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WWE TV 02/18 - 02/24 Governmental Twitter Dirty Laundry-Washing


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For those tempted to say "Oooooh, that was a work, he never had leukemia in the first place, he didn't lose hair, bla, bla bla....":

There's a possiblity that Roman actually was diagnosed with hairy cell leukemia, which is pretty much like winning at the lottery in the sense that a short round of treatment can easily cure it. So, it's very possible that after 4 months of treatment, he's getting closer to getting back in the ring.


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I think folks need to slow down a bit, as far as "He might be coming back!" or "Vince talked a guy in treatment to appear to pop a rating". The latter being some of that Twitter shit already out there. I'll just be happy if it's simply him telling the world he's doing good and things look positive for his health on a giant live TV show in the middle of a ring.

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  On 2/22/2019 at 6:17 AM, KawadaSmile said:

Absolutely. Sure, the fanboy in me is eager to see him back in action, but just seeing him at all, and with good news to boot, would be incredible enough.


Basically yeah. Him returning to the ring would be amazing but just good news that he is getting better is more than good enough for me. 

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  On 2/22/2019 at 2:55 AM, KawadaSmile said:

Damn bubba, I hope you are feeling better now.

But holy shit I am so fucking happy at the possibility of Roman returning this very year.


Health is actually pretty sucky right now as Chemo did a number on me. I just had my shoulder completely replaced 2 years ago due to the Chemo killing my shoulder joint. Can't powerlift anymore and can't do nothing physical because of chemo.

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  On 2/22/2019 at 12:21 PM, NintendoLogic said:

As for Roman, if they just wanted to give good news on his progress, a normal company in a normal industry would do it in a press release. Doing it in a way that creates the impression of ambiguity makes it come across as a ratings ploy.


As Dave was saying today, we kind of take this as normal because pro-wrestling but once you stop and think about it, it really is horrible. I found myself thinking when they announced it that I was excited to see what happens on Monday because then I would know that he's got good news. It's only when I thought back about it I realised how that's pretty disgusting.

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I'm not sure I quite understand the full meaning behind what TJP said about "writing" Ricochet's match or having the WWE take the "bat that [he] carved" and giving it to someone else. I didn't see the Ricochet main roster debut, but is he implying that he had the original idea to debut the way Ricochet did? As part of a 205 Live call-up? Or is he talking about a specific move sequence? His comments are too "inside baseball" for me and I fashion myself a pretty knowledgeable fan. Maybe someone can clue me in that saw the segment/match.

For comparison, in Bret's book, he talks about pitching the ladder match concept a couple times to Vince before WrestleMania X and actually having ladder matches on house shows (against Shawn no less, IIRC) and being miffed that Shawn and Razor get the credit for "inventing" the match. I get that. But stealing a move? I don't know. Its 2019. Springboard missile dropkicks (which is the gif that TJP put on his Twitter above his comment) don't belong to anyone. 


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