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Reigns is more over. Cena is. Ziggler could be argued either way. Uso's are close.


I'm not a huge Ambrose booster, but I don't think any of this is true. Just listening to the crowd reactions it's easy to hear that Ambrose is getting the loudest and longest reactions in the company right now, much more than any of those guys.

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But for whatever reason, Ambrose's matches have had quiet crowds since his face turn. The end of his match with Cesaro picked them up, and I know it's a small sample size, but Reigns and Cena both get way better crowd reactions during their matches and hell, again for whatever reason, Ziggler always gets great crowd reactions during his matches.

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Ambrose still wrestles more like a heel than he should. That match with Orton a few weeks ago was really awkward for me to watch. Each wrestler was playing the wrong character. All of Ambrose' offense was perfect for a heel.

Not sure I follow, all of Dean's matches have been built on heels targeting his injuries.

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At this point Sheamus is one of only a handful of guys I want to see work with Brock, but they're so terrible at booking him that I know it'll never happen.

As soon as Brock retired and people started talking about him coming back to WWE I said that he should be used to put over Sheamus after beating Cena. I don't think they see Sheamus at that level any more though.

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Sheamus is in this weird bubble where he's protected like he's a main eventer, but isn't actually treated as such when it comes to who he's programmed with and how it plays out. I guess he's just being kept on ice in case there's a series of injuries to Cena, Orton, etc. and they need him to step up.

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I see people saying Reigns is more over than Ambrose and citing lack of heat during Ambrose matches as proof. Can someone please show me a Reigns match not involving Cena or the rest of the Shield where he has sustained heat during the match itself? I remember a throwaway Reigns/Wyatt match during the Shield/Wyatts feud where the crowd was surprisingly dead. Seems to me the only time Reigns is getting huge pops are when his music hits or when he's hitting his spots during tag matches in which the other guys have worked to put the heat on him. I have yet to see a Reigns singles match where the crowd is really into everything.

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Regarding this Rusev push... man, I hate undefeated streaks. It seems the longer you stretch them and put focus on them, the harder is for the wrestler to bounce back after he loses. And it seems people tend to be completely lost on how to book undefeated guys after they get that first L (Ryback comes to mind).


I like Rusev, I think he has made improvements since debuting and could be a very nice "monster" on the roster. But I dread the thought of him losing to Cena or whomever and them being completely lost in shuffle, ending up like Koslov or something like that.


Has there ever been a case of a dominant wrestler being able to overcome losing a hyped streak? (Kurt Angle wouldn't qualify)

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Regarding this Rusev push... man, I hate undefeated streaks. It seems the longer you stretch them and put focus on them, the harder is for the wrestler to bounce back after he loses. And it seems people tend to be completely lost on how to book undefeated guys after they get that first L (Ryback comes to mind).


I like Rusev, I think he has made improvements since debuting and could be a very nice "monster" on the roster. But I dread the thought of him losing to Cena or whomever and them being completely lost in shuffle, ending up like Koslov or something like that.


Has there ever been a case of a dominant wrestler being able to overcome losing a hyped streak? (Kurt Angle wouldn't qualify)


Listen to the podcast I did with Dylan on some plans for Rusev. Plus, Dylan has a detailed post on how to get Rusev back in action and revitalize Ryback...



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I'd have Rusev's first lost come at his own hands: just have him beat the slop outta someone with a chair, or refusing to release the Accolade or something. That way he gets an L to end the streak but still looks strong. Then Lana can cut a promo about how only stupid Americans care about Streaks and they care about results or something.

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I see people saying Reigns is more over than Ambrose and citing lack of heat during Ambrose matches as proof. Can someone please show me a Reigns match not involving Cena or the rest of the Shield where he has sustained heat during the match itself? I remember a throwaway Reigns/Wyatt match during the Shield/Wyatts feud where the crowd was surprisingly dead. Seems to me the only time Reigns is getting huge pops are when his music hits or when he's hitting his spots during tag matches in which the other guys have worked to put the heat on him. I have yet to see a Reigns singles match where the crowd is really into everything.


