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Reactions to the Honorable Mention List Part One


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I'm now convinced that one or two trolls made joke ballots to make fun of us "stupid wrestling fans that don't know it's fake!" HTM is not the 49th best at anything.

I take umbrage with your comment, sir. Honky Tonk getting destroyed by Ultimate Warrior is easily one of the top 50 greatest squashes of all time. Most likely top 10, if not top 5.

Including that botched spot where he has to move into position to take the big splash, 'cause one of them fucked up their placement... I love that stupid match, but 49 people might have been better at taking that completely uncontrolled and uncoordinated beating :-)

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Yeah, I thought people were much higher on Mistico too. This list might be quite influential when pwo members want to check out new stuff. I haven't seen much Mistico, and was considering giving him a closer look, but I'm pretty sure there's gonna be blank spots for me that will be ranked higher now, so they might move ahead of him on my "to watch list"...

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I liked this Mistico match a lot when I watched it over the weekend but it's pretty much the only Mistico match I've seen (outside of the Sin Cara run) as I've watched way more 80s/90s Lucha than the more modern stuff.


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Koki Kitahara's ability to transcend wrestling should count for something. I guess only one person watches Walking Dead.



That's excactly the one I meant! Spitting image that one :-)


Ahhh... shit. I skimmed for the joke first and just missed it. Beat me to it... ohhh well, that joke has legs for a bit.

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Koki Kitahara's ability to transcend wrestling should count for something. I guess only one person watches Walking Dead.



That's excactly the one I meant! Spitting image that one :-)

Ahhh... shit. I skimmed for the joke first and just missed it. Beat me to it... ohhh well, that joke has legs for a bit.

I laughed even harder when you posted the picture, than when I first thought of it, so it might actually get better and better :-)

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