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WWE TV 12/14-12/20


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It does seem like they've clearly set up a HHH/Reigns match but it doesn't feel like something HHH would want to do before Mania nor does it seem like they would really have HHH win the Rumble to get that as a Mania match so there is a lot of reason to be skeptical about where they are going from here.

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I only got home in time for the last hour of Raw but what an amazing hour it was. Say what you/we will about Vince, but he was as vital to that match and the crowd's reaction as either participant in the ring and used his character and gravitas from the years just perfectly last night. Can't wait to go back over the full show tonight.


They've clearly built Roman-HHH but can't see going that route at Mania, not because of any issues with that as a main event match, but because it leaves Brock without a single viable opponent on the biggest show of the year. Is it crazy to think Hunter would wrestle at the Rumble?

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I think Reigns should face Cena for the most part, although the crowd reaction to such a match in front of a hardcore audience is good enough reason to save that for another time. Reigns-Brock II has more potential to not blow up, but they need to add something in the build to guarantee people that they'll get a winner and loser this time around.

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I would love Brock/Reigns 2 to be Last Man Standing so long as they don't overbook it and pull some gimmicky "one guy gets buried under rubble so he can't get up" bullshit. With as physical as those two can be and what a slugfest the first match was I feel like the crowd would be hanging on every 9 count and it would help make Reigns look like a warrior. Just let them go out there and have the pro wrestling equivalent of a fight from a Rocky movie.

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This is wishful thinking, but I would love to see Brock have to run through the League of Nations leading to a Sheamus match at Mania. You know, using Brock to give a rub to guys who could actually use it. Brock vs Del Rio and Brock vs Rusev are both matches I would love to see. And Brock vs. Sheamus could be a wonderful massacre.

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I'm not sure they got Reigns over the hump and it's smooth sailing now. They used every possible trick over 24 hours to get him a big pop and it worked. They once got a crowd to go nuts because Big Show helped the Rhodes Brothers beat The Shield. But Roman's still going to have to go out there every week going forward and win the crowd over on his own merits. Things could be ugly again by the Rumble.

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  On 12/15/2015 at 3:12 PM, Loss said:

I think Reigns should face Cena for the most part, although the crowd reaction to such a match in front of a hardcore audience is good enough reason to save that for another time. Reigns-Brock II has more potential to not blow up, but they need to add something in the build to guarantee people that they'll get a winner and loser this time around.


Isn't Brock much more likely to get cheers against Roman than Cena? Cena-Reigns would be 50-50, and they could sell it as two titans colliding and the fans being torn (sort of a Hogan-Warrior for a new generation). Brock would be the babyface in front of a hardcore crowd, no doubt.

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Does it REALLY matter if Reigns gets booed against Lesnar? I mean that's not a legit reason to not do the rematch that NEEDS to be done. It's not like it's going to be worse than last year going in and by the end of the match he had managed to get some of the crowd behind him anyway.

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  On 12/15/2015 at 8:23 AM, Alucard said:


  On 12/15/2015 at 4:20 AM, The Chief said:

Outside of a Money In the Bank cash in or filling a vacancy, when was the last time there was a legit title switch on Raw?


Edge over RVD & Cena in 2006 but that had outside circumstances too so before that I think it goes all the way back to Austin over Angle in 2001.



Chris Jericho beat Batista for the WHC in a cage match, Nov. 2008. That's the match where Batista famously bladed and the two of them and the agent (Malenko IIRC) got laid with heavy fines which Dave paid

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While its definitely possible, at this point, I think Roman Reigns knows the answer to that dilemma, though: hit hard, lean in, and sacrifice.


I haven't watched RAW just because I'm always a day behind on these things, but I did finish TLC last night. Going into the main event, I wasn't sure what to expect. I'm not a huge Reigns fan and I'm not huge into Sheamus. That match worked on me the same way it worked on the Boston crowd, though. At first, I must admit to feeling some glee hearing the crowd chant "We Want Cena," thumbing their nose at two guys that the WWE has, justified or not, "force fed" to us (Reigns being pushed as The Next Cena and Sheamus in the unenviable position of living in ho-hum midcard purgatory for the past few years and then getting thrusted into the main event absolutely cold).


But then they started hitting eachother with chairs...hard. They started clubbing eachother with forearms and punches...hard. I've said for months that one of Reigns' overlooked talents is his selling, which was on full display here, giving the match a more meaningful and suspenseful pace than any other all night. Before I knew it, I kinda cared. Then the big spots came out (White Noise through the table, the Samoan Drop through the ladder), and they were devastating and treated as such by the competitors. Plus, instead of scrambling up the ladder at every opportunity, these two guys beat the crap out of eachother, seemingly wrestling more for the respect of the audience than for the title itself. It was impossible not to respect.


Even before the post-match, Reigns was getting cheered, and the chants for everyone from Seth Rollins to Daniel Bryan to CM Punk were quieted. I don't think we've heard the last of those reactions, but Reigns has proven his ability to answer them by doing the simple things right - hit hard, lean in, and sacrifice. Ditto for Sheamus.

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Roman should beat HHH at the Rumble, forcing the authority to call on Brock as the ultimate weapon. Then he should beat Brock at Mania, bringing a year's story full circle. Keep it simple.



A battle of the generational aces match with Cena would always be out there for Summerslam or whatever.

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I actually wouldn't even mind them holding off Brock-Roman for WM33, provided they were able to get Roman Reigns so red hot by then that there wouldn't be resentment over him beating Brock. That would require him to have a suitable opponent in the meantime though, and HHH is not really that guy, at least not for Wrestlemania.


The reason I am fine with them postponing Brock-Roman as long as possible is that after Brock does his first real job since ending the streak, I feel like he's going to take a hit in terms of his value. He'll still be valuable, but it will take something out of him. So the longer they can put that match off -- time also allows them to heat Roman Reigns up significantly -- the better.

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I wonder since it worked so well last night if Vince will be a full time character from now on. I mean as full time as he could he could be at the moment. Stephanie running things by herself while Vince and Hunter sell doesn't sound appealing. Although it is the holiday dead zone coming up the next few weeks

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Complete wishful thinking that I don't expect, but I'd like to see some Sasha Banks conflict set up with The Authority fairly soon to lead to a match at Wrestlemania with Stephanie to get her over strong as the new face of the division. The other option would be Charlotte vs Sasha, with Sting in Sasha's corner to offset Ric Flair who can interfere for the next several months.

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  On 12/15/2015 at 6:35 PM, Loss said:

I actually wouldn't even mind them holding off Brock-Roman for WM33, provided they were able to get Roman Reigns so red hot by then that there wouldn't be resentment over him beating Brock. That would require him to have a suitable opponent in the meantime though, and HHH is not really that guy, at least not for Wrestlemania.

I just don't think this is possible. There are just too many people who are up their own ass about hating WWE that they are going to hate Reigns regardless of how well they book him just because he was "chosen." Despite the reaction to his win being mostly positive there are still a lot of people hating on it. They aren't even saying the booking was bad, they acknowledge that it was good and then shit on the Philly crowd and everyone else for being "manipulated by good booking."

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So those people existing is enough reason to not even try anything? Is the goal of booking to do something good or just to make sure those types are happy? People who don't get that wrestling is supposed to be manipulative and filled with good booking, and are some how offended when it is? Let the train keep moving, I say. Sunday-Monday is Exhibit A that a lot of things people thought weren't possible anymore in the current landscape are still very much possible with the right performers, creative and attention to detail.

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