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Survivor Series 2020 Drew McIntyre is just the #2, biatch


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Twitter is ablaze that Vince said WWF instead of WWE. Did he?

The only post I can find about Vince not being well (which is why I assumed Vince was trending in the first place) is from Bix, and he locked replies to only people he's following, which is very odd for a journalist to do IMO. But I wasn't planning on replying, so it doesn't matter to me.

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  On 11/22/2020 at 10:53 PM, Strummer said:

Yeah everyone gets excited after well received ppvs and then wwe tv happens. Happens every time 


I feel like this is what we got. The show was overall pretty good I thought, but there's not much they could build off of other than the Uso/Roman stuff. The Lana deal seemed like a rib after they just premiered a doc about her being bullied, but at least they made Bianca look like a badass for taking it to the submission monster who's killed everyone she's gone against. 

I'm glad WWE is over the "Sasha loses her singles titles quickly" kick they were on, and had a great match in the process. Perhaps she can carry Carmella to something worthwhile after all.

It was also funny seeing them trying to put over Drew's mega sword over as a family heirloom when he already did an interview saying Vince gave it to him. Or maybe that was meant to be an inside joke when they said his grandfather gave it to him.

Speaking of Vince, I was shocked to see everyone's reaction to him, he's looked this bad/old for a while now and it didn't seem like it was any worse. Perhaps people just forget how he looks now since he does keep himself off TV pretty much all the time now. I'm sure he was only out there because the Taker character is clearly important to him and one of his all time favorites.

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  On 11/22/2020 at 11:43 PM, El-P said:

And as a LU and IMPACT fan, John Morrison is sooooo sad to watch here. DItto RIcochet... From "Can't miss prospect" to "some guy".


Such a horrible fall to go from that to this. After shockingly winning at WrestleMania, Morrison is 1-18 since then on TV/PPV with his one victory being an 8 man tag.

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And so I watched the Taker farewell, because after all I used to be a huge fan and I basically became a fan not that long before he showed up (we got stuff way behind the times back then in France, so I basically began taping pro-wrestling 30 years ago, sometime before the Christmas Holidays of 1990, and we got the TV shows from around SummerSlam then !).


  On 11/23/2020 at 3:30 AM, FMKK said:

So lame that they did this without a crowd. That's what he gets for not leaving well enough alone after the Reigns match.

Vince looked horrendous. Like a bad waxwork.



  On 11/23/2020 at 3:37 AM, KawadaSmile said:

gotta say i loved how they had so many special effects during taker's farewell

not only they had a hologram, but also used stop motion to represent vince! harryhausen would be proud!!


The waxwork and stop motion lines are spot on, I thought exactly the same thing. He looked *fake*. And people wonder why anyone under 50 ain't watching ? This is the guy putting the shows together people...

Holy fuck, the Godwinns look like a bunch of grandpas. Savio Vega is not a surprise, since I've watched him last year on MLW but still, around those guys he looks like basically he got a wee bit heavier and that's it, the guy looks pretty much the same (and it's not like he's hiding behind his glasses, he does look the same). Nash & Foley look happy as hell, I wonder why... Kane looks like an idiot. So, no Steve Austin and no Bret Hart (which is ironic, because really now, JBL and Booker T mean jackshit in comparison). I felt Stephy should have showed up too, her angle with Taker was the very first time thing you remember about her.

Well this was the coldest, most devoid of any human emotion send-off ever. Of course you can say it's not their fault because of COVID and shit, but actually, they could have done a cool send-off with actual human warmth with, let's say, ALL THOSE FUCKING OLD GUYS PAKCED IN THE RING DURING COVID PANDEMIC !!!! The whole "keep the gimmick, alive" was done after the absolutely perfect send-off at the conclusion of the AJ match at Mania. Having Taker talk in gimmick and doing fake reactions to fake chants was pretty sad. I did pop for the Paul Bearer hologram though, that was a nice touch. Hey, like I said, I was a HUGE fan of Taker until about 99 (that damn year). But I felt exactly nada. I was like "okay, can't wait for the notification for the next BTE" while watching this. I'm not a nostalgic guy anyway, I don't enjoy nostalgia, but still this was Taker's send-off after all, but nope, there was nothing there but a cool video package and a Paul Bearer hologram.

Kinda crazy when you think of it that Taker & Liger retired the same year. One was definitely not like the other though...

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  On 11/23/2020 at 3:48 AM, C.S. said:

Twitter is ablaze that Vince said WWF instead of WWE. Did he?

The only post I can find about Vince not being well (which is why I assumed Vince was trending in the first place) is from Bix, and he locked replies to only people he's following, which is very odd for a journalist to do IMO. But I wasn't planning on replying, so it doesn't matter to me.


He's in a hissy fit with Rovert and Bryan Alvarez atm. He'll probably unlock again once he gets over it.

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I watched the farewell thing life as I woke up early and could not get to sleep anymore. Weren't people speculating that this was a setup for a Wrestlemania match? Once the Godwinns came out, I think it was clear to everyone that this was no angle. By the way: was Dennis Knight part of the BSK as well? I thought that Canterbury was the only Godwinn that was part of that group.

Apros pos BSK: I still remember how strange the 95 Survivor Series team of the Undertaker seemed (Undertaker, Fatu, H. Godwinn and Savio Vega).

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I loved it. Slow start but it caught fire and turned into a great hoss battle. Both men being perfectly slotted as characters helped it significantly. If by some miracle both guys are this hot when crowds come back the rematch could be special.

Loved Banks vs Asuka too. It was almost the opposite to the main event. Drew and Roman threw bombs and played to the cheap seats, while these two kept it close and tight. Blistering, great finishing sequence with the right winner. Sasha matches tend to be spoiled by how sulky/excited she is, so its good she'll just be winning for a while.

Tag match was fun although it didn't quite click for me. Xavier is so much better than the other three.

Everything else was a waste of time. Haven't given a shit about Taker in about 20 years.

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Yeah, I haven't watched anything Taker related since the Last Ride match.  That was a great send off to the character, I'm done with it.  Come to think of it I didn't watch any of the Saudi abortions either, not even to see how bad they were.

Sucks that they dropped the ball with AJ after Mania, and released Gallows/Anderson.  Thanks a lot Paul Heyman :)

Sucks that they couldn't leave well enough alone with Taker either.  I'm never gonna watch that segment but a past his prime Taker, way past his prime Vince, a bunch of old guys and a hologram main eventing a show is the perfect way to sum up modern WWE.  Who watches this shit?  I can't even be bothered with McIntyre and Reigns because everything in the company has the stench of death.  It's sad to watch

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