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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Angle's arms are completely atrophied, he wouldn't pass even the most lenient wellness test, and his body has turned some sort of odd purple color. He looks like he's constantly being asphyxiated. None of his movements look human. I think there's plenty of chance Undertaker is in better shape.


You have no idea how sad I am to hear this. I loved Kurt Angle in WWE, even when I hated him.



Bix and myself schiled Kurt's really confessional column about himself in this month's Fighting Spirit Magazine previously. Meltzer wrote synopsis of it - here is the part that covers his health:


Kurt Angle wrote a guest column in the new issue of Fighting Spirit Magazine, a United Kingdom publication, where he seemingly bared his soul on his drug addiction issues.

Angle said that in rehab he figured out that it all stemmed from the aftermath of winning the gold medal in the 1996 Olympics, and that he fell into a deep depression because, in his mind, he could never match that feeling and achievement.

“Spending my time in WWE didn’t do anything for me. Going to TNA to try and build this new company didn’t do it for me And even having all those five-star matches meant noting to me. I didn’t enjoy any of it. I realized in rehab that I was taking drugs and drinking alcohol not because I needed it, but because I was depressed and wanted to hide the pain. But what pain do I really have, besides my neck? I can deal with that; physical pain is nothing to me. It’s the emotional pain. I put myself in that position. I’ve now realized that nothing I do is going to match my gold medal, and what I need is to enjoy what I do, and know that I’m very good at it.”

Angle admitted being an addict and that he could relapse, but vowed not to, saying he’s been clean for the last six months.

He put over how Road Dogg and Billy Gunn have come out of rehab and done a great job with WWE both in the ring and behind the scenes, and specifically mentioned the support he got from Bret Hart, as well as praised Dixie Carter for letting him keep his job.

He said he never really appreciated world titles in pro wrestling, saying, “I thought it was nothing, like they were giving it to you because they wanted someone to beat you. I didn’t know it was an honor. All those things that meant nothing to me, now they mean something.”

He also said he never accepted when people complimented him on being one of the best, thinking they were just blowing smoke.

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I thought my description was creative enough so I will take that one if you weeel.


Well played. I was hoping for "Worst Blowjobs", but you still did an awesome job. :)


A thread like that may merit some discussion too.

Worst in terms of losing money: allegedly Randy Savage/SMH

Worst in terms of bad booking: Mark Henry/tranny

Worst in terms of "what the fuck?" shock: Chyna/X-Pac or Hogan/Bubba's wife.

Best in terms of attaining mainstream publicity: Hokuto in North Korea.


Pretty sure you could stretch the subject to talk about Sunny Days, Fujiwara/the Swedish bodybuilder chick, Ryuma Go's post wrestling career, Buck Zumhofe (too soon?), etc.

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I thought my description was creative enough so I will take that one if you weeel.


Well played. I was hoping for "Worst Blowjobs", but you still did an awesome job. :)


A thread like that may merit some discussion too.

Worst in terms of losing money: allegedly Randy Savage/SMH



I vote for Bill Watts/Dark Journey.


And tell us the Hokuto story.

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I thought my description was creative enough so I will take that one if you weeel.


Well played. I was hoping for "Worst Blowjobs", but you still did an awesome job. :)


A thread like that may merit some discussion too.

Worst in terms of losing money: allegedly Randy Savage/SMH



I vote for Bill Watts/Dark Journey.


And tell us the Hokuto story.



I'm sure you have heard/read this story before, most recently on the Sasaki WON bio. Hokuto and Sasaki hooked up in North Korea while wrestling for that Inoki supershow and everybody on their floor, the floor below and the floor above could hear their apparently very loud LOVE NOISE all night long. The next morning they decided to get married which they did as soon as they arrived in Japan, which got a lot of media attention. Nowadays it's common to see one of them, or both, showing up at random TV shows as guests (or "talento" as they call them over there).

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Based on the snippets posted on the front page of WO.com, we should have a "Davey Richards is a Grouchy Hateful Vile Human Being" thread next.


The highlights:


He's glad he didn't get the call from WWE after doing the NXT tryout, said he didn't want to take away from his time going to med school/being an EMT to go to "wrestling school". Said everyone in NXT seems to be on eggshells afraid for their jobs (probably the truest statement) and not enjoying their time there. He did put over the Performance Center as a great facility.


He said his bridge with ROH is completely burnt and he buried Delirious as only getting the booking job because he's spineless (?) and not because of any talents in that regard. Also buried Joe Koff as being more interested in TV business than wrestling. He did wish everyone there the best of luck, so there's that.


He seems happy with TNA, which makes me wonder if they have some kind of special arrangement since it seems everyone being paid a living wage there is in danger of getting cut when their deals end.

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I thought my description was creative enough so I will take that one if you weeel.


Well played. I was hoping for "Worst Blowjobs", but you still did an awesome job. :)


A thread like that may merit some discussion too.

Worst in terms of losing money: allegedly Randy Savage/SMH

Worst in terms of bad booking: Mark Henry/tranny

Worst in terms of "what the fuck?" shock: Chyna/X-Pac or Hogan/Bubba's wife.

Best in terms of attaining mainstream publicity: Hokuto in North Korea.


Pretty sure you could stretch the subject to talk about Sunny Days, Fujiwara/the Swedish bodybuilder chick, Ryuma Go's post wrestling career, Buck Zumhofe (too soon?), etc.


I thought about the merits of a "worst of..." thread before. But more along the lines of terrible things about wrestlers we enjoy/respect. Like worst arms (GIant Baba), worst pecs (King Kong Czaja), worst abs (Bulldog Brower).

