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Is the empire crumbling before our eyes?


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47 minutes ago, NintendoLogic said:

Leaving bruises and welts is part of convincing the audience. How believable would it be for two guys to seemingly beat the hell out of each other and not leave a mark? 

That's what workers like Bret Hart and countless others, including famous brawlers, have done their entire career. I don't think anyone ever had any issues with it. 

Also, blading has always looked completely illogical, anyone having watched a boxing match that drew blood in their life would know the crimson mask is bullshit. There's a reason why the most common idea about blood in pro-wrestling is that it's capsule fake blood.

Hey, I enjoy stiff work a lot. But I totally see the point of view of workers who would not take that kind of shit when it goes toward the extreme. Hell, to play devil's advocate, I remember The Honky Tonk Man making fun of Steamboat's machingun-wound sell of a guy slapping his chest with his bare open hand, saying it looked completely stupid (of course I disagree, but I understand what he means).

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This is absolutely insane that WWE allows this to happen. It's bad enough that Izzy is surrounded by the most garbage people there is, including her parents, but MSK shouldn't be subjected to this trash because they expressed legit concern about a teenage girl training to wrestle.

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Cuts from boxing bleed differently due to the more blunt nature of the strikes, but cuts from elbows in MMA can definitely lead to a classic Ric Flair-esque crimson mask. Watch Cain Velasquez cut up Bigfoot Silva and tell me you don't get strong Muta vibes from Bigfoot's gash 

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The real hey wait a minute this ain't real when it comes to blood is no one is ever bleeding from anywhere but middle of forehead or in the hairline. Not that I think it'd be great to have dudes blading their cheek bones or near their eyes, but that's where people get cut more often than not in actual fights.

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People get cuts along the eyes in boxing because the bones around the eyes where the padded glove can still press the skin hard enough to force a cut plus you get the rare shot where the seem of a glove just catches someone right. Bare knuckle is a totally different story and you can bleed pretty easily crimson mask style getting hit in the head with an object.

9 hours ago, El-P said:

Also, blading has always looked completely illogical, anyone having watched a boxing match that drew blood in their life would know the crimson mask is bullshit. There's a reason why the most common idea about blood in pro-wrestling is that it's capsule fake blood. 

Yeah, because people know pro wrestling is fake, so the the thought is why would actors in a fake sport really be bleeding. No one thinks "oh he's bleeding from the forehead, that's totally impossible despite the ubiquitous presence of kids at urgent care with random head wounds, must be a blood capsule"

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I don't think WALTER's game only works if he fucking blasts his opponent to the point their chest turns black. Like some have said, sometimes only a single slap is enough to make someone like Sheamus or Dragunov go red. Plus, his latest match with Ilja worked with him getting his ass handed to him more than anything.

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The MMA comparison are fine, expect not really since MMA really popped up in the mid 90's, at a point where the whole "you gotta make it believable" was a completely moot point anyway. The only popular fighting sport during pro-wrestling "classic" heydays was boxing. Blood in pro-wrestling is a total other subject, and there's probably a lot to discuss about it too.

9 hours ago, strobogo said:

The real hey wait a minute this ain't real when it comes to blood is no one is ever bleeding from anywhere but middle of forehead or in the hairline. Not that I think it'd be great to have dudes blading their cheek bones or near their eyes, but that's where people get cut more often than not in actual fights.


Also, there used to be the good old Harley Race style hardway, which needless to say had to suck a lot worse than blading your forehead in term of actual commotion. 

6 hours ago, KawadaSmile said:

I don't think WALTER's game only works if he fucking blasts his opponent to the point their chest turns black. 

Like I said, I don't either, he's a terrific worker anyway.

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11 hours ago, SirEdger said:


This is absolutely insane that WWE allows this to happen. It's bad enough that Izzy is surrounded by the most garbage people there is, including her parents, but MSK shouldn't be subjected to this trash because they expressed legit concern about a teenage girl training to wrestle.

This is some crazy shit indeed. Poor girl, she can't bet balanced being surrounded by pieces of garbage of human beings like these people. I mean, chanting "Your dad's dead" at the guy who, as a professional, showed concern for the safety of a 13 years old girl ? Spectacular pieces of shit. This is downright harassement and should be dealt with.

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Also, you generally have to work a cut over to produce a full-blown crimson mask. In boxing and MMA, most fights would be stopped well before reaching that point. Also, those sports have breaks in between rounds that allow cuts to be treated. Blood in wrestling was a selling point for guys like Bill Watts. He'd say that a pussy like Roberto Duran might say "no mas" after coming down with stomach cramps, but Ted DiBiase has the guts to fight through severe blood loss.

