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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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WWE is still hoping that Stone Cold Steve Austin will get medical clearance for a match at Wrestlemania 30. If he is cleared and interested, an idea has been pitched. The idea is that Stone Cold would fight Triple H at the PPV for control of the WWE. Austin would represent Vince McMahon.

Nothing says that he IS interested, just that they have an idea to bring him back. Which is stupid and I don't think it's something Austin would come back for. Especially since that seems like a match Triple H is going to win in the end.

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I would rather the old dudes stick to wrestling each other if it keeps them out of the main event next year. That's of course assuming they don't end up headlining with Cena vs. Undertaker, though I have a hard time seeing what they actually gain long term doing that match now unless they use it to turn Cena heel at the cost of the streak. And I have a hard time thinking they end WM XXX with a heel winning.


I wouldn't mind something like Punk/Austin underneath the main event but I'm hoping they find a way to get away from having a nostalgia act headline Wrestlemania personally.

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Rey should just accept he is done as well, or he is going to become an even bigger wreck. I suppose it is harder for him, because he can't carry on in a non wrestling/special attraction role like others due to the mask.



I think Rey could go to Mexico, work at one-third or half-speed and keep going strong for a while as a novelty/celebrity act.

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This is the most motivated Heyman has been in his on air career since the DA angle. That's 22 years ago. His run here is blowing away anything he did from 01-03 or any angle involving the new ECW. Hell probably better than anything he did in the "proper" ECW (which wasn't much most 94)

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I find it highly unlikely that Austin would come back for a "dream match" against HHH that isn't a dream match to anybody but the McMahons. Austin isn't in the WWE bubble, he keeps tabs on the product, and he's smart enough to know that that's a waste of his last match.


The whole setup doesn't even make sense to me. I would think Steph eventually sides with HHH and they go over in this power struggle storyline as the future leaders of WWE, unless the whole idea is to turn Vince into the grandfatherly babyface authority figure while he's doing less and less backstage. But if that's the end goal, why is he a total heel right now in the start of the angle?


Meh, it's a waste of time trying to wrap my head around McMahon nonsense. Just the fact that they're making themselves the focus of the major WM angle yet again is stupid on it's own merit

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Perhaps they are setting up a really high concept angle where the fans are turned heel, in an attempt to get them to boo themselves.

Fuck, if this is an elaborate plan to eradicate the "WHAT?" chants, I'm totally on board with it.

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I just watched a Goldberg vs Jerry Flynn match on YouTube where Mike Tenay said Flynn was skilled in both pro wrestling and shootfighting. Think about saying that on a wrestling show for a second. How did this geek ever get a gig as an announcer?

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Was Tenay really a tape trader back in the day? Was he like an announcer that happened to be into it deep, or a superfan that broke into the business though... however that happens? What's the story with him anyway.

I thought he was just a radio show guy who got a minor gig with WCW in the early 90s who wound up getting TV time on Clash cards and Nitro because he could explain lucha libre.

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He's a superfan who broke in. He published some pre-Observer newsletters in the 70's, wrote programs for Mike LeBell in Los Angeles and articles for various wrestling magazines of the time. He was also a big part of the early tape trading scene. He had some sort of casino job in the 90's (sports book I think) which he parlayed into working with a local radio station, which led to the Wrestling Insiders radio show that gained national syndication. He had a relationship with WCW through the radio show, and WCW brought him in to do the When World's Collide PPV because none of the in house announcers knew anything about AAA or lucha. Bischoff decided to keep him around and use him as the "cruiserweight announcer" which eventually led to a regular gig

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Was Tenay really a tape trader back in the day? Was he like an announcer that happened to be into it deep, or a superfan that broke into the business though... however that happens? What's the story with him anyway.

He was definitely a tape trader. Alfredo Esparza, who currently runs Slambamjam, pulled off a big coup some years ago by purchasing a bunch of tapes from Tenay's collection, which he kept in immaculate condition.

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Juggalo Championship Wrestling will present Bloodymania 7 featuring Vampiro, Hurricane Helms, Bobby Lashley, Rikishi, Kevin Steen, Paul London, Necro Butcher and more.

Got the strange urge to see Rikishi work heel against Necro Butcher. Imagine the heat if he gave him the stink face in front of a massive smark crowd.


I've heard a few wrestlers talk about the experience of working the Gathering of the Juggalos on podcasts, but I was wondering if any posters here have ever been to a JCW show?


I went to a JCW show a few years ago. It was really fun honestly. Being surrounded by Juggalos can get fairly annoying but this night wasn't horrible. The wrestling wasn't mind blowing but it was decent. The best segment of the night involved Tracy Smothers. He got some of the best heat I have ever witnessed live. At one point I was sure that a Juggalo would jump him and a few minutes later someone did try to touch him and got punched in the face. It was in a small nightclub and his match went all over the building.


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