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WWE TV 05/06 - 05/13: Let's just cut 30% of all federal universities' budget


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I think they are at the point where they need to completely burn the TV shows down and start over. New music, new graphics, new announcers, new lighting, new format and completely rethink the way they shoot the show. 

Then no more rewrites. Hire someone who has final say who isn't a McMahon or on screen talent. This person would also be telling writers to change segments if it's out of character or doesn't make sense with previous continuity. 

Also let's start killing off some belts to simplify. There should be one World, one Tag and one Women's belt. If you want two Women's belt then introduce a secondary title but the division is two thin to have two equal brand belts. 

Their product is completely rotten. There are no quick fixes in my opinion. They need to start over from scratch. 

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Why on earth do they think that announcing supposed must see matches during the show is the solution to people not tuning in. It’s a solution to losing people during the show but if stuff like that is to have any impact you have to promote it at the very least the day before. Which I know is impossible because they don’t know what’s on the show the day before and that’s the most tell tale sign of it. Or better yet, when they announce something on Raw for SD and it just never happens. Not that announcing a WWE Title match would get people back. It’s hilarious watching them try all these things while constantly ignoring that the actual problem is a systemic cultural issue that has driven people away. It’s not the wrestlers or the matches, it’s all on the presentation of the show and the writing. If Ronda and Brock and even when Cena came back at the start of the year don’t turn things around in an instant then it’s clear the issue isn’t star power related. And the worrying thing for us is that they refuse to acknowledge their “playbook” is the issue and the worrying for them is they know there’s no quick fix for that which allows them to continue presenting the show the way their internal culture aspires to. 

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I know that there’s been a year or so since it happened but imagine if Bryan didn’t get the all-clear and he wasn’t on TV as a heel. These shows would have almost nothing redeeming on them.

With regards to the production, the buck should always stop with Vince but Kevin Dunn clearly needs taken out the back and put out of our misery sooner rather than later.

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  On 5/8/2019 at 4:47 AM, Jmare007 said:


Give this man all the fucking belts, seriously.


Let's see how quickly they lose those titles though :lol:


Why the fuck do they never put their best promos on television? These backstage bits are always far more entertaining than the stuff that makes the show.

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The Fox switch is an opportunity to reboot the whole thing and they should really be looking to debut Smackdown as if it's an all new TV show - new sets, graphics, slick video packages to introduce all the main characters, announcers who welcome fans at the top of the show and explain what they're going to see etc.

One of the big issues is that, while they're burning off more and more of the core audience, the shows are also absolutely impenetrable to someone watching for the first time. There's no sense of hierarchy in how the matches are worked to give people an idea of who the top stars are supposed to be, everyone speaks in absolutely unnatural and unintelligible vocabulary, there's 500 titles to try to keep track of and the camera work actively obscures what's happening in the ring. If you watched for the first time, I don't even know what your entry point into the show would be.

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  On 5/7/2019 at 2:44 AM, SomethingSavage said:

It's such a bizarre situation right now. There's almost no evidence that they THEMSELVES are convinced Seth can cut it as a top guy - zero promotional effort behind the guy really, no clear direction in marketing him, no focus on his merchandising, and nothing in general that they usually stockpile into their true top guys.

Yet there he is. Banana peeling his way into another awful main event run by way of being in the right place at the right time. What in the actual fuck did we do to deserve this fresh serving of nightmare?


Seth ended Sting's career and in the process somehow became Sting. I look forward to him sitting in the rafters for a year in 2022.

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  On 5/8/2019 at 2:58 PM, Migs said:

Seth ended Sting's career and in the process somehow became Sting. I look forward to him sitting in the rafters for a year in 2022.


Sting as a top babyface was far more engaging than Seth imo. Seth could never pull off as effective an underdog performance as Sting did with Vader.

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  On 5/8/2019 at 5:07 AM, sek69 said:

Man, I wonder if the injury that Bryan had that kept him out after Mania was his back from carrying this whole goddamn show for so long. 


Trust or don't trust me if you want but Bryan was never injured. He just took a sabbatical. He has time off written into his contract and took it. That's honestly the story. 

Kofi's title win went better than expected and Bryan wanted to be around for the run-up to his daughter's 2nd birthday. 

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  On 5/8/2019 at 3:06 PM, FMKK said:

Sting as a top babyface was far more engaging than Seth imo. Seth could never pull off as effective an underdog performance as Sting did with Vader.


Sting also sold record setting merch during the nWo era and his feud with Hogan ended up in with the ridiculous Starrcade 97 buyrate. Seth is not a dot on Sting's career's radar.

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  On 5/8/2019 at 3:19 PM, El-P said:

Sting also sold record setting merch during the nWo era and his feud with Hogan ended up in with the ridiculous Starrcade 97 buyrate. Seth is not a dot on Sting's career's radar.


TNA's ratings with Sting as top babyface will be higher than WWE ratings within six months too....

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  On 5/8/2019 at 2:38 PM, FMKK said:

The Fox switch is an opportunity to reboot the whole thing and they should really be looking to debut Smackdown as if it's an all new TV show - new sets, graphics, slick video packages to introduce all the main characters, announcers who welcome fans at the top of the show and explain what they're going to see etc.

One of the big issues is that, while they're burning off more and more of the core audience, the shows are also absolutely impenetrable to someone watching for the first time. There's no sense of hierarchy in how the matches are worked to give people an idea of who the top stars are supposed to be, everyone speaks in absolutely unnatural and unintelligible vocabulary, there's 500 titles to try to keep track of and the camera work actively obscures what's happening in the ring. If you watched for the first time, I don't even know what your entry point into the show would be.


I notice this a lot. Even little things in commentary can be said in passing like reminding people of how titles change hands, that the wrestler getting tagged in has to be holding the tag rope, etc. They don't need to become 1985 Mid South but as you said, it should always be accessible for first-time viewers. I've noticed that they also don't really plug the WWE Network much anymore. It's amazing how undisciplined they are sometimes.

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