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More Dave on Vince/Paterno:


Terry Garvin was in power position in talent relations.


Mel Phillips headed the ring crew.


What if Keith Jackson on the air during games was on tape talking would talk about how Jerry Sandusky's favorite move was the go behind, and would say how he's behind the ball boys all the time?


Paterno's problem is that his people didn't pay the kids off first to disappear. Entertainment people have known about this for 100 years. Sports people were a little too arrogant because they were so powerful in that city, but stuff like that went on behind the scenes in swimming, several wrestling territories, age group sports, the Catholic church and in Hollywood. But they know how to make things go away.

Also, let's go back to 2009 for a moment.


Let's just say, hypothetically, that I'm running a company where underage boys were being molested for years and it's known, accepted and laughed about because, hey, it's a world you don't understand with different rules.


Then one day it becomes front page news.


Was the owner ignorant for letting it continue unabated?

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Dave is naive to think that major college football programs haven't been paying folks off to make things go away for... well... fuck it... Dave's Entire Life!


My dad went to the same college as Dave, got the same degree, wrote for the same school paper covering the same shit: sports. He just happened to do it before Dave was even born. And he's told me stories about the athletic department "making shit go away", be it players drinking and driving, players knocking women up, players assaulting fellow students, and "worse stuff".


Athletic departments know how to deal with scummy shit.


On the other hand, this is pretty offensive:


"Paterno's problem is that his people didn't pay the kids off first to disappear."


If I'm reading that right, Dave is saying that JoePa's problem is not paying off parents and kids to shut up about Sandusky molesting them. Dave... are you trying to say that if JoePa came to you and your wife with cash because Sandusky was fucking your son up the ass that you would take the payoff? Or would you do what that brave kid, his brave mother, and his brave supporters at his school did and take it to the cops, and fight every step of the way against someone potentially trying to make it go away?


JoePa's problem was that a boy, his mother and good support people stood the fuck up. It's offensive to even joke about JoePa making a mistake in not buying them off.


Just shut the fuck up and go back to talking about pro wrestling and UFC. If you want to talk about this one, just keep in the *front* of your mind that it could be your son taking that... and bring up that image into your mind before writing anything. For fuck's sake...



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To be fair:


JoePa's problem was that a boy, his mother and good support people stood the fuck up. It's offensive to even joke about JoePa making a mistake in not buying them off.

I covered that "it was only a joke" excuse. It's a lame one when lord knows how many kids got abused after JoePa and Penn State buried it in the late 90s... then did dick about it in 2001... and if they'd successfully "bought off" all these kids, Sandusky would still be at it.


I'm not going to soap box that no one can tell a Sandusky joke. Just that if the claim is that this *specific* one is a joke, it isn't funny... not in the slightest sense. I'll go back to the point: that's your son or Dave's son... funny? Excusable? Or just dumb fuck nonsense?



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Now this is pro wrestling


--Last night at the George Tragos/Lou Thesz Hall of Fame induction ceremony in Waterloo, IA, when Kurt Angle wasn't there, they presented his Hall of Fame award to Gerald Brisco. Brisco then auctioned it off, getting $250 for it. Angle was furious about it. Angle wrote:

"Jerry Brisco made a mockery out of me and the Dan Gable Museum Hall of Fame by auctioning off my award. This award is a huge honor. U Spit on Me. Due to obligations I had with my wedding, I could not attend HOF. I even made a ten minute video proudly accepting the great honor. I'm disappointed I couldn't go, but devastated Jerry gave away my award. Very classy Jerry."


--I don't know all the circumstances regarding this, but the people involved in the Hall of Fame were very upset about Angle pulling out. According to local newspaper reports, they claimed Angle wasn't going to be there due to TNA obligations, but it was noted Angle wasn't even booked on last night's TNA house show. Angle in that tweet claimed it was an obligation having to do with his wedding.

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After Angle spouted off about it on Twitter, the Dan Gable museum posted this on facebook:


It's true! Kurt Angle's plaque is at the National Wrestling Hall of Fame Dan Gable Museum with Lou Thesz's widow, Charlie Thesz. Gerry Brisco had the plaque back within an hour and it will be sent to Kurt Angle.

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Listening to Wrestling Observer Radio today, it struck me that one of the things about Dave that irks me the most is he takes everything too literally. He doesn't seem to grasp hyperbole, exaggeration or sarcasm. He also doesn't seem to have a sense of humor at all, he's so goddamn dry.


Also, the newsletter said that Money in the Bank had, well lemme just quote:


The live attendance was 9,000, with much, a lot of the upper deck tarped off.

That has to be a type-o, right?

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I know it's been a common gripe in this thread, but I still get surprised by the randomness of what is and isn't behind the paywall sometimes


Headline: TV commercials with Lesnar already airing


is obviously going to be something like, "SummerSlam commercials hyping Lesnar v. HHH have started airing in some markets" right? what else could it be? Why is that behind the paywall?!?

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It's not even hyping Brock-HHH, it's just hyping Brock being on the show.


Also Mike Sempervive has been filling in for Bryan this weekend on the Dave shows. They have been so much better than the interruption fests Bryan-Dave shows tend to turn into, it will probably mean Bryan will never take any time off ever again due to everyone liking Mike's ability to discuss MMA and pro wrestling without it turning into "here's why I'm right and you're wrong".

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Meltzer exposing that Showtime's Steve Espinosa is blocking any of Strikeforce's fighters being moved to UFC was quite the story. Partly because of how he handled it (don't drop bombshells during a tangent on your radio show about how the best thing for Showtime if Ronda Rousey vs. Mrs. Cyborg was on a major UFC show, if you want to get reported accurately).

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So Bryan invested in a new setup that allows him to have up to four phone lines available to call in on. Every show on the WON Empire now seems to have a call in segment and quickly two things immediately became apparent:



1. The same people call in on every show, and since you can't listen to the show while on hold it creates a lot of repeat questions.


2. Bryan didn't take the time to learn how any of it works, hanging up accidentally on Lance Storm and then subjecting the listener to his call waiting beep (which to be fair was his phone company's fuck up, but it makes him look bush league as hell not knowing how shit works ahead of time).



I hope this is just a fad that will go away once the buzz of owning new toys wears off, not every show needs a call in segment and it's starting to get grating.

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I hope this is just a fad that will go away once the buzz of owning new toys wears off,

Given past history it probably will. He's had the ability to take calls during shows for years now, he did it a ton when he first got the technology which produced some amusing B&V moments at least, then he got bored with it after a month or 2 and settled in to only using open lines on rare ocasions.

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I hope so, I actually enjoy the majority of audio shows they have on the site. The only recent exception had been the Todd Martin shows where it sounded like he was going to shoot himself in the face at the mere mention of WWE.


It was funny how on a Bryan and Dave show, some guy who was either legit stoned/slow or a troll called in and spent most of his time asking if he could give shout outs (or as he called them "put overs") to people. The next day there was a post on the main page stating that if you're going to call in you better know what you're going to say ahead of time.

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I know it's been a common gripe in this thread, but I still get surprised by the randomness of what is and isn't behind the paywall sometimes

I saw that the Olympic Judo update was behind the paywall :rolleyes:. Afterall, the first place that Judo fans check to get their Olympic updates is the Wrestling Observer site...
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