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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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interesting thing I noticed watching an old America's Most Wanted dvd I had lying around: TNA might be a shitty promotion, but until they decided they wanted to be the Mr. Pibb to WWE's Dr. Pepper, they were at least a promotion with a unique view. I miss that about TNA, and frankly I think it's something they should try and get back to.


Side note: Also, the redoing of a proper World X Cup wouldn't be the worst thing anyone thought of either.

Pibb Xtra is totally better than Dr. Pepper. It's smoother and has a subtle note of cinnamon that's really nice.
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interesting thing I noticed watching an old America's Most Wanted dvd I had lying around: TNA might be a shitty promotion, but until they decided they wanted to be the Mr. Pibb to WWE's Dr. Pepper, they were at least a promotion with a unique view. I miss that about TNA, and frankly I think it's something they should try and get back to.


Side note: Also, the redoing of a proper World X Cup wouldn't be the worst thing anyone thought of either.

Pibb Xtra is totally better than Dr. Pepper. It's smoother and has a subtle note of cinnamon that's really nice.


We can only get those at the Five Guys here in Brooklyn. That, plus Cajun Fries, is something I have to try.

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interesting thing I noticed watching an old America's Most Wanted dvd I had lying around: TNA might be a shitty promotion, but until they decided they wanted to be the Mr. Pibb to WWE's Dr. Pepper, they were at least a promotion with a unique view. I miss that about TNA, and frankly I think it's something they should try and get back to.


Side note: Also, the redoing of a proper World X Cup wouldn't be the worst thing anyone thought of either.

TNA's best times have been when they focus on the X division and do hardcore gimmick style matches. That's the stuff that has consistently separated their product in the past. WWE has never done juniors right, and they've bastardized the gimmick match due to PG. Also TNA has historically had a better tag division and better women.


When I watch TNA I don't want to see Hogan or Russo or a bunch of cartoon characters.....I want to see athletic cruisers, I want to see real tag teams, I want to see Gail Kim v. Taryn Tarrell......and I wouldn't mind a few bloodfests thrown in. I don't hate TNA, and I've watched it on and off back to day 1, but what I would like to see from them and what they actually do are so far apart.

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Looks like Randy used to buy his suits off the rack.

Jindrak too. I assume that picture is Flair and HHH walking them out of JCPenneys and to an Armani Exchange?


At least Jindrak is a big fucker so he fills it in. Randy looks like he's a teen wearing his dad's suit for his first job interview. Actually, his dad's suit in his case would probably fit him better, but you know what I mean.


I guess they just asked them to bring their best suit and that's all they had home. You can see the difference in cut and style, the details such as the pockets, the shoulder fit, sleeve length, etc, between HHH/Flair and the other two. But if you want to get geeky then you can see how Flair has got a perfectly lined up pocket square while Hunter doesn't.


Pretty sure at some point HHH got a personal stylist. I haven't watched pretty much any WWE from 2007 to Feb 2013 so I couldn't say when, but he used to look like a gorilla wearing a suit. A nice tailored suit but he'd look wrong in it, and he'd be lost in the details, like tie knot and length, but you can see he's rocking them like a champ now. He's also smaller though so that helps, but Batista used to be able to pull off the pinstripe look.


I wonder how many suits does Flair have. Considering his spending habits probably a few hundred.


Let me finish this post about suits with this image.

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At least Jindrak is a big fucker so he fills it in. Randy looks like he's a teen wearing his dad's suit for his first job interview. Actually, his dad's suit in his case would probably fit him better, but you know what I mean.


I guess they just asked them to bring their best suit and that's all they had home. You can see the difference in cut and style, the details such as the pockets, the shoulder fit, sleeve length, etc, between HHH/Flair and the other two. But if you want to get geeky then you can see how Flair has got a perfectly lined up pocket square while Hunter doesn't.


Pretty sure at some point HHH got a personal stylist. I haven't watched pretty much any WWE from 2007 to Feb 2013 so I couldn't say when, but he used to look like a gorilla wearing a suit. A nice tailored suit but he'd look wrong in it, and he'd be lost in the details, like tie knot and length, but you can see he's rocking them like a champ now. He's also smaller though so that helps, but Batista used to be able to pull off the pinstripe look.


I wonder how many suits does Flair have. Considering his spending habits probably a few hundred.

Nice analysis! Jindrak's coat shoulders are way too wide but yeah, he doesn't look as ridiculous as Orton. In fact Orton's coat looks bigger than Jindrak's. :lol:


HHH had that godawful friz-hair up until I believe his the DX reunion in 2006 (?), when he finally switched conditioners (or started using it at all). He started straightening his hair sometime around his return from quad injury #2 at Summerslam 2007 I believe and wow this is way more than I thought I'd ever write about HHH's hair.


Also, Chono clearly wins that style-off in that picture there. Misawa may come close but he's gotta fix the length on those pants.

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Was combing through results for something unrelated and I came across this show in my home town.


NWA @ Chattanooga, TN - June 24, 1990

Tracey Smothers defeated Dutch Mantell

Brian Pillman defeated Barry Horowitz

Tommy Rich defeated Jimmy Garvin

Ricky Morton defeated NWA Tag Team Champion Ron Simmons via disqualification

Rick Steiner defeated Buddy Landell

El Gigante defeated the Cuban Assassin

The Junkyard Dog & Doug Furnas defeated NWA World Champion Ric Flair & NWA TV Champion Arn Anderson


That has to be one of the strangest cards I've ever seen. In my mind I want to imagine the WCW brass putting Furnas in the main event here because of his background in East TN but then I remember its WCW

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I haven't seen them work since I was a kid, but has anyone seen any Headhunters matches that took place in the last decade? Anything worth checking out?

I've seen Headhunter 1 a couple times in AAA/IWRG. He's alright but can't really do the high flying like the old days. A decent brawler though. Headhunter 2 retired years ago but I think he came back a couple times for house shows.


I was watching some USWA tv from 1994 earlier and saw something that blew my mind. To build up the Adam Bomb vs Jerry Lawler unified title match, they showed a WWF squash match with Adam Bomb where Vince does total heel commentary and Lawler is the babyface. He keeps asking what Vince's problem with Memphis in and Vince goes straight into Mr. Mcmahon mode. I'm guessing this only aired in Memphis and wasn't televised on WWF tv. It's also probably the first heel Vince calling a WWF match that way.

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I haven't seen them work since I was a kid, but has anyone seen any Headhunters matches that took place in the last decade? Anything worth checking out?

I've seen Headhunter 1 a couple times in AAA/IWRG. He's alright but can't really do the high flying like the old days. A decent brawler though. Headhunter 2 retired years ago but I think he came back a couple times for house shows.


Ah okay. I was curious, a local promoter is having a show where he is promoting The Headhunters in a tag as the main event. Was wondering if it's worth checking out. Thanks for your answer.


I was watching some USWA tv from 1994 earlier and saw something that blew my mind. To build up the Adam Bomb vs Jerry Lawler unified title match, they showed a WWF squash match with Adam Bomb where Vince does total heel commentary and Lawler is the babyface. He keeps asking what Vince's problem with Memphis in and Vince goes straight into Mr. Mcmahon mode. I'm guessing this only aired in Memphis and wasn't televised on WWF tv. It's also probably the first heel Vince calling a WWF match that way.

Wow. That sounds awesome.

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