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I've enjoyed Rollins as a heel. I think he's done a pretty great job in that character and held his own on the mic. Certainly some guilt by association as far as being dragged down by some poor storylines involving HHH/Steph, but he hasn't devolved into the self-parody that their recent promos have become. His in-ring is probably a better fit as a babyface, but he's integrating J&J, Show and other shortcuts pretty well at this point. If the goal is headlining with the title heel, I don't think he's at all there yet as the presentation is still too dependent on these other characters.


At this point I think they've done more to solidly establish him as a singles act than either Reigns or Ambrose. I know, you can argue that's a backhanded compliment and not a high standard, but its definitely a statement I didn't expect to be making heading into Mania.

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He just has no idea how to work as an actual heel. The Shield masked this, but in the Reigns/Rollins tags, Reigns is clearly the better heel of the two. He sells like Jeff Hardy. His offense is WAY too good for him to try to play chickenshit like Hennig/Michaels. He's an athletic freak. I don't watch him and think "hey, this guy's an asshole" based on what he does in the ring. I think that he's an ubermensch. This is why they gave him Mercury/Noble. Hell, last night they gave him twelve guys to get the heel heat for him.


He's the WWE's AJ Styles, and TNA knew how to use AJ. He just needs to be REALLY GOOD and not go on about it. That's the entire gimmick. "You should like this guy because he's awesome."


But he's Triple H's protege, the best of himself and Shawn all in one, and that means being the insufferable and intelligent heel, even when he constantly betrays this in his work.

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He just has no idea how to work as an actual heel. The Shield masked this, but in the Reigns/Rollins tags, Reigns is clearly the better heel of the two. He sells like Jeff Hardy. His offense is WAY too good for him to try to play chickenshit like Hennig/Michaels. He's an athletic freak. I don't watch him and think "hey, this guy's an asshole" based on what he does in the ring. I think that he's an ubermensch. This is why they gave him Mercury/Noble. Hell, last night they gave him twelve guys to get the heel heat for him.


He's the WWE's AJ Styles, and TNA knew how to use AJ. He just needs to be REALLY GOOD and not go on about it. That's the entire gimmick. "You should like this guy because he's awesome."


But he's Triple H's protege, the best of himself and Shawn all in one, and that means being the insufferable and intelligent heel, even when he constantly betrays this in his work.



Great post!


I think we're looking at something of a conflict in the McMahon, in the sense that Hunter views Rollins as the future, whilst Vince has his heart set on Reigns. To that end, the Reigns love could have been the influence in beginning Rollins' main roster singles run as a heel and not a babyface.

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He just has no idea how to work as an actual heel. The Shield masked this, but in the Reigns/Rollins tags, Reigns is clearly the better heel of the two. He sells like Jeff Hardy. His offense is WAY too good for him to try to play chickenshit like Hennig/Michaels. He's an athletic freak. I don't watch him and think "hey, this guy's an asshole" based on what he does in the ring. I think that he's an ubermensch. This is why they gave him Mercury/Noble. Hell, last night they gave him twelve guys to get the heel heat for him.


He's the WWE's AJ Styles, and TNA knew how to use AJ. He just needs to be REALLY GOOD and not go on about it. That's the entire gimmick. "You should like this guy because he's awesome."


But he's Triple H's protege, the best of himself and Shawn all in one, and that means being the insufferable and intelligent heel, even when he constantly betrays this in his work.


But this is why Rollins as a heel works. He's this amazing young talent who HHH is grooming and corrupting. There's been all kinds of great touches in his booking. The way HHH was in his ear to turn him heel and break up The Shield, after The Shield had wiped the mat with Evolution....the "Plan B". Rollins believing all the bullshit HHH was feeding him. The simmering feud with HHH's former chosen one Orton, and how he's kind of gone from cocky bragging but "yea right bud" to "ok, he's getting a real mean streak and starting to back up a lot of the shit he talks".


I think he's been a great heel, and one of the best and most consistently booked characters in the company. Maybe he could beat anybody on any given night, but he'd rather take shortcuts and think he's outthinking everyone, because he's better and smarter than everyone else. He's a heel! That's what heels do. And he's got real heat and whenever he gets his comeuppance in doses the crowd goes wild for it.


