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Shoots Review and Preview thread


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Guest Eduardo James

Watched an old Eddie Guerrero shoot from after he was released initially. A very humble guy who owned up to his mistakes and then some. It's awesome he was able to accomplish pretty much everything he said he wanted to do in the shoot and it's a little amusing to hear Vickie's name mentioned given how prominent she's been the past 9 years.

Almost 9 years, sheesh...

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Watched the Shane Douglas Breaking Kayfabe yesterday. Really liked it for the most part, although I'll caveat that I'm someone who could listen to that guy read the phone book and enjoy it.


What I thought was really nice were the discussions of personal stories that weren't necessarily wrestling related.This was the first Breaking Kayfabe I'd seen, but I thought it was refreshing to get away from simply telling wrestling stories. Had avoided the other ones because I didn't need more drug stories, but if anyone recommends others, I'm inclined to check them out.

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According to MVP on JR's podcast, Benoit used to do a lot of ecstasy in WCW.

The more I hear about Benoit, the more he seems like a total jackass. It's amazing this stuff was hidden for so many years.

It just seemed strange that JR was head of talent for so long and thought Chris was completely straight. MVP brought this up like yeah, this is common knowledge JR...

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Guest Eduardo James

Haven't listened to the podcast so feel free to point out if I'm missing something/wrong, but I'm sure JR was aware of a lot of stuff and saying or admitting outright there was rampant drug use during your tenure as HoTR doesn't paint a great picture. Remember when people used to joke about JR being a surly old guy because he used to bitch about talent playing video games and some years later Meltzer said it was code for stuff like cocaine parties?

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I wonder how much of that is actually true. I DO know that Shelton Benjamin used to bring I think it was a PS2 into the locker room play video games all the time until they banned them from being able to. He was well known as the gamer, didn't he always win the tournament for whatever the new game was at WM Axess every year?

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Watched the Breaking Kayfabe with Cornette. The first hour was kind of monotonous as it was all about Russo & TNA with a lot that had been covered before. Then it was nearly 2 hours detailing (and I do mean detailing) his latest stint with ROH, from helping to get Sinclair to buy them all the way thru his last week there. He got so wound up & cut such scathing promos on the front office there, that Sean Oliver I think felt scared & thought he was mad at HIM. For a hardcore ROH fan though this is pretty much must-see to understand all that went on backstage there & who's fault it was. I can't help but wonder what may have changed since he left as ROH seems to be in a much better place now and willing to do more things that he tried to get them to do while he was there.

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Watched the Breaking Kayfabe with Cornette. The first hour was kind of monotonous as it was all about Russo & TNA with a lot that had been covered before. Then it was nearly 2 hours detailing (and I do mean detailing) his latest stint with ROH, from helping to get Sinclair to buy them all the way thru his last week there. He got so wound up & cut such scathing promos on the front office there, that Sean Oliver I think felt scared & thought he was mad at HIM. For a hardcore ROH fan though this is pretty much must-see to understand all that went on backstage there & who's fault it was. I can't help but wonder what may have changed since he left as ROH seems to be in a much better place now and willing to do more things that he tried to get them to do while he was there.

Probably personal aversion to Jim Cornette making people not want to do the things he was suggesting. And then after he's gone someone can suggest the same thing and it's a new idea.

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Watched the Breaking Kayfabe with Cornette. The first hour was kind of monotonous as it was all about Russo & TNA with a lot that had been covered before. Then it was nearly 2 hours detailing (and I do mean detailing) his latest stint with ROH, from helping to get Sinclair to buy them all the way thru his last week there. He got so wound up & cut such scathing promos on the front office there, that Sean Oliver I think felt scared & thought he was mad at HIM. For a hardcore ROH fan though this is pretty much must-see to understand all that went on backstage there & who's fault it was. I can't help but wonder what may have changed since he left as ROH seems to be in a much better place now and willing to do more things that he tried to get them to do while he was there.


I liked the shoot quite a bit but he was full of shit when he was insisting that the booking was fine. All of the shit he said was a big problem but the booking was just as much a part of the problem as backstage stuff that didn't effect the on air product. The faux MMA shit, refusing to turn Steen face, not putting the belt on Elgin when he had a ton of momentum and not using Rhino. His view on comedy talent is also insanely off base.

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I got the Crockett History thing with Jim Cornette yesterday. I'm only about 20 minutes in but so far it's interesting. He gets to play the historian and talk about stuff he likes so there's minimal ranting thus far. My biggest complaint is you can't fucking hear the guy asking him questions at all.

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Watched the Shane Douglas Breaking Kayfabe yesterday. Really liked it for the most part, although I'll caveat that I'm someone who could listen to that guy read the phone book and enjoy it.


What I thought was really nice were the discussions of personal stories that weren't necessarily wrestling related.This was the first Breaking Kayfabe I'd seen, but I thought it was refreshing to get away from simply telling wrestling stories. Had avoided the other ones because I didn't need more drug stories, but if anyone recommends others, I'm inclined to check them out.


Two words : Lanny Poffo.


Avoid Jannetty's and Sunny's at all cost though.

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The Justin Credible ECW Timeline is, to use a Cornette term, plain as toast. You'd think that there would be all kinds of good stories from Justin about how shitty the morale was with them not being paid, or how horrible the company was being run. But, if those stories are out there, then Justin isn't telling them. His only story about the PPV where XPW tried to run in on them was that he was wrestling Dreamer and Dreamer just said to him "Francine is fighting with a fan."

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Remember when people used to joke about JR being a surly old guy because he used to bitch about talent playing video games and some years later Meltzer said it was code for stuff like cocaine parties?


Holy shit, I never knew that, that's outstanding.



Drug testing was only done at TV's. So Tuesday's, after the Smackdown tapings was coke night, as everyone would have enough time to get it out of their systems before Raw.

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Flair has been pretty open about not being into that stuff due to his upbringing, just alcohol. Wouldn't surprise me if he did but you don't hear any Flair coke stories.


The big time video game players back in the day were Shelton, DLo, Stevie, Kane and Booker. Not really seeing it.

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The Justin Credible ECW Timeline is, to use a Cornette term, plain as toast. You'd think that there would be all kinds of good stories from Justin about how shitty the morale was with them not being paid, or how horrible the company was being run. But, if those stories are out there, then Justin isn't telling them. His only story about the PPV where XPW tried to run in on them was that he was wrestling Dreamer and Dreamer just said to him "Francine is fighting with a fan."


I dunno, I thought Credible came off like he usually does, as a nice, humble and down to earth guy. Probably too laid-back to get too much dirt, but it wasn't boring nor dry like some recent ones have been (Vader and Windham's for instance, both huge disapointments). Or course KC should have tried to get Corino who's hilarious and a great storyteller, but it was fine I thought. Nothing earth-shattering of course. What amazes me the most is that Justin is still only 39. I mean, that guy was a kid back then, which I truly never realized.

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Guest Eduardo James

Credible was kind of the wrong guy to use. He was just really happy going from Aldo Montoya to being world champion of the 3rd biggest promotion in the company as he said and had the rose tinted glasses on. Still think his ring name ranks among Terra Ryzing, Hugh Morrus/Hugh G. Rection and "Total" Lee Awesome as the most groan inducing play on word names ever.

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