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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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4 minutes ago, Coffey said:

I really don't think y'all are focusing on the part of the story you should be focusing. It doesn't really matter which women it was.

You're right. Frankly that Vince is soliciting sexual favors from his female talent is damning enough. 

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22 minutes ago, Coffey said:

I really don't think y'all are focusing on the part of the story you should be focusing. It doesn't really matter which women it was.

Yep. A guessing game really isn't productive, specially when the victims wouldn't like to have their names to go public. 

Part of me does think *something* is got to give if the flood gates remain open.

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16 minutes ago, SirEdger said:

So, at this stage, Vince has got to be done sooner rather than later, right? How many more stories like this can surface before the Board of Directors oust him?

The problem is that essentially Vince names the Board of Directors.

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21 minutes ago, SirEdger said:

So, at this stage, Vince has got to be done sooner rather than later, right? How many more stories like this can surface before the Board of Directors oust him?

The Board's power is limited. They can only oust Vince if he's done something illegal. He also personally owns an overwhelming majority of the voting stock.

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Historians will one day abbreviate the Decline of the McMahon Empire to a picture of his cock next to a chequebook? Well, it's not like he was ever going to leave with anything approaching dignity, anyway. I do hope he's remembered primarily as the sleazy carny lecher he always was.

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14 minutes ago, NintendoLogic said:

The Board of Directors might not be able to oust Vince, but Fox and NBC could. Live by the rights fee sword, die by the rights fee sword.

If there has been no crime committed and WWE programming is still bringing in advertising dollars and eyeballs, it's doubtful they'd care enough to apply any pressure on the company to remove Vince. Heck, Raw, Smackdown and NXT ratings have been trending up in recent weeks.

It's important to remember that we're in the bubble. The general public has little to no awareness of who Vince McMahon is, let alone the recent news about him.

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1 hour ago, NintendoLogic said:

WWE was forced to change the name of the Moolah Battle Royal due to pressure from corporate sponsors. And a pre-show battle royal is the smallest of potatoes compared to these allegations. Even SRS is saying Vince has to go.

Asking the WWE to change the name of a battle royal and WWE agreeing to do so is not the same as removing the man who has run the company for 40 years and for all intents and purposes is the WWE. Advertisers only care about money. The public hasn't stopped watching WWE since the allegations hit, nor have they threatened to boycott its advertisers.

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If Vince leaves the stock price plummets, its a business and all the talent firing's during covid proves it's all about the money. So unless the USA network put pressure and tell the WWE he has to step down or they will pull the programming due to the sponsors or the public image is hurting them to for him to stay.

They will probably just carry on as they are, with Steph as the figure head and Vince running things in the background. 

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1 minute ago, ragemaster said:

If Vince leaves the stock price plummets,

I feel like if he stays it may plummet worse.  I mean the article was written by the Wall Street Journal so investors will see this and as gross as the people on wall street are, the CEO of a company regularly soliciting sexual favors from his employees and then paying them off with millions of dollars in hush money is gonna leave a black mark on your company and will have some investors drop out.  At least in the short term.

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Fatalism is not useful, there is more urgency here. This isn’t a consensual relationship with a subordinate that you’d want to keep quiet because infidelity is embarrassing, or one credible but unsubstantiated allegation from decades ago like Chatterton’s (although that should have been taken seriously, to be clear). This is an *ongoing* pattern of sexual harassment and abuse of employees, now substantiated by hard transfer of currency to keep it quiet. He is still going to be in regular contact with female employees and is still basically in charge of them, and they are not safe as long as he is around. Everybody in any position to do something - NBC, advertisers, the talent - need to take a stand, here. McMahon has gotta go. Ideally, Stephanie and Triple H should go, too, because who could ever trust that they didn’t know about this stuff, but I’d take VKM finally retiring.

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