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I tweeted about this, of course no one knows my Twitter exists...but after the reported 1,400 tickets sold for TNA Lockdown Sunday, even though they're under the WWE umbrella, would it be hyperbole or an exaggeration to consider NXT the #2 wrestling promotion in the United States? It's certainly not TNA or ROH.


In the past, when the talk of TNA would come up, the big hammering point was people would point to their still having TV. Well, thanks to the WWE Network, people have NXT now. I imagine more people would pay $60 for six months of WWE Network than people would pay $44.95 for TNA Lockdown.


I sort of look at NXT as its own entity while RAW, Smackdown & Pay-Per-Views are "WWE" to me. If that makes sense.

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I forgot about this until I saw this mornings Jarrett announcement. At the last Dreamwave show, Jarrett sent in a video promo because he's scheduled for the anniversary show next month. In it, he said that he and Jim Cornette will be there scouting talent. Don't know that it means anything, but it sounds like Corny may be involved in Jarrett's new project.

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Guest The Jiz



Buff Bagwell was a guest on The Shoot yesterday which can be heard at this link: http://www.morelikeradio.org/the-shoot-march-9th-2014/The interview begins at the 15 minute mark and ran for 30 minutes. Here are some of the highlights:
Thoughts on John Cena:
"I don't think he's a Rock, I don't think he is a Sting, I don't think he is a Goldberg, I don't think he is a Stone Cold. But i think he's bigger than a Buff Bagwell. I really do. Now mainly because of the way they've pushed him i give him credit than being bigger than me. When you lay out the facts, no he's not as big as The Rock, no he's not as big as Stone Cold, no he's not as big as these other guys i'm talking about. Then again, you give me the same push i think i would be just as big as John Cena. He's not that cornerstone guy. He's not that super mega superstar that The Rock has become. He's not that super mega superstar Stone Cold had become. He's just WWE's number one guy and with a little bit of help, a lot of guys could be that guy. He's just got the look, he's got the ability, and he was at the right place at the right time to be their poster child."
Thoughts on CM Punk:
"He's too small. That's why they kept him and The Rock as far apart as they could until they had to wrestle because when you really stand Rock against CM Punk in the ring. They just don't look like it fits. You've got a 260 pound guy in The Rock down to a buck 80-85 CM Punk. Nothing against being a buck 85 but you know TNA's got a division called the X Division for guys like that. I think that's a good thing to have, but as far as being the World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk should not be. He's not big enough, he don't look the part. He's heard, i bet if you ask him and he told the truth, he's heard a million times wow you're not as big as i thought you were. That's not good for Pro Wrestling. You've gotta be big you know? to make it believable, to make it more realistic. I don't think he's that. He just doesn't carry that kind of power."
Does Buff think anything can save TNA?:
"No, i don't think there is. That's why i'm not mad they didn't hire me. Hiring Buff Bagwell isn't going to save TNA. Hiring The Rock isn't going to save TNA. So why put out a couple more hundred grand a year when it's not going to save the company. I understand their position but i still don't understand keeping the show on television. Either shut it down or do hire a Buff Bagwell that may switch the channels a little more, may make something happen. It may make somebody want to come over. Then you got The Rock and Buff Bagwell, maybe a Goldberg on TNA. Now you've got some heavy players. You just can't have match after match people going who's this guy here? what's that guys name? You gotta have name value and they don't."
"They (TNA) were at the Gwinett Center here about 6 months ago, and i just drove up there and walked in. They just ate me up and oh god you look great, looks like you haven't aged a bit, you know all this stuff. Me and Eric did text back and forth and all of sudden guys started getting fired, it was the same ol story, TNA's going under and it was over again. I just can't imagine being in the wrestling business you've got Buff Bagwell living in Atlanta, you're running a Gwinett show which is 20 minutes from my house. Why would you not have Buff Bagwell come in and get beat? Put me on TV, beat me, but why not put me on TV? People know me better than they know other guy they're beating. So why not get a better rating and beat me. I'm not asking to win, I'm asking to be part of the show and help them build a product."


I know Bagwell isn't a historian, but it's laughable to think Sting was ever as big a star as John Cena, who has been headlining even longer than Sting has in his whole career. And Punk was a draw, just like that small guy Piper. No wonder the upper brass of WWE hated him so much.

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What happened to the thread listing all the wrestlers better than Triple H? I can't find it. Even searching for HHH, Triple H & Hunter. On here or DVDVR. I tried searching via tags too because I know Loss spent a lot of time fixing all of those...I just can't find the thread anymore. Was it deleted/pruned? I think Dylan was the author but I'm not positive about that.




EDIT: Thank you, Badlittlekitten

Edited by Coffey
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What happened to the thread listing all the wrestlers better than Triple H? I can't find it. Even searching for HHH, Triple H & Hunter. On here or DVDVR. I tried searching via tags too because I know Loss spent a lot of time fixing all of those...I just can't find the thread anymore. Was it deleted/pruned? I think Dylan was the author but I'm not positive about that.



Here you are



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I try to stay up to date on what the other smark opinions are by checking out some other boards. I am pretty tolerant so I don't really mind their usually whacked out views. My God, did I get hot under the collar when some said that Warrior was better than Lex Luger. It is just infuriating. You type this big long post breaking things down and giving match recommendations. All you get is TL;DR, Warrior is better because he had facepaint and was BATSHIT INSANE~! Ugh.

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For anyone who likes reading about the history of various territories this a nice place to kill some time. http://www.legacyofwrestling.com/NWATerritories.html


I had NO IDEA someone tried to start up a territory running a bunch of towns in Virginia like Petersburg, Hampton, Virginia Beach, Hopewell, Suffolk, Richmond, Portsmouth, Newport News, Williamsburg, West Point, Tappahannock and some others only to get squeezed out by the NWA and Vince McMahon Sr.

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