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The booking of Daniel Bryan going forward


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This is really making me take pause in actually buying tickets. Another 3-way sounds like a really bad thing to do at this point. The only thing that would make me go is the ability to see Brock/Bryan live but having Reigns anywhere near it would make me watch it from the couch instead.


It does sound like it, but the more I think about it, the more I think it's a good idea. Basically, Brock doesn't have to lose, neither Bryan nor Reigns are in need of the rub or deserving of the rub respectively that comes with being the one to end Brock's undefeated reign of terror. I still think Reigns is winning the match, probably by pinning Bryan and if isn't via a heel turn, then Rollins is probably leaving Mania as champion.

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At this point it's a mistake to put Bryan in the main event. What they should do is turn Reigns and Brock respectively, and move Bryan over to Rusev, with Rusev beating Cena clean and decisively at Fast Lane. Of course than the problem becomes what to do with Cena, but of all the parties in question he's the one that least needs a hot feud or opponent.

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Really, what it means is that they're going to have this problem from now on until they blatantly go against what the fans want in the face of this for long enough to teach the fans, once again, that they're not in control.


My gut says that they're making the monster work and Vince just doesn't get that there's no appeasement anymore.


I don't know whether I want to make a "terrorists win" analogy or a Chamberlain reference. I'll just leave it for people to decide on their own.

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Like I said on Twitter this is all appeasement to quiet the Bryan fans while still having Reigns going over Brock to get to their endgame


I kinda see the logic of putting Bryan in the title match so fans can stop bitching, that way they can have a build up for Reigns without a very vocal part of the crowd completely shitting on it. BUT, making the main event a triple threat will not stop the boos once Reigns wins at WM so it's still kinda pointless. That hardcore crowd will be hostile to anything that ends up with Roman winning the belt.


There's not much to gain from making it a Triple Threat, fans will still bitch online because "it's obvious Reigns is winning anyway" and TV crowds will still give Roman mixed reactions (depending on where they are taping the show) regardless of Bryan being involved in the title match or not.



If they want to put Roman over, just make it a singles match and put him over DB at Fast Lane.


If they really changed plans and want Bryan to win the belt again, make it a singles match as it will be a better match, a more powerful moment and you can play with Reigns character after losing his Rumble title shot at FL.


If they reached and agreement with Brock and want him to keep the belt, make it a singles match and build from there.

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Once you've established the precedent that fans revolting can force you to change the direction of your booking, thinking that token half measures will appease them is sheer lunacy.

this is a ludicrous statement. This whole business for decades has been predicated on the idea that booking is directly influenced by fan response.

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So, two years in a row the company rejects Bryan and the crowd tells them what they want and he is added in a three-way at Mania. How fucking stupid is this compnay?

A shade smarter than the people that keep giving them money.


Too bad it's a lot less money then they have got in the past. Don't try to delude yourself into thinking this company is doing good things, because they are profitable.


They have a great business model and a loyal fanbase. The loyal fanbase just happens to be a lot lower than the fanbase they have had in the past.

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At this point it's a mistake to put Bryan in the main event. What they should do is turn Reigns and Brock respectively, and move Bryan over to Rusev, with Rusev beating Cena clean and decisively at Fast Lane. Of course than the problem becomes what to do with Cena, but of all the parties in question he's the one that least needs a hot feud or opponent.

I know quite a few people who's first live wrestling show will be Wrestlemania and no doubt that John Cena is the person they all want to see. The women, specifically, only really know the wrestlers from Total Divas and view John as THE superstar. I think a lot people who buy a ticket or purchase the show, hardcores notwithstanding, will want to see him in a big time match.

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The difference, very much, is that the traditional sheet fan has gone from a minority, to a vocal minority, to a vocal minority who can strongly influence a crowd, in part due to the product being forced to aim towards a more niche product and the big shows like the Rumble and Mania being bought up by a lot of people willing to spend cash and travel as the real diehards.

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My guess is that they want to put Bryan and Reigns out there next to each other for several weeks in order to test whether fans REALLY want Bryan instead of Reigns. Which is honestly not the worst idea. Take a longer sample of fan reactions and see what you get.

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