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Comments that don't warrant a thread - Part 3


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Viewing the Saturday Night Main Event from right before Wrestlemania III on WWE Network, two random observations:


1. It's stunning how much the opening segment, with brief 20-second promos from each wrestler highlighted on the show got me way more excited to watch this than the "last week on RAW/followed by 20-minute opening promo" gets me for RAW. I definitely think it would be worth experimenting with doing something like that at the start of RAW every now and then - or even an episode where they have one of these at the start of every hour. It just seems like the more I watch '80s WWF that little touches that were meant to draw the casual viewer back then and get them caught up on storylines quickly could be easily more effective even in 2014 than the current formula.


2. I know the touring cycles were different back then, but it also seems nuts in hindsight that they ran a major Saturday Night's Main Event taping in Detroit a mere five weeks before they were back in the area for Wrestlemania III. It's a good testament to how hot the WWF product was back then that they drew 20,000 people for this taping and then fairly immediately after filled the Silverdome.

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Viewing the Saturday Night Main Event from right before Wrestlemania III on WWE Network, two random observations:


1. It's stunning how much the opening segment, with brief 20-second promos from each wrestler highlighted on the show got me way more excited to watch this than the "last week on RAW/followed by 20-minute opening promo" gets me for RAW. I definitely think it would be worth experimenting with doing something like that at the start of RAW every now and then - or even an episode where they have one of these at the start of every hour. It just seems like the more I watch '80s WWF that little touches that were meant to draw the casual viewer back then and get them caught up on storylines quickly could be easily more effective even in 2014 than the current formula.


2. I know the touring cycles were different back then, but it also seems nuts in hindsight that they ran a major Saturday Night's Main Event taping in Detroit a mere five weeks before they were back in the area for Wrestlemania III. It's a good testament to how hot the WWF product was back then that they drew 20,000 people for this taping and then fairly immediately after filled the Silverdome.


I thought the random (and messy) Lanny Poffo blade job was pretty unexpected, too. I guess it was done to get Andre over as a killer monster? He even did a stretcher job for it.


And, yeah, once I realized that they taped that SNME weeks before WM I was pretty shocked that they ducked in and out of MI like that when these days they'll spend up to two weeks in the same city for major cards.

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Yeah the idea was to really ram home the idea that Andre was the most dangerous threat Hulk has ever faced, so killing the lovable jobber and busting him up in a way not seen in that era of WWF was the best way to do it.


It's kind of amazing how well it worked. As a kid at the time, I thought Hulk was a dead man walking. Now I rewatch WM 3 and see a guy who can barely walk more than two steps away from the ropes without looking like he was going to crumble into dust.

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Not sure about Cawthon's book, but If you can grab a copy online, I highly recommend the MSG results history book published by Scott Teal from 1999 or so. It covers results from 1880-1999 and includes neat historical bits like newspaper articles from the 1910's-1950's about MSG shows, articles on the 1957 riot from the time, and Tom Wolfe's 1964 piece on wrestling at MSG, among other stuff. Really great resource.

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I want to see a feud. A feud between two wrestlers. That builds up & is heated. A good guy against a bad guy. The good guy wanting revenge. The bad guy getting his comeuppance. Culminating in a bloody cage match with a decisive babyface win.


In 2014, now almost 2015, is there a chance that can even happen anymore?


I don't think there is in WWE. Maybe I should just go back & re-watch cage matches from yesteryear.

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So I'll be in Portland this weekend, and I seem to remember there being one or two people from Portland that post here and at DVDVR. This card is happening this weekend. Naturally, the two names I recognize happen to be two of my least favorite wrestlers. But are any of the other guys any good? It's only $12. I think I've seen one of the guys in a Finlay match before, but remember nothing about him.

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I just finished reading Confessions of the Game Doctor by Bill Kunkel (which can be purchased as an ebook for a limited time from https://storybundle.com/games - and no, I have nothing to do with that site, author, book, etc.). It's mostly about Kunkel's lengthy career as a video game scribe, obviously, but he also wrote about wrestling on the side and there were a few interesting tidbits about that.


- Kunkel and his partners Arnie Katz and Joyce Worley created the original Micro League Wrestling PC game (remember that?)


- Andre was ornery and drunk during an autograph signing and hated doing them - all because of his disease. Nothing new there.

- Funny Sting autograph signing story. Everyone expected the singer and wondered "what happened to him?" when they saw the wrestler Sting, as if the singer suddenly became very sick or weird. Hahaha.


- Bill Cosby was an "unpleasant" asshole during an autograph signing, even though he was paid to be pleasant. Okay, that has nothing to do with wrestling, but I found it interesting. Keep in mind, this book was written years before the current controversy.


Kunkel's first words about his side career as a wrestling writer described it almost dismissively - referring to it as wrestling "of all things" - but the guy was obviously a true blue fan, considering that he wrote for The Wrestling Perspective for several years (which was a great newsletter, but I'm guessing only the hardest of hardcore wrestling fans knew about it). To be fair, he did mention his wrestling fandom few more times in the book without any shame.


The book probably isn't worth it just for the wrestling content, but if you like games too, it's a great read.

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So I'll be in Portland this weekend, and I seem to remember there being one or two people from Portland that post here and at DVDVR. This card is happening this weekend. Naturally, the two names I recognize happen to be two of my least favorite wrestlers. But are any of the other guys any good? It's only $12. I think I've seen one of the guys in a Finlay match before, but remember nothing about him.


I'm not from Portland, but I can tell you from watching the Championship Wrestling from Hollywood show, that Ethan HD is terrible. I've not heard of anyone else.

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Was there any underlying reason behind Andre appearing at Clash 20 in 1992?


To fuck around with McMahon. I don't remember the reason, but Andre wasn't happy with Vince for some reason, so he choose to appear in WCW.


Yeah, this was it, wasn't it? He wasn't happy with his WWF money and saw a chance to thumb Vince in the eye.


I think Meltzer just talked about on one of the audio shows in the last month

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