I also thought he was booked great on RAW. I thought shoehorning him into the Lesnar-Cena match was odd, but last night sold me on it and has me really interested. They've also done a really good job mixing Heyman in, and his admiration for and buttering up of Rollins has gone back a ways so they've foreshadowed the idea that Heyman might weasel his way into making Rollins his client....because he knows his meal ticket Brock is getting bored with WWE and he's always looking forward

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I seem to be in the minority but I think Rollins isn't that bad on the mic. He tends to drone on too much but that may be the writing. With Hunter and Stephanie back he's no longer lead heel either so I think that will potentially hurt his heat. I assume he is working Orton at mania so they probably don't have plans to put the title on him in the next few months. Who does he cash in on? If its Bryan that will get him nuclear heat

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The problem with Rollins is that he seems too likable even doing the heel thing,


Don't see this at all - he seems slimy and loathsome to me. He isn't putting in amazing performances, but that is due to the dreadful, regurgative storylines he gets put in and turgid scripts he has to recite.


Whoever is responsible for writing the promos for The Shield has done an utterly terrible job. Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns in particular become more cringeworthy with every monologue. Let them be natural instead if the dreadful attempts at writing humor and exaggerated demeanors they have to put on. There is an argument that neither neither should be talking that much anyway.


The longwinded promos that open Raw every week are among the most repetetive, tedious segments in wrestling history. The same lines and phrases and bullet points getting repeated ad infinitum both week on week and in the same promo. Surely they can try opening the show with a match or a backstage segment or anything that feels propellant and gives the show some forward motion. They want to make unpredictable, must see television and they open every week with virtually the same promo that goes on for what feels like forever.

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He's the WWE's AJ Styles, and TNA knew how to use AJ. He just needs to be REALLY GOOD and not go on about it. That's the entire gimmick. "You should like this guy because he's awesome."


WWE already have someone like that in Dolph Ziggler and have zero idea how to push him. He is a jobber one week, a plucky underdog the next, a crazy show stealer the next.




He also has yet to have a really strong match as a heel.


The match with John Cena at TLC was superb, the best clusterfuck overbooked main event garbage match they have ran in years.

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Rollins/Reigns cant be any worse than Cena/Miz in a World title match in the main event of a Wrestlemania.


The difference was, they had the carrot of The Rock to stop the fans shitting on it. The match was simply a vehicle for setting up the main event the next year. Pretty amazing that the main event of Wrestlemania can be reduced to setting up a later match, but the numbers and interest for Rock/Cena justified it.

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My casual fan friends hate Seth as they think he is a total douchebag who just won't quit talking.


So then he must be doing good?


I think part of the problem is folks forgetting heels are (or at least were) supposed to be unlikable, and when someone does that now it's seen as a turnoff. I think it's another log for the idea that the Attitude Era killed wrestling by making it so all heels have to be cool.

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I think it all would have been better if Roman Reigns turned on Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins instead of Seth turning on Dean & Roman.


If Roman was the top, hand picked heel for the Authority, he would have The Authority to talk for him & he wouldn't have to cut promos that are supposed to be funny. Plus his somewhat limited moveset could be protected by the constant interference from The Authority.


Seth could be the Jeff Hardy babyface with the flashy offense. Like Loss said. Then when he's doing babyface offense, at least it would make sense.


I feel like Triple H is trying to make Seth into the new Triple H and it just doesn't fit, for me. He's just going to keep shoving him out there, even if the crowd doesn't accept it.

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Rollins/Reigns cant be any worse than Cena/Miz in a World title match in the main event of a Wrestlemania.


The difference was, they had the carrot of The Rock to stop the fans shitting on it. The match was simply a vehicle for setting up the main event the next year. Pretty amazing that the main event of Wrestlemania can be reduced to setting up a later match, but the numbers and interest for Rock/Cena justified it.



You know, they wanted to do HHH in someone's corner vs. Vince in someone's corner for control of WWE last year, then changed plans. Then several months ago Meltzer casually mentioned that that idea might be back in play for this next WM. Reigns w/ Vince vs. Seth w/ HHH and making it totally over the top Attitude throwback with all sorts of run ins and chaos might work. But, if HHH is wrestling Sting, you can't really do that. So put Steph in Seth's corner. I've noticed a bit more affection between them since Seth brought them back.....and HHH was yelling "NO!" when Seth was thinking about curbstomping Brock and Steph was yelling "DO IT!"....and Steph seemed way more pleased than HHH at the end of the show. That could totally work if they wanted to go that direction.


