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WWE Extreme Rules 2016

Superstar Sleeze

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I don't get what they're doing with Reigns at all. I don't think he sucks but is he a face or a heel?

At this point, I don't think they even know what he is aside from being "THE GUY" whatever that means...



I mean look at that feud. I guess he was supposed to be the face but all he did was whine and bully Styles. Styles wanted to do it the right way but got bullied into lashing out at Reigns and the Usos. It's just a clusterfuck of booking.

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Unbelievable. Reigns and Styles are absolutely two of the very best wrestlers going today. At this point I'm sold that AJ is an even more of an all time great than I gave him credit for a month ago, and the biggest victim of the TNA stink that exists. His bumping, selling, timing and explosive athleticism - even, and perhaps especially, at this stage of his career - were vital to this match. There aren't too many wrestlers on the planet who can deliver at that level.


But Roman Reigns is one of them. He has the ability to sell a limb, sell accumulated damage, play a monster physical powerhouse or the freakish athlete. Vince Wilfork or Lawrence Taylor. Pick your poison. Babyface or heel, or as the case may be now, and for the best, both. I have no idea if he can move the numbers enough to be the next Cena. But he can absolutely deliver the goods in the ring at that level. Not halfway through this year he's part of my second MOTY (tonight) a couple legit MOTYC's below that level (Fastlane triangle match, Styles at Payback) and a slew of quality television matches since Mania. That's on top of being in 2 of my top 3 matches last year -- Bryan at Fastlane and Brock at Mania.


The dude is amazing and can GO. I wish the AJ program wasn't quite over yet, but looking forward to the Rollins series.

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I don't get what they're doing with Reigns at all. I don't think he sucks but is he a face or a heel?

At this point, I don't think they even know what he is aside from being "THE GUY" whatever that means...



I mean look at that feud. I guess he was supposed to be the face but all he did was whine and bully Styles. Styles wanted to do it the right way but got bullied into lashing out at Reigns and the Usos. It's just a clusterfuck of booking.


Huh? How did he get "bullied" into anything? The build up was all playing off mistrust and miscommunication so that neither one is really a "heel."

It' s one of the better and more refreshing feuds they've booked in a long time.

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Really fun show. First few matches were good with the IC being great. Ambrose/Jericho was a shitshow, womens match was off and never got going. Main event was incredible, sad to see that feud end but Im sure their paths will cross againm

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"YOU STILL SUCK" is my favourite hypocritical douchebag smark chant. Especially when it comes moments after "YOU CAN'T WRES-TLE!"

Cena used to get it all the time. It's the ultimate "I'm so convinced you suck because REASONS that even when you admittedly do something totally awesome I still have to immediately reaffirm that you suck. I mean I'm not sure why you suck, since you keep doing this awesome stuff that I have to acknowledge and then disavow lest I ruin my smark cred, but, but...you still suck!"


There's also its dorky cousin, the "Sure Cena/Roman has all of these awesome matches, but, but...he was carried! They were with great workers! They were gimmicked! They were laid out by Arn! There was something in my eye! The dog ate my homework..."

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"YOU STILL SUCK" is my favourite hypocritical douchebag smark chant. Especially when it comes moments after "YOU CAN'T WRES-TLE!"


Cena used to get it all the time. It's the ultimate "I'm so convinced you suck because REASONS that even when you admittedly do something totally awesome I still have to immediately reaffirm that you suck. I mean I'm not sure why you suck, since you keep doing this awesome stuff that I have to acknowledge and then disavow lest I ruin my smark cred, but, but...you still suck!"


There's also its dorky cousin, the "Sure Cena/Roman has all of these awesome matches, but, but...he was carried! They were with great workers! They were gimmicked! They were laid out by Arn! There was something in my eye! The dog ate my homework..."

Anyone who doesnt think Roman is a great pro wrestler doesnt know shit about pro wrestling.

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You all keep talking like people don't know why they hate Roman. Between the constant announcer fawning and thing like using make-a-wish kids to try to shoehorn him into a John Cena mk 2, it's clear why there would be a backlash. It's the presentation not the person.

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"YOU STILL SUCK" is my favourite hypocritical douchebag smark chant. Especially when it comes moments after "YOU CAN'T WRES-TLE!"


Cena used to get it all the time. It's the ultimate "I'm so convinced you suck because REASONS that even when you admittedly do something totally awesome I still have to immediately reaffirm that you suck. I mean I'm not sure why you suck, since you keep doing this awesome stuff that I have to acknowledge and then disavow lest I ruin my smark cred, but, but...you still suck!"


There's also its dorky cousin, the "Sure Cena/Roman has all of these awesome matches, but, but...he was carried! They were with great workers! They were gimmicked! They were laid out by Arn! There was something in my eye! The dog ate my homework..."

Agree with this. Visited some other message boards during the match and almost everyone is convinced Styles carried him to those matches while Reigns held him back. Plus they literally make up stuff to criticize his performance. I totally get not liking someone's character or presentation. But to absolutely refuse to acknowledge anything good they do and insist they are still terrible just because you don't like them/it's uncool to like them is a line of thinking I don't get.

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Its insanity. I check pwo first then mosey over to DVDVR and see folks saying thanks for carrying Roman, AJ. Its absurd, makes me feel like im watching a totally different thing. Styles definitely shone tonight with his insane bumps and selling but Roman was great. Refusing to admit a guy is good because you dont agree with his push is foolish.

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