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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Finally saw the opening Raw segment. So people think Cena was not justified in telling off Eve? I find it difficult to believe people would be white knighting to this degree if the roles were reversed.

Someone who I follow on Twitter posted this:




Sucks enough at times being an intelligent and thoughtful person AND a Wrestling fan but add being a woman on top of that must be rather hard.


"WWE’s BA STAR(D) campaign" is rather great

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Watching the Jim Brunzell shoot on youtube...Jim mentions that he understood Rick Steamboat was in ill health. Anyone know what that is or was about?

Do you have a link for this? I saw El-P mention it a few days ago as well and wanted to check it out. The preview I watched on youtube was good for what it was, but I can't find anything other than that.

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I think a lot of the time the women are just happy to be getting a reaction or at least that's what they say publicly. The old timers probably bombard them with "don't be afraid to get that heat" talk and the like. The backstage guys probably try to convince them it's good for their career.





On Natalya flatulence gimmick: “I haven’t seen it so I can’t comment on it directly, but hopefully it’s one of those things where it just gets people talking and it’s kind of like the Molly Holly thing where [we had] the ‘junk in the trunk’ [storyline]. People were like, ‘I can’t believe they’re doing that to her’, but at the end of the day, it got people interested, it got people invested, it got people into what they’re doing and you have something to talk about.”


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Watching the Jim Brunzell shoot on youtube...Jim mentions that he understood Rick Steamboat was in ill health. Anyone know what that is or was about?

Do you have a link for this? I saw El-P mention it a few days ago as well and wanted to check it out. The preview I watched on youtube was good for what it was, but I can't find anything other than that.


Check your PMs.

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So CM Punk tweeted a few days ago about wanting to curb stomp Chris Brown and offering his services if Brown wanted to fight someone who can defend themselves (Chris Brown famously battered Rhianna while they were dating a while back and his prominent place at the Grammys this year rubbed a lot of people the wrong way). Brown's response upon hearing he was called out by a pro wrestler guy was to call CM Punk a roid abuser who's junk is to small to please a woman. Not only is that hilarious for obvious reasons, I bet WWE will freak out and make Punk drop it despite A: constantly whoring for mainstream attention and B: the fact that the vast majority of people agree with Punk on this.

Punk's response.

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So CM Punk tweeted a few days ago about wanting to curb stomp Chris Brown and offering his services if Brown wanted to fight someone who can defend themselves (Chris Brown famously battered Rhianna while they were dating a while back and his prominent place at the Grammys this year rubbed a lot of people the wrong way). Brown's response upon hearing he was called out by a pro wrestler guy was to call CM Punk a roid abuser who's junk is to small to please a woman. Not only is that hilarious for obvious reasons, I bet WWE will freak out and make Punk drop it despite A: constantly whoring for mainstream attention and B: the fact that the vast majority of people agree with Punk on this.

Punk's response.


Cole was promoting that fairly heavily last night on Smackdown.

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That Eddie/Rock match is one of my favourite matches of all time. I never knew it existed either until I got to it on Will's Eddie set. Not really a "great match," but it's my favourite wrestler ever against a guy I really, really like, and it was a total blast for the 8 or so minutes it got.

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10 years ago today the first ROH show:


Da Hit Squad defeated Christopher Street Connection w/Allison Danger


The Amazing Red defeated Jay Briscoe w/Mark Briscoe


Xavier defeated "The Black Nature Boy" Scoot Andrews


The Boogie Knights (Drake & Tobin) defeated The Natural Born Sinnerz (Homicide/Boogaloo) by DQ


Quiet Storm defeated Red, Jose Maximo, Joel Maximo, Brian XL, Chris Devine (Mikey Whipwreck as referee)


Prince Nana defeated "Towel Boy" Eric Tuttle


Spanky & Ikaika Loa defeated Oz & Michael Shane (Spanky wins an ROH Contract)


Super Crazy defeated Eddie Guerrero to become first IWA Intercontinental champion


Low Ki defeated Christopher Daniels and American Dragon

We're all old

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