The thing with this Mania is I feel like they could do a 4 man or a 6 pack challenge or a mini tournament with all the guys they have in the top mix now and no clear frontrunners. Every scenario I come up with seems to be leaving at least one guy out in the cold. If they did Reigns vs. Rollins and Bryan vs. Brock where would that leave Cena, Orton and Ambrose? Part of the problem is other than Brock and Rollins they have no top heels. Rusev I guess.....but after those 3.....Miz? Big Show and Kane are top heels.....but they're Big Show and Kane

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My casual fan friends hate Seth as they think he is a total douchebag who just won't quit talking.


So then he must be doing good?


I think part of the problem is folks forgetting heels are (or at least were) supposed to be unlikable, and when someone does that now it's seen as a turnoff. I think it's another log for the idea that the Attitude Era killed wrestling by making it so all heels have to be cool.



Maybe but there is a difference between having real heat or channel changing heat. Some of these guys also think Roman Reigns is the best thing going right now.

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So it looks like they can't show Main Event since the deal for the UK WWE Network gives Sky exclusive rights, so either they have to work something out or create an entirely separate network just for the UK. Just when you think they can't bungle this any more.

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Are they excited about Daniel Bryan's return? Do they care about Rusev, Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt?


Definitely on Bryan.....they dig Ambrose & Rusev but Wyatt is not over.....one guy's girlfriend quit watching because of him because she said he was too demonic

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It is amazing just how many causal fans absolutely love Bryan. All my friends here are huge fans of him. Not bad for a B+ goatface.


My cousin - who is super casual - loves Roman Reigns and the Superman Punch, and hates Bryan because he looks like an "ugly troll." So, Reigns does have his fans, but I still think WWE would be making a huge mistake pushing him over Bryan. I don't see the harm in giving Reigns another year. It's not like he's bursting with such momentum that they have to strike right this moment or risk cooling him down. He's not quite hot enough for that yet.

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Well it is worse because it doesn't have Cena in it and neither guy is near as hot as Miz was then.


I wouldnt say he was hot. His reign was pretty dull.


When you think of Wrestlemania you think the biggest PPV of the year and when you think the WWE Title match you expect the main event to be top notch especially if its the last match going on. It just seemed terrible doing a double countout and then Rock just restarting the match so he can Rock Bottom Cena and cost him the match because Miz just covered after and then got beat up by Rock.


Yeah I know it was Payback for what happened on Raw weeks previous & to add Cena/Rock for the following mania but they should have had a clear cut winner in the match either Cena by pin or a sneeky rollup by Miz. Rock's my guy but I was less that impressed by how the ending of the show went. I think I would have preferred Cena to win cleanly and then as he celebrates with Rock he eats a Rock Bottom.

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It is amazing just how many causal fans absolutely love Bryan. All my friends here are huge fans of him. Not bad for a B+ goatface.


My cousin - who is super casual - loves Roman Reigns and the Superman Punch, and hates Bryan because he looks like an "ugly troll." So, Reigns does have his fans, but I still think WWE would be making a huge mistake pushing him over Bryan. I don't see the harm in giving Reigns another year. It's not like he's bursting with such momentum that they have to strike right this moment or risk cooling him down. He's not quite hot enough for that yet.



My wife is super casual and adores Daniel Bryan. She has never seen his ROH work, never watched his KENTA stuff, only knows him from WWE when she sits down to watch and goes bonkers when he's out. She also likes Reigns too but if push comes to shove she goes with Bryan.


All of this that follows is going to be pure conjecture but I'm of the opinion that if Bryan can win over someone like my wife who knows fuck and all about pro wrestling as a whole he can be that top guy. I am also of the opinion that Reigns needs to simmer for another year, work some longer matches then re-evaluate (getting better promo material would also be hugely beneficial but that's not going to happen with Vince). I know they want to strap the rocket on him and go to the moon but I think the blowback in doing so would be much worse than when they tried to do it with The Rock starting out...

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