8th grade students, the first amendment doesn't mean there are no consequences for voicing your opinion.


I'd make a comment about Seth Rollins, but this has nothing to do with him - except it might be a sign she's not the "marrying" type.

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I'm more shocked they hired a woman with that many tattoos then that they hired a racist. Tattoos don't seem to be a Vince thing.


I don't think I'll ever stop being baffled by people who post insulting, insensitive stuff up on social media and then have that cost them his/her job.

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Anyone else have any thoughts on this story: http://uproxx.com/prowrestling/2015/08/wwe-nxt-zahra-schreiber-racist-instagram/


Reminds me of a girl I knew in high school. She was dating my good friend and had an interesting butterfly tattoo. She was an older chick and explained to me that she had to have it fixed because it was originally a swastika. Me and my friend being Jewish made it kind of a funny story?


So, part of me says, "Hey, that photo is from 3-4 years ago. Maybe she's changed."


And then I clicked on the links later in the article (https://i.imgur.com/Gtn16mu.jpg and http://36.media.tumblr.com/1646a4eea3762e786d65b9d7e66a51a9/tumblr_nhgjz2xiKI1tg8n0bo1_500.jpg) and I say "Fuck this woman."


I don't want to see her fired just yet. I'd much much much prefer if this story gains steam and the next time she's in front of a live crowd, the NXT fans chant "You're a Nazi!" in unison. That way, her career's not only ruined in the WWE, but hopefully in any number of other promotions.


I say this, too, with full respect to the indie worker "Basket Nazi," who I thought was great when I used to see him at indie shows in Cleveland. It was an obvious gimmick and designed solely to get heat. There was never any doubt that if you went to his home, you wouldn't see Nazi paraphernalia (sp?). It was an insensitive gimmick, but it also was one he knew could only work in untelevised 50-person house shows (he has since stopped using it). This woman, on the other hand, is someone who, just looking at her own words, obviously is a pretty insensitive idiot who finds casual and not-so-casual racism to be not only acceptable but a symbol of her "independence."


She has the right to say and think whatever she wants. That's the beauty of the first amendment. But as I teach my 8th grade students, the first amendment doesn't mean there are no consequences for voicing your opinion.


I'd make a comment about Seth Rollins, but this has nothing to do with him - except it might be a sign she's not the "marrying" type.

Ew, she's fucking vermin. Even ignoring all the racist and homophobic slurs, what a complete misogynist! Always disgusting to see that kind of mindset from women.

I love how she goes on about Suicide Girls being tattooed, insecure, attention-craved people. WAKE UP DARLING! lmao. Projecting much?

Freedom of speech is all very well and good until you have some twat thinking they're 'EPICSAUCE~~' for 'JUST SPEEKING MY MIND BROE'. It's like, nah know when to zip it

Waste of space, all I can say is I hope all her career and relationship prospects come crumbling to a swift halt. Karma

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Purely to play Devil's Advocate... if AJ Styles were signed would we be seeing such articles digging up his homophobia? And in the grand scheme of wrestling "sleaziness"...

I'm sure Lesnar once said something along the lines of "I don't fucking like gays, I want to make that known, write that down" or something.


Wrestling's a moral pit anyway I take your point

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That's pretty funny. First reaction when I saw her at NXT was "Damn, Seth's girlfriend is pretty hot." Now I know she's also dumb as fuck.


But hey, don't go and call her a nazi. She's actually right about the svastika. Of course, what is showed on her Instagram are not simple svastikas, they are fucking nazi emblems.:)


But you know who else loves collecting german stuff from WWII ? Lemmy. I'm sure HHH can relate. After all, HHH is that guy who had a fucking *iron cross* on his tights for his entire career as a Cerebral Assassin. Yeah, I know, it's like the svastika, it was there before the nazis, but I doubt HHH thought about the Prussian Empire when he choosed that design. He was more in a Motörhead state of mind (which is cool). But, still...


Anyway. Yeah, she's offensive, but to me it's just that : just a dumb as fuck bitch. Hell, I'm sure the freaking Harris boys had some progressive social views, these good ol' boys with SS tatooed on their arms.


BTW, The Warrior still has a statue in Titan's office, despite his wonderful opinions on gays.


Yeah. Pro-wrestling still has a long, long way to go to catch up with society (hopefully).

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If she wouldn't like to be called a Nazi, she shouldn't put pro-Nazi art on her walls and then share them on Instagram.


I totally get that there are ignorant, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, ageist, xenophobic people in the wrestling world (hell, there's probably an argument that there's a pretty big example of one in charge of the US's top promotion as we speak), but that doesn't mean she should be let off the hook. If anything, fans should be more unwelcoming of her to show that what flew in the 70s and 80s and 90s and 00s isn't cool in 2015.


As for Lemmy, his own words are enough for me: http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/mot-rhead-s-lemmy-talks-about-his-world-war-ii-fascination/


If this woman had a quarter of the tact, talent, or common sense of Mr. Kilmister, I might give her a similar pass…till then I'm gonna keep rocking "No Sleep 'Til Hammersmith" without feeling bad about it.

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The 'swastika has other meanings' argument only gets you so far when one of your pics is a pony with a hitler tache. It's funny how dense she is to think she could excuse that. At least all these horrible wrestling people throughout history generally have the sense to keep it in the privacy of their own homes, not proudly announcing it to the world and expecting to be heralded as 'so much more awesome than most girls' or whatever the dumb fuck dreams of at night. The Harris fucks work for TNA so what do you expect there.

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Actually she's a pretty good example of how people coming of age in the world of social media are completely unaware of the concept that there could be consequences to sharing everything.


I know this sounds kind of get-off-my-lawn but it's amazing to me what teens and 20 somethings post on their Twitter/Instagrams/whatevers and then are completely shocked if someone lets them know that might not have been acceptable.

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Speaking as an Indian, where swastikas are found on the doors of literally every house, and from where Hitler poached and perverted its design, I have to say it is not a traditional Hindu swastika. It is very much a Nazi memorabilia.


Hindu swastika - hindu-swastika.jpg



Hitler's perversion of it - SWAS2.jpg

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Who is on your WWF/WWE Mount Rushmore? Some people on Reddit were talking about The Undertaker & if he should be there, so I started thinking about it.


Hogan & Austin are no brainers. But I'm not sure who 3&4 would be. Bruno, Rock, André, Cena, 'Taker? There's quite a few options. Backlund, maybe?

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Worried that the Dudleys are getting a 2014 New Age Outlaws style title win soon.

Are you REALLY worried ?😀

"Honey, I'm worried. The rent is due and it looks like it's going to be tight, so the kids aren't getting the new sneakers for the new school year. Oh and Grammie is getting more confused by the day. To top that off, I'm thinking the Dudley Boyz might win the WWE Tag belts. Oh and my Cousin Phil has AIDS. "

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