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Wrestling Fan New Years Resolutions For 2016


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1. Continue to go to the same amount of shows as I did this year. By my count, I went to about 30(NXT, Evolve, Local indies). I'd like to travel more like to Tampa and the Georgia indies that are red hot these days.

2. See Jimmy Rave live at least once. He's one of the best guys out there today and I hope he wrestles in Florida sometime.

3. Branch out of my comfort zone for the GWE. I've watched a lot of lucha and US styles. I kinda want to try and get into more British wrestling and Puro.

4. Cut down on my WWE main roster watching. I went a week during Christmas not watching anything at all. I didn't really miss it all that much. I hardly watch SD anymore and Raw is background noise these days.

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1. Finish the Mid-South set that I got about a month ago.


2. Work my way through the mid-90's of All Japan up through about 2000.


3. Introduce myself to at least one promotion or style I haven't delved into at all.


4. Attend a live wrestling event.


5. Submit a GWE ballot.


6. Start posting and discussing more.

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1. Try to attend 25 shows this year. I had the same goal for 2015, but a combination of my favourite indie stopping running (knocking a guaranteed 6 shows off my total) and clashes with other events saw me end up around the 20 mark. Going to have to hit up a few more "Friday night trainees in a Nottingham WMC" type shows


2. Write more. Last year was the most content I've put on my blog, so I'd like to keep the momentum going


3. Linked to the above, I want to up the pace on my watching 1992 WCW and 1994 Raws. I've also got a CHIKARA subscription, so I'm going to work through those from the beginning

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1.) Write more about wrestling, I love writing about wrestling but I do not need to burn myself out this coming up year (I reviewing all of BOSJ this past year, that did it).


2.) Watch more wrestling. I watched a ton of stuff in 2015, hope it continues in 2016.


3.) Making my huge wrestling list an easy to read thing so it is actually helpful this year.


4.) More podcast appearances.

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1. Keep up with the current scene. That doesn't mean watch every show in full, but it does mean try to at least catch whatever matches get buzz pretty quickly, even if it's after the fact.


2. Go all in on Wrestling 365.


3. Finally start the Wrestling In The 90s podcast.


4. Write some stuff.

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1. Watch 80s Ric Flair. I haven't done this seriously in years. Its time to reconnect. This is a bit of a cheat as I confirmed the request with Jewish Santa and have quite a bit of it on the way.


2. Convince my friend in Dallas to go to Mania if I feel like spending travel money, or convince another friend to come watch it here. Its our Super Bowl and none of my friends are into wrestling. Someone will have to suck it up and join me.


3. Write my GWE ballot in pencil, on carbon paper and revisit it at least once later in the year after ticking through some older material.


4. Get to the Garden or Barclays for a show this year. Its a few minutes on the train so no excuse. Will owe the wife a musical or something. Glad I didn't go to the Christmas show though.


5. Post more about what I watch. Made great headway in the '92 MDA and stopped midway through '93 even though I'm now near the end of '94. Must correct this.


6. Not be overwhelmed by what's on the to-watch list. Will get there eventually and nothing wrong with having things to look forward to.


Happy New Year, mf'ers.

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I've already begun the process to redistribute funds so I can sign up for services like NWA Classics, and will continue to trawl the intertubes to find more channels that offer full years (or close to it) of territories I've either never seen or haven't for a while . Once I get done with my current 82-83 Mid South run I think 70s-80s Memphis will be next.

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Watch more Lucha.


Keep up with NJPW .


Catch up with Lucha Underground and Progress Wrestling

I am moving to North Carolina this summer so I want to find some Indie wrestling in the region.


Finish my dissertation by the ROH 14th Anniversary show so I can enjoy the show free of immediate professional responsibility and spend the last month of the GWE project binge watching wresting.

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My main focus once again will be my 5 year journey through the 90's. It's scheduled to finish in Feb 2017. So the way it's looking at the moment keeping it under 6 years is a more realistic goal.


- Finish watching the 1994 Yearbook and the large amount of supplemental footage I've got lined up from that year. Come up with a top 100 matches list.


- Do the same with either 1995 or 1997. 95 might seem more logical but 97 is more likely. Hour long draws are really imposing.


- Continue watching any interesting looking unseen footage from the rest of the 90's.


- Watch Shimmer Vols 54-62, or more if possible.


- FF through a 32nd year of WWE PPV's because I've seen them all to date.


- Continue to post reviews and comments here. Venture into the Supplemental Viewing categories that I've been deliberately avoiding.


- If the NWA 80's set gets released this year I'm all in for that.

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