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Wrestlemania 34


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  On 4/9/2018 at 4:35 AM, Mad Dog said:


  On 4/9/2018 at 4:33 AM, KawadaSmile said:


  On 4/9/2018 at 4:31 AM, Mad Dog said:

I don't understand why people thought Lesnar/Reigns was going to be good. Lesnar has sucked for awhile now. He had a good match with AJ Styles who has good matches with everyone.

I don't understand why two guys who had one of the best WM main events ever wouldn't produce another good match!

Because that was 3 years ago and one of them has seen a severe decline in the quality of their work.


Lesnar didn't magically forget how to wrestle, like a Pokemon that has to forget a move once he knows 4.


The feud against Goldberg was booked to perfection, he delivered at Summerslam 2016, he delivered against AJ Styles - and not in a "he was carried!" type of delivery. Hell, even at the Rumble this year he brought some effort, in spite of being completely gassed.


However, much like in the match against Braun, he couldn't give a flying fuck, and that's the biggest problem with him. They really could've done a way better match than what happened here. You can't tango if one of the people involved sandbags it.

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@ Smartmark...



So if you watched it at a bar how many drinks did you have before the main event started? That could explain your enjoyment of the show. Drinking from late afternoon until last call usually makes whatever is on the TV in the background seem enjoyable.

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The reason the main event didn't work was Vince booking idea of turning the crowd against Brock leading up to the match.

Just made the crowd not care before they even started the match, a wrestlemaina crowd would hate Reigns regardless.


Then in the match you wait till the end for blood, what a waste of blood.

So Reigns just keep kicking out of the F5 and reminds the crowd he's the hand picked golden boy.

Just going to piss them off more every time he does it, when no one else is allowed to kick out of it.


Should of have had Brock bloody him up and beat him up and then hit two F5's.

He would only need to kick out of one to show his guts and not make the F5 meaningless.

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  On 4/9/2018 at 4:49 AM, joeg said:

@ Smartmark...

So if you watched it at a bar how many drinks did you have before the main event started? That could explain your enjoyment of the show. Drinking from late afternoon until last call usually makes whatever is on the TV in the background seem enjoyable.

Early morning here in the Philippines and I don't drink. I just personally found a lot to enjoy on this show. Was it strange? Yes. But it was surprising, engaging, and I want to see what's next. It's not masterful NXT but it's captivating in a strange way.

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  On 4/9/2018 at 4:50 AM, ragemaster said:

So Reigns just keep kicking out of the F5 and reminds the crowd he's the hand picked golden boy.

The hand-picked golden boy who carried the build to this match while looking like a fool for a straight month, looks like a massive, massive chump in this match.


Seriously, guys. This "Roman is the golden boy/shoved down our throats" narrative is downright lunacy at this point. Open your eyes. Look at what just went down.

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The Asuka pin was the worse thing on the show, the match went about 13/14 minutes.

They were having a hell of a match, if they been given 10 more minutes would have stole the show.


But its obvious from the booking of her with Jax and on Raw, Vince was never into her or the gimmick.

You can see he just wanted to beat her so he could get the undefeated streak out of the way.

Maybe because it wasn't his booking idea, but a stupid way to end it.

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  On 4/9/2018 at 4:54 AM, KawadaSmile said:


  On 4/9/2018 at 4:50 AM, ragemaster said:

So Reigns just keep kicking out of the F5 and reminds the crowd he's the hand picked golden boy.

The hand-picked golden boy who carried the build to this match while looking like a fool for a straight month, looks like a massive, massive chump in this match.


Seriously, guys. This "Roman is the golden boy/shoved down our throats" narrative is downright lunacy at this point. Open your eyes. Look at what just went down.



But that's the perception of the fans in that building, whether its true or not.

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I watched the show at a Buffalo Wild Wings-ish sports bar (but a better version, if possible) with a buddy of mine who was a casual fan during the 80's and 90's boom periods. There were a decent amount of people at the bar for WrestleMania, including one guy in a Daniel Bryan YES YES YES shirt who was pretty much straight out of an r/SquaredCircle casting call. I'm not sure I'd choose a bar venue again because although I enjoyed the relatively inexpensive beer and wings, I feel like that type of setting doesn't really lend itself to being able to appreciate a lot of the matches.


I liked Charlotte/Asuka. Thought it was decent. Was surprised Asuka lost. I was even more surprised to see how many folks on my Twitter timeline were gushing over it. I think it's one of those matches that suffered because of where I watched it.


I'll admit that I don't watch Smackdown Live, so I was super shocked Jinder won. I thought he was done.


I loved the mixed tag and it got a great reception at the bar and with my friend. Initially, I hated Ronda's entrance with her as the smiling babyface. I thought they should have had her replicate her UFC entrance because if anything, Big Steph looked like the bad ass until the match started. Really great stuff from all four participants.


I liked the Cena/Undertaker bit except for the match itself. All that buildup for a nothing match.


I really liked Bryan and Shane vs. Owens and Sami. Bryan looked great and after the slow start, the match had a hot finish. My friend, who was pretty much totally unfamiliar with Bryan, was initially not behind him because the aforementioned r/SquaredCircle fan was pretty obnoxious, but once Bryan got in, he won my friend over. Shane should probably never wrestle again though.


Nia/Alexa was good. Told the story. Another match my friend was very into, probably because the story was easy to follow, made sense, and he had a crush on Alexa.