Meltzer was talking about Reigns on the last audio show and pretty much echoed my thoughts. Something isn't clicking, something is missing, he doesn't seem quite ready, and it feels a bit forced. The crowds seem somewhat aware of this, and I think there's a big risk that if they shove him down the audience's throat there could be a backlash against him and the push. It hasn't felt organic. Not like we haven't seen that happen many times over with WWE's handpicked guys.


Reigns has the look, he has the cool crowd popping spots, he's got charisma......but he feels to me like a work in progress that WWE has chosen to be the next guy rather than the crowd choosing him. He doesn't have the experience working singles matches yet to be rushed into this spot, and his promos need work too. There's a huge difference between being protected as part of The Shield and having to go out and carry promo segments and main event level matches. I like Reigns, but I've been lukewarm towards him since he's gone single, and I haven't loved the way they've booked him. Meltzer used the term "photo finish" as to if he gets all the way there by WM where the expectation is he main events with Brock.....and I have to agree

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Regarding this Rusev push... man, I hate undefeated streaks. It seems the longer you stretch them and put focus on them, the harder is for the wrestler to bounce back after he loses. And it seems people tend to be completely lost on how to book undefeated guys after they get that first L (Ryback comes to mind).


I like Rusev, I think he has made improvements since debuting and could be a very nice "monster" on the roster. But I dread the thought of him losing to Cena or whomever and them being completely lost in shuffle, ending up like Koslov or something like that.


Has there ever been a case of a dominant wrestler being able to overcome losing a hyped streak? (Kurt Angle wouldn't qualify)


Listen to the podcast I did with Dylan on some plans for Rusev. Plus, Dylan has a detailed post on how to get Rusev back in action and revitalize Ryback...





Yeah. Listened yesterday and LOVED the Ryback idea, I was hyped while listening. But sadly I don't see them ever doing something like that, even though is simple and so effective.



That's why I'm asking for past examples, had forgotten about Umaga tbh. Was the Hardy feud before or after the Cena feud?



I'd have Rusev's first lost come at his own hands: just have him beat the slop outta someone with a chair, or refusing to release the Accolade or something. That way he gets an L to end the streak but still looks strong. Then Lana can cut a promo about how only stupid Americans care about Streaks and they care about results or something.


Sounds good to me. Although not as glorious as Ryback as Lex Luger 2.0, this idea seems more realistic and gets the job done.

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RE: Reigns.


I think he needs a real feud before getting the mega push to the title. Have him face adversity in a "blood feud" against somebody important. That way you test him having singles matches, get more comfortable cutting promos and see if he is still over enough to justify taking the n°1 guy spot.


Now, that takes good booking and that's something we see WWE fail to do over and over again with promising guys. But if there's someone who can have a legit shot to not being mishandled, is Reigns. Hell, The Shield as a whole is still being booked great even after splitting up. I don't know if it's luck or they really are Hunter's pet project but they've been the exception to WWE's booking failures for the past 2 years.

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I honestly find it insane that anyone could watch WWE and come away saying that Ambrose - or anybody right now - is more over than John Cena. Even with his reactions being relatively subdued recently it's not even close.


Russellmaniac, you still appear to be watching the wrong channel. Turn it over and you'll hear the big 'Roman Reigns!' chants he always gets.


But I agree with the majority of cmfunks post in regards to his push. I don't think it'll be as close as a photo finish but it's not nailed on either.

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I'd have Rusev's first lost come at his own hands: just have him beat the slop outta someone with a chair, or refusing to release the Accolade or something. That way he gets an L to end the streak but still looks strong. Then Lana can cut a promo about how only stupid Americans care about Streaks and they care about results or something.


