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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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High on everyone's book and shoot interview wishlist Pat Patterson is in the process of writing a book as per Jim Ross:



-Ross on Pat Patterson: "I'm told Pat Patterson is writing his memoirs and after seeing much of Pat's photo collection from over his career I'm betting the book will be great. Pat has a tremendous sense of humor and was one of the best in ring performers ever along with being a tremendous wrestling strategist. Pat's journey as a gay man in a largely homophobic, alpha Caucasian male, good old boys network known as pro wrestling in the territory days is one of courage and conviction. I can't wait to read it. I learned a great deal about the wrestling biz and life from Pat."

I will be really sad if Pat doesn't realise the potential of his story.


I can't wait to hear Pat's thoughts on all the wink-wink nudge-nudge comments JR made in the broadcast booth.

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Occurred to me lately that there is little Eddie Guerrero talk around here. He's one of my favorites of his general era.


Is the reasoning for not a lot of Eddie talk:


1. He's already been talked to death years ago


2. Is he in the Angle category for most people


3. Does his stuff not hold up


No wrong answers, I'm just curious why he might be glossed over here to a degree.

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He's been dead for 8 years and was talked about/debated extensively after he died. The vast majority agree that he was great and there's a pretty strong consensus on the different phases of his career.....so there hasn't been a need for further debate or revisionism like with say Kurt Angle. I don't think of him as "glossed over" at all

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He's been dead for 8 years and was talked about/debated extensively after he died. The vast majority agree that he was great and there's a pretty strong consensus on the different phases of his career.....so there hasn't been a need for further debate or revisionism like with say Kurt Angle. I don't think of him as "glossed over" at all

Cool, makes sense

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I also think he was a person who died while he was really doing a lot of awesome stuff and had gained much acclaim from various aspects of the audience. Didn't have a long decline period where he stayed on too long, etc. And yes, talked about a bunch at the time.

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Occurred to me lately that there is little Eddie Guerrero talk around here. He's one of my favorites of his general era.


Is the reasoning for not a lot of Eddie talk:


1. He's already been talked to death years ago


2. Is he in the Angle category for most people


3. Does his stuff not hold up


No wrong answers, I'm just curious why he might be glossed over here to a degree.

Might be number one. Personally, I had binge-watched goodhelmet's Guerrero set in the Summer of 2008 and afterwards, didn't watched anything Guerrero related in ages (until this past week). For lack of a better phrase, I "moved on".


I actually wanted to start a thread last week (anniversary of his death) on the Microscope section of this forum about Guerrero. But decided to go back and rewatch a lot of his stuff before doing so. So far, I've only seen his late 1997 work, which is still awesome. Also, been going back and re-reading some great reviews that Cooke and Loss have written on here years ago.


I was also curious to hear if people had different thoughts about him now than they did five years ago when goodhelmet's set was released.

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Not sure what there really is left to discuss to be honest. No one's going to argue he wasn't good and since he passed, there's nothing really new left to discuss.


Also might be worth to keep in mind:

- Talk lessens for each wrestler after they die, unless they die under odd circumstances. There's always going to be a Brody, Gino or Benoit mention but you won't hear too much about Andre(aside from a drinking story) or Misawa.

- Eddie kind of falls in middle of the older fans and newer fans. Most of the current Cena fans weren't watching during his last days and most of the older fans have pretty much said everything you could say about Eddie whether it be the LGL vs Santo/Octagon match, the HH 97 match, The Smackdown 6 or the Brock match.

- A lot of the older fans have moved on with few replacing them. I don't have numbers to back it up but there used to be A LOT more people on the boards like DVDVR, Puroresufan and others compared to how many there are now. I used to be able to spend all day and not go through all the threads, but now I could clear them in no time.

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I'm in the same boat as Raging Noodles, after his anniversary I started watching a lot of Eddie matches, since I hadn't really in a while. If someone had made the thread I would have participated the shit out of it.


He is probably old news at this point, but a lot of it is still new to me because I haven't seen too much of his 90s work.

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Latest on Dana vs. GSP:

White—who later hopped on a message board to tell critics that they're "PUSSIES" and "butthurt" and should go follow One Direction—reiterated that retirement is not an option for St-Pierre, and plainly stated that yes, Georges St-Pierre does in fact owe White and the rest of the world a rematch with Hendricks:

But, he made a big mistake, when he said what he said. Shouldn't have said it, didn't make sense, and it left everyone wondering what was going on, including me.


