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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Who would win a marathon between Buddy Rose, Chris Hero, and Roy Nelson? Could any of them beat that Kobayashi guy in a competitive eating contest? Could Kobayashi beat Nelson in a fight?

I love this post.

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Great post, Parv. I'm pretty much on board with everything you said there. Never called for less characters or dwindled diversity in wrestling.


The fact that Luke Harper is among my absolute favorite guys to watch in the WWE says that I really don't give two shits about what a guy looks like. It's far more remarkable when a guy can physically do these feats & things that he doesn't, at first glance, look like he SHOULD or COULD actually be doing anyhow.

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Gaining weight affects wrestlers' performances. Buddy Rose seemed much better to me when he trimmed down in the early 80s, and as for the pictures Matt posted we've seen what gaining weight did to Super Astro and Super Porky. If Dick Murcoch had gained another twenty or thirty kilos it would have affected his work.

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Dickie Murdoch also had the good sense to wear higher waisted tights, so his gut wasn't sagging over the top.


Great, great point. Hero doesn't look morbidly obese in that picture, but different ring attire might be in order. That was one gripe I had with Brodus Clay. I think the singlet he wore didn't do him any favors, and he would have looked more like a monster and less egg-like in a different outfit.

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Murdoch looked like an athlete who just overdid the beer and cheeseburgers later in life. Hero looks like a guy who has never lifted a weight or done any cardio in his life. I think you can get away with not looking cut or not looking strong, but you can't get away with both.


I remember when Chris Harris/Braden Walker got released for being out of shape and everybody shit all over him and made jokes. I really don't see how this situation is any different, it's just that Hero is an Indy darling and Harris wasn't. You can probably argue that Harris was in better shape than Hero too.

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I don't talk about it much, but there's not much credence to the point trying to be made about MMA. The sport is littered with adonis type guys who were terrible, gassed within minutes, etc. Meanwhile some of the best the sport has ever seen were either a little pudgy or downright fat. I fought and trained in MMA, BJJ, amateur wrestling, boxing, and muay thai for years, and being in the sort of shape you;re suggesting is incredibly overrated. That's all I'm going to say on that matter though.

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In terms of ring gear "hiding" or "masking" a physique, I actually always found that Big Daddy V losing the top was a major image upgrade for him.

It drew a response. It grabbed your full focus & attention by the collar and roughed it up a bit. And that was the point. Here was this guy with grotesque layers of blubber & sloppy folds of fat CRUSHING and SQUISHING his foes into dust. It was great. I hear that the pitch was Dusty's idea, and Vis was initially against it.


But I loved that stuff. The tattoos rippling around like riptides is a disturbing, hideous kind of visual that sticks with you. I think it was Taz that said on commentary that he looked like a human lava lamp, which I thought was tremendous.

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There is a big difference between a squat fat guy and being a lanky flabby guy. I love Hero, but he looks awful there. Most of the guys being talked about in comparison, if you took away the fat, they'd still be big dudes. It was solid mass. Chris doesn't have the body type to get away with it.

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I watched a shoot interview of Big Daddy V and he said the original idea was him coming out in ONLY wrestling trunks. What we ended up with was the compromise.


Is this the one where he's all kicked back & cozy next to a fireplace, but fully decked out in some swank purple suit & tie or something to that effect?


If so, I've seen it. Been several years, but yeah. Good stuff on his early days and relationship with Oscar and Mo. Didn't he mention making some cameos in films and stuff? Did anything ever materialize from all that?

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Guest Eduardo James

I thought for the most part it was his choice of gear. He looked fine in the shirt/pants, it was just an indy looking outfit. Right before he got signed and for a time afterwards, he was in shape.

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I think people on this board will appreciate this, so I am going to go ahead and share it. I ring announced a show tonight with Bobby Fulton of The Fantastics on it. Bobby is a heck of a nice guy, and was wrestling as himself in the main event. So we are backstage getting things set up for the show, and Bobby decides he wants to wrestle twice. Then out of nowhere he pulls a mask, turban, and Syrian flag out of his gear bag and decides to work the second match of the night as a masked heel known as "The Sheik of Syria." Then he pulls out a second mask and turban, and dresses his kid (who was probably eleven or twelve) in that costume and wants him to be billed as "His adviser, The Prince of Syria"


So he comes to the ring in this get up, and the crowd starts chanting USA, at which he point he forces me to get on the microphone and tell the crowd that if they don't stop chanting USA, he will raise the price of Gas to 7 bucks a gallon for regular. He then laid out a prayer mat and began praising Allah, before wrestling a ten minute match that was mostly him choking, or playing hide the foreign object with the referee, before finishing it with a Camel Clutch, as his son stood outside the ring in a mask and waved the Syrian flag.




and for anyone wondering, here is Bobby these days....




This is the greatest wrestling story ever told.

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I think people on this board will appreciate this, so I am going to go ahead and share it. I ring announced a show tonight with Bobby Fulton of The Fantastics on it. Bobby is a heck of a nice guy, and was wrestling as himself in the main event. So we are backstage getting things set up for the show, and Bobby decides he wants to wrestle twice. Then out of nowhere he pulls a mask, turban, and Syrian flag out of his gear bag and decides to work the second match of the night as a masked heel known as "The Sheik of Syria." Then he pulls out a second mask and turban, and dresses his kid (who was probably eleven or twelve) in that costume and wants him to be billed as "His adviser, The Prince of Syria"


So he comes to the ring in this get up, and the crowd starts chanting USA, at which he point he forces me to get on the microphone and tell the crowd that if they don't stop chanting USA, he will raise the price of Gas to 7 bucks a gallon for regular. He then laid out a prayer mat and began praising Allah, before wrestling a ten minute match that was mostly him choking, or playing hide the foreign object with the referee, before finishing it with a Camel Clutch, as his son stood outside the ring in a mask and waved the Syrian flag.




and for anyone wondering, here is Bobby these days....




I was cracking up so hard reading this.

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was Dusty Rhodes still doing commentary on the B weekend shows when Russo arrived in WCW? I can swear he was doing worldwide around fall 99 when Russo came in. I have this recollection of a video package of the Steve Williams v the Misfits feud that was going on and Dusty blurting out "Jerry Only Babyyy!" and I could not stop laughing

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Re: Hero maximising his potential as a wrestler, there's no way he'll get another chance in WWE at age 34, with or without the gut. Can't really blame him for letting himself go a bit, as having your wrestling dreams crushed is a bitter pill to swallow.


So he just burned every bridge there? :/

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