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I think right now, it's especially appreciated. Look at someone like Alex Zayne - he was literally doing delivery to make ends meet during the pandemic. While I'm sure he'd love to get a push in NXT, a six-figure salary is definitely welcome, and if WWE outbid everyone else, I absolutely understand him taking that money even if its not the best for him artistically.

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14 hours ago, KawadaSmile said:

Let's be honest, WWE sounds like a dream job if your main concern is making money. You're earning what, a 5 digit salary per month? To sit in catering and work out? Sounds pretty fucking cool to me!

I think WWE is where you go when you are thinking about retiring in 5-7 years and just want to make some easy money and not hustle 24/7. You can do your run and then do another year or two doing a redemption tour before riding off into the sunset.

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3 minutes ago, Mad Dog said:

I think WWE is where you go when you are thinking about retiring in 5-7 years and just want to make some easy money and not hustle 24/7. You can do your run and then do another year or two doing a redemption tour before riding off into the sunset.

Yeah great observation. When there was an indie scene it was a pretty strong move to come out of WWE having been "cheated" by the system and value was massively inflated by that, whether justified or not. 

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8 minutes ago, Strummer said:

Fightful reporting that Kevin Dunn didn't "get" Billie Kay and that could have been a factor in her release

An old man shouldn't "get" entertainment presumably geared toward attracting a younger demographic. Explains why WWE hasn't been able to do that successfully in a long time. 

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Every time I hear some crusty old dude in WWE, be it Vince, Hayes, Dunn, etc., say they don't "get" some woman, her gimmick, her work, whatever, I assume it means they tried to make a sexual pass at them & got rejected.

I'm not giving any of the people in charge in WWE benefit of the doubt on anything.

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10 minutes ago, Coffey said:

Every time I hear some crusty old dude in WWE, be it Vince, Hayes, Dunn, etc., say they don't "get" some woman, her gimmick, her work, whatever, I assume it means they tried to make a sexual pass at them & got rejected.

I'm not giving any of the people in charge in WWE benefit of the doubt on anything.

That's entirely possible and probably depressingly close to the truth, but since it's Billie there's a non zero chance that they legit don't know what to do with a woman who isn't blonde.


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I was cracking up to see how quickly WWE reacted to that. Hunter, Steph, and Johnny Ace all tweeted at how unacceptable it was and that they fired the person responsible. Of course it also came out that other women who were released reported the same thing happened to them and of course it was only an issue when someone posted it. 

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Yeah there's plenty of evidence that Mark Carrano is a shit human being, but this "send them their stuff in a trash bag" routine predates his time there. It's probably not a coincidence this happened not to long after Johnny Ace came back. 

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I don't think I've seen a single full episode since the first season, but the few times he was on Total Divas, Mark Carrano gave off dipshit vibes. And that was him presumably on his best behavior on-camera in set-up scenarios designed to make the company not look too bad.

However, in the WWE's defense, I've also never met a Human Resources head that didn't give off dipshit vibes. 


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From the picture Mickie James sent, it was her stuff put in a trash bag and then boxed up and sent back to her. Not really seeing an issue with this, as how else would you send her stuff back. 

 Seems to be a small issue and for someone to lose their job over this, seems to be harsh and a over reaction.   

If I was Mickie I be more pissed being let go in the first place, as the only reason she was let go, was her age I'm guessing and not her work.


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Sending someone's stuff back to them in a trash bag is pretty disrespectful, especially someone who was let go for "budget reasons" when the company is making record profits.

It would have taken a few extra minutes to pack her stuff properly, instead they just throw it all in a trash bag. It just shows how little the company thinks of the people who work for them. 

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20 minutes ago, sek69 said:

It would have taken a few extra minutes to pack her stuff properly, instead they just throw it all in a trash bag. It just shows how little the company thinks of the people who work for them. 

We already know how little they think of the staff there, just don't think he should have lost his job over it.

It's a simple change of policy and memo for how they send the personal effects back to it's fired staff, or Vince just thought, one more wage I can cut and push up our share holders profits.

Mickie losing her job is the bigger issue

Now its all about how WWE care's as a company and fired him for his disrespectful packing job. 

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I think having other women come forward and say it happened to them too was what caused WWE to act on this. Since they have Steph out there boasting about single handedly creating women's wrestling and equality in general, having it come out that fired women wrestlers get their shit mailed to them in trash bags was a huge black eye for them.

Also yes, Mark Carrano was 100% the fall guy here, as women from before he worked there came forward to say it happened to them too, but by most accounts he was a jerk even by "all HR people tend to be jerks" standards. So no one is likely to shed any tears over it. 

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I think the symbolism of the trash bag is been made in to a too bigger thing. I may be wrong, but don't think it was used for disrespect, just an easy way to grab their stuff and post back. 

As for Mark Carrano being a jerk, still not sure in this situation why he shouldn't get any sympathy. Him being a jerk is irrelevant, seems to be the company policy to send back stuff in this way. As you said, it happened before he started to work for the company, so he was just doing what was the normal for the company. 

My point is, in this situation he is a victim and lost his job unfairly. 

This just sounds like a very snowflake situation to me at the moment

Now if it transpires that only the women get there stuff sent back this way and the men get theirs sent back boxed up nice. Then it becomes a different issue and a ugly look, as it's obviously been done on purpose and is a misogynistic issue. 









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