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I know it'll never happen, but part of me wishes they'd have Harper win the battle royal and then immediately be Reigns' first challenger for the belt at Extreme Rules. If the plan is for Reigns to demolish a monster in his first title defense/feud, as has been rumored to happen with Big Show, then give me Harper instead. He looks intimidating, he's solid in-ring, and he already has pseudo-ties with the Authority. Storyline-wise, you use him just like I think they'll use Show - as a guy being "used" by the Authority to weaken Reigns so that Rollins can swoop in to take the title. Harper is a bajillion times fresher than Show, even if he hasn't been booked well (or at all?) since December, but has the size to be a believable challenger for any champion as long as you give him a tad bit of juice.


edit - Whoops, Harper is the ladder match. Never mind.

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Watching RAW on Hulu:


- I love that J and J are the only ones who know Orton is gonna fuck them over. Noble is gold.

- Big Show's goatee = someone realized "No play for Mr. Grey"

- Truth is a blast on commentary. Man, Cole just coming off all wet blanket with his "Dekembe reference is dated" joke killer. Nice quick little Bryan/ Barrett match. I wanna see them have a longer one.

- I gotta pick up that WWE/ Flintstones DVD for my nephew.

- I hope they keep Truth on TV after Mania, I've always dug him.

- Jesus , I needed half a box of tissues during the Connor segment. I couldn't care less that they took The Homophobic Warrior's original idea and did this with it.

- Hah, nephew just walked in, saw Brock on TV, and said "Oh....that's the monster." 😀

- Ok, I've been reading people going on about how Heyman's promo was racist. Ehhhh....saying "one generation away from cannibal" is dopey but I don't know. Bad guys say bad things. I do want to see the payoff to who's turning off his mic. I'm hoping it's Vince in full "Hidden Power" face.


-I love Trash talking Big Show, "STOP CHANTING THAT STUPID STUFF!"


-The Sting voice is goofy. I do love that they made it clear that Sting wants HHH because HHH represents the type of people who "killed WCW", especially considering Hall and Nash are HHH's pals. But that voice thing, Oy vey.


-Cena/ Rusev is great shit. Agreed that it's the best thing going leading into Mania. And it's my favorite WWE program in awhile.


-Axelmania rules. I hope he wins the Andre Battle Royal.


- Rollins' whole "Why would Randy explain his plan to my face?" bit tells me he's never seen a Bond movie.


- Fuck the haters, I love Bray Wyatt and I'm digging this. When I was in my early twenties I hated Taker and all this kind of stuff but now I love it. I marked for the gong. And I like how there is a logical reason for Wyatt to want to beat Taker. And apparently Taker hates rocking chairs.


-Did they censor Orton's double bird on the live RAW? Cause they showed a shot on Hulu with his hands out of frame.

- I'm digging the Orton beatdown on Rollins. "How stupid are you?" "Take a picture!"


I guess the Hulu show left out Wiz K. I can't stand his music but I guess there was a fun Mizdow bit I missed.


Based on the 90 minutes I saw this was basically a studio show that was angle heavy and in ring wrestling light. Worked for 90 minutes but I don't think three hours of that would have been something I'd have dug.

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Also, WWE totally missed the point of what Warrior wanted from putting his name to an award... I don't deny though that it's cool what they are doing with it though, especially given how many lives Connor Michalek touched (and just how brave must that little boy have really been right?!), it's just that they completely missed the point, deliberately or not, of what Warrior had in mind!


Actually, can anybody think of any names in the business itself that might be worthy of consideration for future "Warrior awards"?

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Jim Johnson would be a pretty easy choice for a Warrior award. I wish they'd honored Warrior's wish for his award but created a Crusher Award for Connor. Both are well-intentioned and sweet ideas. I just wish they'd seperated it.

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I remember reading somewhere that Jim Johnson is extremely reluctant to do anything on camera, some kind of stage fright/camera shy thing so I would think he'd be uncomfortable getting an award like that. I agree it's well deserved though. So many classic themes that really set the stage for a lot of guys. Something like theme music doesn't seem important at first but the right theme is like the icing on the cake to a great gimmick.

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WWE has signed Michelle Wilson, George Barrios and Kevin Dunn, the three-leading people in the company not part of the McMahon family, to new deals that will give each of them 174,095 shares of stock (worth close to $3 million) based on if the company meets financial goals, provided they stay through July 2018. The plan also gives all three a one-year non-compete in their contracts if they leave the company.




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Edit: stupid phone glitching out on mobile version of the site. This was what I meant to post:


This is probably what WWE's reaction to those on the Internet decrying reupping the contracts of those three higher ups:




BTW, isn't Barrios the person they were trying to make the scapegoat for the Network not meeting initial subscriber expectations?

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I remember reading somewhere that Jim Johnson is extremely reluctant to do anything on camera, some kind of stage fright/camera shy thing so I would think he'd be uncomfortable getting an award like that. I agree it's well deserved though. So many classic themes that really set the stage for a lot of guys. Something like theme music doesn't seem important at first but the right theme is like the icing on the cake to a great gimmick.


He was in "Beyond the Mat."

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They weathered the worst of the Cena backlash years ago. "Let's go Cena/Cena sucks" is a fun staple of going to shows now. They'll be chanting it at his Hall of Fame induction with no malice intended whatsoever. I think the only people left on the "You can't wrestle" bandwagon are the same ones still calling for a return to the attitude era, i.e. dummies.

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No one cares about anything anymore, mainly?


Also, at the Rumble, I thought Rusev was going to be super over just because I'm so used to here and DVDVR and it was such a smart crowd, but it was Wreddit/wrestlezone smart, not here/DVDVR smart, so if Henry had come out, he would have gotten boo'd huge for being slow and fat and not doing Phoenix Splashes or whatever, and Rusev maybe had bits of support but he was anti-american enough to be boo'ed a lot. It's harder to boo Cena against him than most guys.

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I noticed a few times lately that the Cena backlash has cooled off to a certain degree. Is that possibly because people realize that he's no longer being pushed as the top star of the company?


Yep. Actually, I think a couple months ago when he was still being pushed as the guy it was as bad as it ever was and was starting to get worse. It felt like EVERYONE had soured on him. But this Rusev feud is exactly where I think he needs to be right now. Part of a big angle outside of the main event that doesn't take precedence over the main event. I'm sure if he goes over Rusev at Wrestlemania the crowd on the next RAW will be right back to shitting on him though. Maybe if Rusev goes over the crowd will cut him some slack.

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I watched Raw on DVR today which allowed me to get through it in roughly 90 minutes or so. Loved Heyman. Cena/Rusev build was interesting. The layout this week would suggest a Rusev win, but I won't believe that until I see it. Bray is always fast forward material, which is much appreciated on tape. Problem is that the main event, and really nothing at this point, feels like Wrestlemania. Maybe a regular PPV, maybe a Summerslam, but not the super bowl. If its what's needed to get Reigns over and move the chain forward, that's great, but not feeling it now. Let's hope for a new leaf after the show.

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