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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 4


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18 hours ago, sek69 said:

Not to mention one of the luchadors that got fired as a result of Super Astros getting canceled was Max Mini, who was supposed to be with Owen as he fell and developed a pretty severe drinking problem as a result.

Jesus.  Just when you think Owen's accident couldn't get any sadder...

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Re: Super Astros

Kind of weird the WWF kept Essa Rios around after the show was cancelled. He got a very minor push in the early months of 2000, but once the Radicals came in and the Eddie Guerrero feud ended, he was relegated to Jakked and Heat, yet was still kept around until fall 2001. Wonder why he was kept around for so long if they didnt have any major plans for him.

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I have no idea why Flair felt the need to let the world know he had let Madden go after Madden said he was leaving the show because it didn't fit his schedule. Normally when you fire someone, you allow them to preserve face by publicly claiming it was a mutual parting unless they did something really bad to warrant the firing. Especially if it's a longtime friend and collaborator.

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5 hours ago, NintendoLogic said:

I have no idea why Flair felt the need to let the world know he had let Madden go after Madden said he was leaving the show because it didn't fit his schedule. Normally when you fire someone, you allow them to preserve face by publicly claiming it was a mutual parting unless they did something really bad to warrant the firing. Especially if it's a longtime friend and collaborator.

Late night drinking and/or a massive ego. 

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Not sure where to put this, this seemed the easiest.

1981.10.06 Ric Flair (c) vs. Genichiro Tenryu (NWA Heavyweight Title, 2 out of 3 Falls, Full Match) landed a few hours ago. Previous two versions were short or jip. (Credit: Eric Sauerwein)



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Good bubba @KawadaSmile is too nice to say it, so I will say it instead.

SRS and Denise were never really serious journalists anyway, despite Wrestling Twitter's hangup for defending mediocre white women like Denise for whatever reason, but this incident really shows why we should never ever rely on them ever again for any kind of news. We can hate on Meltz all we want, but he would never agree to do this. But I guess it is perfectly fine when some North American woman or man just acts so fucking entitled, they deserve to be slapped. 

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2 hours ago, KawadaSmile said:
Not sure how I feel about wrestling journalists being booked for indie shows

It's a terrible look & business-exposing, but at this point probably doesn't matter anymore. Like how much more can the business be exposed anyway? And it was on an indie show that really only die-hards will ever watch, so ultimately, easily forgettable/ignorable. 

But yes, stupid.

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SRS has always been dubious as a journalist anyway (he's not Ryan Satin level either though).

Denise Salcedo is basically an influencer/interviewer (and she's been doing ring announcing too) more than anything else. What's the issue with her or any other kind of wrestling-related "celebrity" doing a spot on a goofy meta indie show anyway ? Alicia Atout is now a heel manager is MLW. Chill the fuck out people, really. :D

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