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8 minutes ago, Al said:

Bryan's book has a bunch of stuff about Vince teaching him how to cut promos. I think Vince probably did make Bryan better, tbh.

I remember that, but it seems they grew much closer since his retirement in 15' and his eventual comeback. The Vince stories and bizarre conversations Danielson probably has are probably a gold mine of funny content.

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I would easily call this his biggest match since SummerSlam against Cena.

I know the WrestleMania title win is, by its very nature, seen as a "bigger" match but, to me, the real star-making moment was when he beat Cena clean. After that, they basically booked everything in such a messy fashion that by the time we got to Bryan not being in the Rumble, then having to beat Triple H in the opener to get into the main event, it just all felt so overwrought and, dare I say, on the night of, predictable.

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I've watched a lot of goofy game shows/contests, so it could be fun. Some of those SyFy shows that never make it to a second season, like Total Blackout, or the Soska Twins show that was on Netflix for awhile, Hellevator, can be pretty entertaining. Mostly just from seeing the people freak out, but you never know, New Day can be pretty endearing when they're cutting up & going full ham.

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Gran Metalik has been a gigantic waste of talent. Picture Kota Ibushi signing with WWE when they did that Cruiserweight Classic stuff... Yeah... No idea why WWE would not grant him his release at this point, he doesn't fit their plan whatsoever (and never has).

Of course he could end up in AAA or the indies. IMPACT seems like a cool destination too if AEW is out of the question, and really he comes from being so nothing for years that he would need to rebuild himself a bit.

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22 hours ago, El-P said:

No idea why WWE would not grant him his release at this point, he doesn't fit their plan whatsoever (and never has).

Because there's a very good chance he would be a star anywhere he went and even though they aren't hoarding talent anymore they are loathe to release someone like that. 


Also saw an Adam Cole interview where he mentioned his main roster discussions involved him changing his name and look, and that made him even less interested in signing with WWE. Their obsession with everyone having to be something they created and control even if it means throwing away an established name/character is such an underrated aspect of WWE's difficultly in creating stars. It's really hard for a new talent to become successful when their whole presentation just screams "artificially created for maximum corporate control". 

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15 minutes ago, sek69 said:

Their obsession with everyone having to be something they created and control even if it means throwing away an established name/character is such an underrated aspect of WWE's difficultly in creating stars.

Bron Breakker. I don't care what anyone says, it's a dumb as fuck name when you can be called Rex Steiner. BECAUSE YOU LOOK LIKE FUCKING RICK STEINER AND SOUND LIKE BIG POPPA PUMP ALREADY ! BECAUSE YOU'RE THE SON AND NEPHEW ! 

I guess they figured the Steiner name was never a WWF/E thing, Rick was only there for a cup of coffee that wasn't very notable and Scott only came back to get HHHed for a minute or two. Still, it's so fucking dumb, especially in a company that is all about second and third generation guys.

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Yeah, like I can almost see "Curtis Axel" because he really didn't look or wrestle like his dad, but BRON BREKKER's whole deal seems to be designed to put it front and center who he's related to. 

Having him out there like a wellness-approved Rick Steiner while forbidding the announcers from saying it is just bonkers. 

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