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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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In his interview with PWInsider Jim Cornette said besides the Smokey Mountain history book he is doing (a la the Midnight Express book) he and Mark James are toying with the idea of a SMW Viewers Guide with all the format sheets of each TV show included.

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Since I will never get a response to this anywhere else, I want to pose a question.


I did a top 25 matches in Royal Rumble history piece for Place to be Nation and on it I listed the minis match from 1998 (#22) and I did not list the Benoit-Angle match from 2003. What I want to know is how anybody can think that the Benoit-Angle match is better. They are both spotfests that lack stories that are just put together to pop the crowd. However in the minis match the high spots are all these cool high flying dives and springboards, while the Benoit-Angle match is filled with German suplexes and popping up after dangerous moves.


A match with no real story, a spotfest, makes a let more sense to me with midgets wearing masks then it does in a World Title match. To me, the minis match made more sense in that context and had better spots and kind of flowed better.


So, why the love for Benoit-Angle and the hate for the minis match?

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The mini-match at best is a sub-8 min match designed to fill time on a show and only exposes how thin the WWE roster at the time, while also showing how Vince continued to not get why the cruiserweight division was so successful. At worst it's your usual lucha midget spotfest that's been to death.


I don't think people hate the midget match, it's just no one has given it a second thought, because, why bother?

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