I was letdown by AJ/Nak although the turn was really strong.


Braun and Nicholas vs. The Bar was fine. I was letdown that the mystery partner wasn't someone returning/debuting, but the graphic announcing Braun and Nicholas as new tag champs got a chuckle.


Brock/Roman was whatever. It obviously wasn't anywhere near their match from a few years ago, and that's no fault of Roman's. When Roman kept kicking out of all the F5's, it started to make me think that Brock was going to retain because it had just gotten ridiculous. Granted, I was still surprised when Brock won but I thought it was telegraphed a bit. The blood drew a big reaction in the bar which makes sense since it's such a rarity nowadays. I'm not sure what this means for Brock or Roman.


Overall, I thought the show was fine. Definitely too long. My friend's takeaway was that he felt there weren't enough compelling/big time characters, particularly on the male side. He felt that the people who came across as the biggest stars were the women.

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  On 4/9/2018 at 4:58 AM, ragemaster said:

The Asuka pin was the worse thing on the show, the match went about 13/14 minutes.

They were having a hell of a match, if they been given 10 more minutes would have stole the show.


But its obvious from the booking of her with Jax and on Raw, Vince was never into her or the gimmick.

You can see he just wanted to beat her so he could get the undefeated streak out of the way.

Maybe because it wasn't his booking idea, but a stupid way to end it.


Asuka wasn't over and the streak wasn't over.


Good riddance.

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Shame AJ and Nakamura didn't get to have a classic match.

Not sure who laid out the match, them or the agent's in the back.


I know people on this board don't like the WWE classic kick out formula.

But for this crowd I'm guessing that's what they excepted from this match.


But it was just too slow and then once it got going it just ended.

Thought at the pace they were going it was going to hit 30plus.


The good news is it looks like it could be the start to a fantastic feud.

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  On 4/9/2018 at 5:12 AM, C.S. said:


  On 4/9/2018 at 4:58 AM, ragemaster said:

The Asuka pin was the worse thing on the show, the match went about 13/14 minutes.

They were having a hell of a match, if they been given 10 more minutes would have stole the show.


But its obvious from the booking of her with Jax and on Raw, Vince was never into her or the gimmick.

You can see he just wanted to beat her so he could get the undefeated streak out of the way.

Maybe because it wasn't his booking idea, but a stupid way to end it.


Asuka wasn't over and the streak wasn't over.


Good riddance.


Your right, that was my point of the booking, but streaks are rare.


I was hoping with a classic match at mania, which they were halfway to having.

A move to smackdown, with Asuka being booked like she should have from the start.


Then at next years wrestlemaina you would have a main event against Ronda which could be the main event of the show.

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  On 4/9/2018 at 5:12 AM, C.S. said:


  On 4/9/2018 at 4:58 AM, ragemaster said:

The Asuka pin was the worse thing on the show, the match went about 13/14 minutes.

They were having a hell of a match, if they been given 10 more minutes would have stole the show.


But its obvious from the booking of her with Jax and on Raw, Vince was never into her or the gimmick.

You can see he just wanted to beat her so he could get the undefeated streak out of the way.

Maybe because it wasn't his booking idea, but a stupid way to end it.


Asuka wasn't over and the streak wasn't over.


Good riddance.



This is certainly an interesting take...

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I don't know what to think about the ending but I have to say I hope they have a real plan for afterwards with Roman, Brock and the title. If this match was done solely to fake the fans out and the betting lines or to swerve us, then that was a terrible decision. Roman Reigns's credibility took a big hit tonight and all that effort put in building him up, gone up in smoke. Hope they got something good up their sleeves to salvage this.

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  On 4/9/2018 at 5:20 AM, Coffey said:
This is certainly an interesting take...


I don't think it's a unique one. Goldberg was massively over during his streak. Even Tatanka was over. Asuka didn't even come close to Ludvig Borga, of all people.

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Just got done skimming through the show, no way I was watching 5 hours. Quick thoughts. Basically started at the mixed tag.





Fantastic from her. Highly entertaining. Kurt looked big and slow but did what he had to. HHH/Steph played their roles well. Good job from everyone.


- Undertaker/Cena - Well Taker looked better but I want him to retire, I want a Undertaker documentary already.

- Bryan tag - Skip

- Braun tag - Disappointed the partner wasn't anyone special, next match.

- AJ/Naka - Skimmed through it, didn't look great. Is AJ still the greatest?

- Brock/Reigns - Skimmed through this too, Lesnar winning doesn't surprise me, fans looked bored.

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i think this pretty much sums up how fucked up roman's booking was throughout the main events he's got




it kinda sounds like they are forced to put him last because any goodwill the crowd would have would be gone and it would hurt any other matches that would take after it

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Theres a lot of weird shit and choices made on this show and some of it even made me mad, and thats not something that happens often with wrestling. But as far as Asuka losing goes, it was the right choice. They tore the house down, and it unburdens Asuka of a gimmick that never ends well. It establishes Asuka as Charlottes Steamboat. It was shocking, but it worked.

Following with Rusev getting pinned by Jinder though. Oh boy.

Look, no one loves it when they fuck with smarks more than me. But holy shit. And Im hoping this is a start of a Rusev vs Jinder fued for the title, but that fued could have started with Rusev pinning Jinder here.

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