They're already almost halfway there on this -- Rusev actually took his first (?) loss via DQ in a rematch against Jack Swagger on Main Event last night, after hitting Swagger with the flag on the outside to try and break out of the ankle lock. (Yes, they did book a PPV rematch on Main Event, just days after the PPV.) After the match, Rusev ended up looking surprisingly weak, with Swagger standing tall in the ring with the American flag to foreshadow the inevitable flag match at SummerSlam.


Really weird match too, with Rusev selectively selling the ankle injury from Battleground. I think it was Dylan on the P2BN Battleground Podcast that brought up Rusev's struggles to work on top and this match only reinforced that idea, with Rusev struggling to find any offense and then cartoonishly selling his ankle throughout. (Example: stomping Swagger with the bad foot, grabbing said foot in anguish, then proceeding like nothing really happened.)

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My take on Reigns' work in singles matches, which I thought was pretty exposed at Battleground, was that he is a guy that is good at HIS offense (Superman Punch, Dropkicks Around The Ring, even the Spear) but he also seems to hit them in the same sequence and with absolutely no selling of any previous damage and, unfortunately, that means his matches are getting harder and harder for me to really enjoy. I think Orton, Cena, obviously Bryan and Cesaro and Sheamus too, are just so much better (granted, they all have years more experience) at transitioning between spots and pulling them out at different times so that you end up with an actual story in a match. Reigns just seems to do nothing interesting until his opponent, at Battleground it was Cena, tells him, "Okay, now go." Then, he goes through his routine and, at the end of the it, it's done. That style *can* work and has worked for many, but in 2014, it just falls a little flat for me.


For example, you know every Sheamus match is going to have a spot where he gets in those forearms to the chest outside the ropes. You know Cesaro is going to hit his toss-up European uppercut spot. You know Orton will get his elevated DDT thing. You expect to see them and you get them...except when you don't. Or you get them, but the opponent reverses them the first time. Or you get them AS a reversal to an opponent's offense. Or you get them, but because their opponent worked their arm or shoulder, they can't hit them properly. Or, most simple of all, you get them as part of a sequence of utter domination - as part of a shine or heat segment that is not going to segue into the finish at all (see Cena's use of the 5 Knuckle Shuffle in several of his matches in the past few years not against the Rock). Reigns' barrage lacks variety to me, in delivery, sequence, and as to how it fits into a larger story.


That's not to say Reigns can't get better - the dude has tremendous potential. I just don't think he's ready to have to carry main events the same way I don't think Cena or Batista could in 04'. Even in 05', I felt neither guy had particularly great outings. Cena, to me, really began to shine in 06', when he seemed to finally be able to blend his style/spots/pacing with that of Edge, HHH, and RVD, instead of kind of just eating Angle and Jericho's offense for the first two-thirds of a match before going into his finish sequence.

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Ambrose still wrestles more like a heel than he should. That match with Orton a few weeks ago was really awkward for me to watch. Each wrestler was playing the wrong character. All of Ambrose' offense was perfect for a heel.

Not sure I follow, all of Dean's matches have been built on heels targeting his injuries.


My memory might be foggy but from what I remember the match had like zero heat. I'd put the blame more on Orton for that - he didn't even get any heat posing as the first double champion months back. Orton vs. Ambrose just felt like it was wrestled backwards. I'm usually better at putting these things into words. THAT match though...it just felt like they weren't getting anything over.


I haven't seen the match more than once. It isn't really vital to rewatch really...but my initial take on the match was that Ambrose was wrestling with a heel's offense and Orton was looking more sympathetic. It's just one match. My eyes may have been playing a trick on me that night.


Now I need to watch ten hours of lucha and six of michinoku pro or toryumon as penance for putting that much thought into a TV match featuring Randy Orton :D

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Big Show seems to have dropped a significant amount of weight:






That seems to happen when he takes significant time off, only for it to slowly creep back on once he returns. It is amazing though how well he's held up being a giant in the business considering he's a year older than Khali and has spent a large portion of his career being much heavier.

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