When we talk about "GSP doesn't owe you anything," you're wrong, here's the reality: GSP took almost a year and a half off, and he's had two fights since then—since he tore his ACL out. When you fight in this sport, there's a small opportunity for people, and there's a lineup of people who want a shot at the UFC 170 pound title. You can't just say, "I'm going to put this on hold" because you have personal problems. You can't do that. No, you cannot. You can't do that.


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I'm sure I've asked this before, but I'll do it again.


Did Georgia All Star Wrestling hold an event in 1990 called, Beach Brawl? (I know Herb Abrahms held an event called that in 1991). The main event of which was a match between Randy Rose and Nick Busick callled an Escape from Alcatraz Island match.


There was a whole shpiel about how the match unfoled in the results section of PWI. No Photos though! Did this happen, or was if some copy that Apter wrote to fill column space when he was stoned.


The Terry Funk/Stan Hansen island death match happen around the same time, so was this just a play on it?

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Latest on Dana vs. GSP:

White—who later hopped on a message board to tell critics that they're "PUSSIES" and "butthurt" and should go follow One Direction—reiterated that retirement is not an option for St-Pierre, and plainly stated that yes, Georges St-Pierre does in fact owe White and the rest of the world a rematch with Hendricks:

But, he made a big mistake, when he said what he said. Shouldn't have said it, didn't make sense, and it left everyone wondering what was going on, including me.


When we talk about "GSP doesn't owe you anything," you're wrong, here's the reality: GSP took almost a year and a half off, and he's had two fights since then—since he tore his ACL out. When you fight in this sport, there's a small opportunity for people, and there's a lineup of people who want a shot at the UFC 170 pound title. You can't just say, "I'm going to put this on hold" because you have personal problems. You can't do that. No, you cannot. You can't do that.



This is the same guy who supposedly begged his "good buddy" Chuck Liddell to retire because he was so punch drunk, yet still let him fight when it was clear Liddell's chin was gone and his brain was damaged and he had no business fighting anymore


And he wants to try and guilt GSP into fighting when everyone around GSP is coming out now with stories about how GSP is close to bad news status brain wise, if not already?


You stay classy, Dana White

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Latest on Dana vs. GSP:

White—who later hopped on a message board to tell critics that they're "PUSSIES" and "butthurt" and should go follow One Direction—reiterated that retirement is not an option for St-Pierre, and plainly stated that yes, Georges St-Pierre does in fact owe White and the rest of the world a rematch with Hendricks:

But, he made a big mistake, when he said what he said. Shouldn't have said it, didn't make sense, and it left everyone wondering what was going on, including me.


When we talk about "GSP doesn't owe you anything," you're wrong, here's the reality: GSP took almost a year and a half off, and he's had two fights since then—since he tore his ACL out. When you fight in this sport, there's a small opportunity for people, and there's a lineup of people who want a shot at the UFC 170 pound title. You can't just say, "I'm going to put this on hold" because you have personal problems. You can't do that. No, you cannot. You can't do that.



This is the same guy who supposedly begged his "good buddy" Chuck Liddell to retire because he was so punch drunk, yet still let him fight when it was clear Liddell's chin was gone and his brain was damaged and he had no business fighting anymore


And he wants to try and guilt GSP into fighting when everyone around GSP is coming out now with stories about how GSP is close to bad news status brain wise, if not already?


You stay classy, Dana White


God, what a scumbag.


I guess the judges made a sketchy call with this last GSP fight, but I still think it would be pretty cool to have a guy with the career of GSP go out "on top".

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Guest The Jiz

White is a POS.


The ruling wasn't sketchy as much as White is trying to appeal to his white trash fans who want to see human cockfighting, which UFC has always claimed it is not.


Fact: Decisions depend on points per round,

Fact: All judges unanimously agreed on rounds 2, 3, 4, and 5,

Fact: Only round one was split,

Fact: Neither fighter dominated either round to allow for 10-8 points,

Fact: In round 1, both fighters got one takedown, and GSP landed more significant strikes.


So with a different set of judges, it could have gone either way but not with this pool. So what this amounts to are two things. First, White and Rogan are exploiting fan ignorance of their own metric system by shifting goal posts in claiming judges are supposed to judge by Who won the fight. Second, White is a cry baby who didn't get his way in GSP, his top draw, passing the torch.


Even Vince McMahon isn't that pig-headed.

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Can anyone tell me when fans started WOOOOing as a tribute to flair when someone gets chopped? Its automatic nowadays whenever anyone does a chop, but how far back does it go and when did it really catch on?

The ECW Arena crowd in Philly usually gets the credit for it. I don't really know how they started it, but Flair wasn't exactly popular to them. It might have been a mocking of him, or to get on Shane Douglas' case.

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