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Reactions to the Honorable Mention List, Part 2


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Mascaras is more technically sound, but not enough so to move the needle given his other flaws and the fact that he doesn't use that to a positive end enough. So much of him is the aura, and Wagner's charisma is hugely over the top. His charisma is so intense that he can barely constrain it and doesn't realize when he should, and it overtakes matches. I'd take, in this instance, too much of that over not enough of Mascaras. Wagner has once in a lifetime elements to him. Mascaras plays someone who's supposed to have once in a life time elements on TV and in magazines, and not very well at that.

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My 95 was Embry. Shocked he made it this far and was on so many ballots. I honestly thought he'd be lucky to appear on a half dozen.


I nearly talked myself into including Stan Lane, on the basis that he appeared 3 times on my tag team ballot. I never really thought of him as an all time great, and still don't, but that is impressive.


Keirn is a guy who I don't watch for years at a time, then watch a bunch at once, and remember how great he was in his prime. Crazy good wrestler, though I didn't rank him.

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Scarlet Left, please show your work on Asuka at #7.

And, I'm sure, once the results have come out, there'll be some kind of King James Version of the list; which takes account only of ballots submitted by the more trusted board members.



I actually doubt that such a thing will exist, but a million-billion points to you for calling it the King James version. Still the best version of the Bible, even if it's wildly inaccurate.

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I'm sure this is true for many, but if I'd had a "second hundred" for some godforsaken reason, the vast majority of it has fallen at this point. So many workers that I like but couldn't quite bring myself to vote for have gone down. People I didn't vote for but I'm happy enough someone else did.


Sasha Banks has a legitimate case as being the best current wrestler in the WWE over the last 6 months. I'm not really sure how that could be called a fad pick if people are able to justify picking some wrestler from the 1960's based off a 10 match sample.

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Scarlet Left, please show your work on Asuka at #7.

And, I'm sure, once the results have come out, there'll be some kind of King James Version of the list; which takes account only of ballots submitted by the more trusted board members.


I actually doubt that such a thing will exist, but a million-billion points to you for calling it the King James version. Still the best version of the Bible, even if it's wildly inaccurate.


There was talk of doing a PWO-PTBN hosts one.

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Surprised to see Batista that high and on 14 other people's ballots. And I wasn't even the high vote! The way his thread went I thought I might be the only one voting for him, though I guess I underestimate the kind of pull that modern WWE has. Makes me somewhat worried where guys like Trips, Edge, and Orton will rank, guys who I think Big Dave was was way better than, especially considering they all worked the same promotion.

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I'm surprised I had Sasha lower (at 79) than her average (which was just over 73). When ranking I thought I'd be the high vote on quite a few people, as I have differing opinions to the consensus of this board, but boy was I wrong!


I'm enjoying this wacky part of the countdown while it lasts because I think the higher we go the more there will be multiple high voters and shorter gaps between high votes and low votes. I know people will continue to disagree right up to the #1 spot but I just think it will become a smaller minority of people really pissed about where wrestlers are landing on the list.

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Scarlet Left, please show your work on Asuka at #7.

And, I'm sure, once the results have come out, there'll be some kind of King James Version of the list; which takes account only of ballots submitted by the more trusted board members.


I actually doubt that such a thing will exist, but a million-billion points to you for calling it the King James version. Still the best version of the Bible, even if it's wildly inaccurate.


There was talk of doing a PWO-PTBN hosts one.



I think I put in a request for this a while back, if it was possible to do. I'm genuinely curious how the top 100 broken up into different sectors shakes out vs. the top 100 overall. Categories might include PWO-PTBN hosts, people who began watching in the 90s compared to people who began watching in the 80s, people who voted for HHH (boo) vs. people who didn't (yay), people who have been on PWO for more than x number of years vs. people who joined in the last two years, etc., etc.

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Shocked El-P wasn't the high vote on Raven :)


Me too actually ! :) I thought he would have dropped way earlier with my only #100 vote. I love Raven even more now that I'm watching his TNA work BTW.


And yeah. That Jarrett quote. After watching WCW 99-01 and as I'l going through early TNA, the "super smart worker" stuff had me rolling, as he instead shows terrible instinct at times.

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