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5 hours ago, El-P said:

This is some crazy shit indeed. Poor girl, she can't bet balanced being surrounded by pieces of garbage of human beings like these people. I mean, chanting "Your dad's dead" at the guy who, as a professional, showed concern for the safety of a 13 years old girl ? Spectacular pieces of shit. This is downright harassement and should be dealt with.

IIRC she even trained at convicted pedophile Chasyn Rance's gym. Things just get worse the more you look into it.

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On 10/23/2021 at 12:42 PM, NintendoLogic said:

Leaving bruises and welts is part of convincing the audience. How believable would it be for two guys to seemingly beat the hell out of each other and not leave a mark? Obviously, blading your chest like Tenryu did against Kobashi is the way to go.

I don't know if you are being serious or not, but yes! I agree with this 100%. Its why I always complain about closed fist punches to the face. 

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16 hours ago, NintendoLogic said:

Also, you generally have to work a cut over to produce a full-blown crimson mask. In boxing and MMA, most fights would be stopped well before reaching that point. Also, those sports have breaks in between rounds that allow cuts to be treated. Blood in wrestling was a selling point for guys like Bill Watts. He'd say that a pussy like Roberto Duran might say "no mas" after coming down with stomach cramps, but Ted DiBiase has the guts to fight through severe blood loss.

Yeah, typically in boxing or MMA a crimson mask-style cut creates a situation where a guy can no longer see properly, leading to him taking a ton of unnecessary punishment if the fight doesn't get stopped right there. But there's definitely been a fair amount of cuts in shoots far more gruesome than any blade jobs you'd get in pro wrestling. Was rewatching Lennox Lewis vs. Vitali Klitschko the other day and the sheer amount of blood gives a lot of pro wrestling blade jobs a run for their money, never mind the disgusting gash itself.

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I'm surprised there haven't been any posts about Greg Hamilton's release.

First he went scorched earth on a rapper for daring to use a short soundbite of him - look up "fair use," asshole - and threatened to sue him into oblivion with WWE's lawyers. Bad idea!

Then his wife outed him as a verbal abuser.

Now Greg is gaslighting everyone by claiming the release was a mutual decision. 

No one remembers now, but he also went off with nasty, tactless comments against Lio Rush after Lio's release, only to backpeddle and delete after.

Methinks Greg has some serious anger management issues.

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Not to mention just a short while before his latest outburst he was posting pics from a Be A Star event.  Dude seems like an all around asshole, and TBF I never thought he was that good of a ring announcer. He kept doing weird vocal inflections (KEVIN AHH-OWWWENNNNS!) that just sounded odd and never seemed to "get" the job.

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50 minutes ago, C.S. said:

First he went scorched earth on a rapper for daring to use a short soundbite of him - look up "fair use," asshole - and threatened to sue him into oblivion with WWE's lawyers. Bad idea!


The thing I thought of here was that if the sample was indeed something that could be litigated, would Greg Hamilton have even been able to bring the suit or profit off it? I would figure that the WWE "likeness" contracts would mean the only parties that need to be paid would be WWE.

Or if, let's say, a TV show or a movie wanted to license a clip from WWE to show a character watching wrestling on TV, do the wrestlers in that clip even get a kickback of whatever money gets paid to WWE? It does seem like implying that HE would get WWE's lawyers to sue raised the eyebrows that caused this release, but if he had decided to chase that money on his own, would he have even been entitled to it since (I'm assuming) he probably signed over some likeness rights as part of his WWE contract?

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Yeah if anything WWE would get the money paid to use a clip from their show, but if the sample is properly credited (I don't know if it was or not) it should fall under fair use. Either way it wouldn't be his fight if there was a case.

Also it's one thing for Roman to talk shit, but a ring announcer? Dude has a very inflated sense of his worth to the company. My man is acting like he has Jerry Mac on speed dial when you know his call would get kicked right to voicemail. 

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Is your empire crumbling? Well, have we got a solution for you!

"As per the the latest edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, there's a new WWE directive in place for the company to look to hire shorter referees. Of course, if stood in-ring next to a short ref, wrestlers will naturally appear tall or, as WWE hopes, comes across as taller than they actually are...On the flip side of this, there were stories of certain WCW wrestlers - notably Randy Savage - who didn't like to have Nick Patrick officiating their matches, for Patrick's 6'2" frame would make the wrestlers in question look shorter." (courtesy WhatCulture).

I'm picturing the feasibility study, where Nick Khan explains how short referees are cheaper and more-plentiful than tall wrestlers...

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